Display Order History Screen

Purpose: Use this option to review any type of activity that occurred since the order was entered, including order activity received through the Generic Order Transaction History API. The system logs all order history automatically for inquiry purposes, including when the order was:

• Authorized or declined

• Canceled

• Held

• Maintained

• Released

• Logged as a sale (when the invoice was generated)

• Shipped

• Sold out

The system records these activities against the order on the Display Order History screen. The system can record up to 999 transactions for each order. This information remains on the system for inquiry purposes until the order is purged.

Subscriptions: The system also records order history for each subscription generation. This occurs when you are Generating the Subscription Extract Table (WGSE) for items identified as subscriptions (if the Subscription field for the Item is selected). For example, six entries would be logged to the Order History for a 6-month subscription, reflecting each time another issue of the subscription item is included in the Subscription Extract file.

Information captured: The system captures the following information on the Display Order History screen:

• Date and time of activity

• Type of activity

• Transaction note

• Amount

• User ID

Tracking packages: Use the Package Info option to advance to the Display Package Information Screen, where you can review shipment tracking numbers and, depending on the ship via, advance to the shipper’s web site to review tracking history. The Package Info option is available if you have received any tracking numbers related to shipments on the order through the PC manifesting interface, or if you have completed pick/pack verification.

Streamlined order inquiry: As an alternative to standard order inquiry, the Streamlined Order Inquiry (DORI) option provides a consolidated, one-page view of the order, including a pop-up window displaying order history.

Special characters? If there are any special characters in the Order Transaction History message, the system replaces the first special character, excluding any underscores, with a space when you advance to this screen.

How to display this screen: Select Order History at the:

Work with Order Lines Screen in order maintenance

Order Inquiry Header Screen or Order Inquiry Detail Screen



Order #

A unique number to identify an order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

Sold to (Sold to customer name)

The name of the customer who placed the order.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

First name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Ship to (Ship to customer name)

The name of the customer to receive the order. These fields are blank if the Sold To Customer receives the order.

Last name

The customer's last name.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

First name

The customer's first name.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; display-only.


The initial of the customer's middle name.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.


The date when the order activity occurred.

Numeric, 6 positions (in user date format); display-only, updated by the system.


A code for a type of update against the order.

The OTH_TRANSACTION_TYPE code in the ORDER_TRANSACTION_HISTORY table is indicated in parentheses.

Valid values are described below. Related Transaction Notes are also described if they add additional information. If an Amount is specified for the entry, it is mentioned below as well; otherwise, the Amount is blank.

Assignment Updated (T) = Workflow task assignment creation or update. Examples of Transaction Notes include Task Created/Resolved, or the rule applied.

Auth (A) = Manual authorization applied for credit card or other activity, such as an authorization reversal. The Transaction Notes provide further details, for example: MANUAL AUTH# DETECTED - ABC1234. The letter A is displayed as the transaction Type. The amount authorized is listed in the Amount field.

BO Cards (K) = Backorder card evaluation and update to the Order Detail record. The Transaction Note provides further details, for example: 1st B/O-line 2, ship date 18/11/19. See Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications for an overview.

Call Tag = Call tag printed. This option is not currently implemented.

Cancel (C) = A customer membership was canceled. The Transaction Note indicates the membership that was canceled, for example: Membership MEMB01 cancelled.

D/S PO (D) = Drop ship purchase order generated. The Transaction Note indicates the purchase order number generated, for example: DROP SHIP PO# 0000102 CREATED.

Hold (H) = Hold applied through order maintenance or as a result of credit checking. The Transaction Note indicates the hold reason, for example: SYS HLD---SYSTEM HOLD MISC FRAUD.

Letter (L) = Notification (card, email, or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut)) generated for the customer or vendor related to the order. The Transaction Note provides information on the notification type and customer address, for example: Ord Conf to e.roosevelt@example.com.


Maint (M) = Maintenance through Order Maintenance. The system also uses this code when it applies a prorated discount, when activity takes place related to the Order Broker Integration, when an order is released from hold, when an order is accepted in batch order entry, when an item is re-reserved, or when the system posts a contribution (based on the setting of the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70)). The Amount indicates the order total at the time of maintenance.

Note: Starting with release 18.0, the system no longer creates Maintenance records for activity updates from Order Broker. See above for the individual records created when an order is accepted, shipped, picked, or picked up.

Note: A separate Order Canceled record is created when an order is canceled in maintenance only if no items have shipped for the order.

Order Accepted (3) = Store Accepted Order. Order Broker indicated that the fulfilling store location accepted the order or line. The line number is indicated in the Transaction Note.

Order Cancelled (X) = Order Cancelled. The non-quote order was canceled before any items were shipped. A few things to note:

- This entry does not indicate whether the cancel reason used was flagged to update demand.

- The Amount indicates the total amount of the order including freight, regardless of whether the Recalculate freight option was selected at order cancellation.

- This entry is created separately for each ship-to on the order.

- A Maintenance record is also written in addition to the Order Canceled record.

Order Message (7) = Order Message Added. An order message was written for the order.

Order Picked (4) = Store Picked Order. Order Broker indicated that the assigned fulfilling location picked the order.

Order Picked Up (6) - Customer Picked Up Order. Order Broker indicated that the customer has picked up the order from the store location. The line number is indicated in the Transaction Note, for example: Ln#: 2 Customer Picked Up Order.


Order Shipped (5) = Store Shipped Order. Order Broker indicated that the fulfilling location shipped the order. The line number is indicated in the Transaction Note.

Pick Gen Error (!) = Problem Generating Pick. A stock allocation error occurred. The line number is indicated in the Transaction Note, for example: Problem Generating Pick - Order line 2.

Pick Generated (P) = Pick Gen. A pick slip was generated. This message is written when you use cart/bin picking. The Transaction Note indicates the pick control number, warehouse, and cart/bin, for example: Pk 212 Whs 1 Ct/Bn 111/108/2.

Note: Starting with release 18.0, the system no longer creates a Pick Gen (P) record when a stock allocation error occurs.

Price Override (W) = Price override. The price of an item was overridden. The system does not write a price override history message here when it applies the Default Price Override Reason (B35). The Transaction Note indicates the order line updated; for example, User price override - Order line 1. The Amount indicates the unit price of the item after applying the override.

Quote Maintenance (@) = Quote was maintained. The Amount indicates the order total when the quote was maintained.

Note: If the quote was canceled during maintenance, a maintenance (M) record is also created, indicating the cancel reason.

R/A Maintenance (*) = A return authorization was created, received, or credited through Working with Return Authorizations. The Transaction Note indicates Order was maintained through R/A. The Amount is the refund amount.

Refund (F) = Refund processed or changed. The Transaction Note indicates the type of update; for example, Refund has been released or CC Crd for inv#101 processed.

Release (R) = The order was released from hold. The Transaction Note indicates the hold reason code and part of the user ID or process that released the order, for example: Order 131 released from ER HOLD EK.


ROL Error (2) = The system did not print a pick slip for the specified order line because the Qty remaining or Qty printed in the Reserved Order Line table does not tie correctly to the Qty reserved or Qty printed in the Order Detail table. The system also prints the order line on the Unmatched Reserved/Remaining Qty Report. The Transaction Note indicates the line number; for example, Pick not printed Ln # 001 qty mismatch. The Amount is the extended price of the order line.

Note: Contact Center does not display the ROL Error under Order Activity.

Rtn Auth (N) = R/A Credit pending processing. A return or exchange was created for the order or an order line. The Amount indicates the total amount of the credit.

Shipment (S) = A shipment or credit bills. Multiple entries are written when a pick slip is confirmed and processes in billing. Sample Transaction Notes might be:

- Pick slip confirmation: Pick# 212 Mtr 0.00 Wgt 0.00, Via 1 T#, Via 1 T#ABCD1234, and Pick# 0000212 Billed on Invoice# 000012. The shipment total is the Amount indicated for the entry related to the invoice creation; for example, Pick# 0000212 Billed on Invoice# 000012.

- Express-billed shipment or return: EXPRESS BILLED ON INVOICE # 0000127.

Sold Out (O) = Item sold out automatically based on the value in the S/O field for the item, and a soldout notification generated. The Transaction Note indicates the line number, for example: S/O card generated-line 3.

Subscription (B) = An issue for the subscription was generated. The Transaction Note indicates the issue number and subscription code, for example: Issue# 002 sent for SUBSCRIPTION.

System Update (Y) = Can be written with the following Transaction Notes:

- CSV removed for security (no Amount indicated)

- Suppress refund updated to on p/t 4 (no Amount indicated)

- Award amt not redeemed-card# not found (Amount indicated)


Unreserved (U) = Interactive reservation. Indicates that an item was reserved or unreserved manually, such as through Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV) or Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). The Transaction Note indicates the line number that was unreserved, for example: Order Line 1 unrsv'd w/BO qty of 1.

Upsell Promo (E) = Promotion discount applied. The Transaction Notes indicate both the type of discount, and the promotion name and description, for example: Total Prorated Order Level Discount and 10%OFF - 10% OFF ORDER, where 10%OFF is the promotion name and 10% OFF ORDER is the promotion description. The Amount indicates the discount amount applied.

User Defined (Z) = The order activity was received through the Generic Order Transaction History API. The Transaction Note and Amount are from the inbound message.

Void/Reprint (V) = Pick ticket voided through Working with Interactive Reservation (MIRV) or Reprinting and Voiding Pick Slips (WVRP or WSVP). The Transaction Note indicates the original and new pick control number; for example, Pick 166 reprinted as pick 184.

Display-only, updated by the system.

Transaction note

The description of the activity related to the transaction, such as:

• Authorization

• Flag for cancellation due to declined authorization

• Backorder notification evaluation and Order Detail update

• Backorder notice generated (for example. BO 1st Ntf for a first backorder notification)

• Cancel

• Cancel request for a drop ship item

• Cancel confirm or reject for a drop ship item

• CSV removed for security

• Drop ship

• Hold

• Ln#: 2 Submitted To Broker (or other activity related to the Order Broker; see Order Broker Integration for more information)

• Ord Conf to ssmith@example.com (Order confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut))

• Pk 1236612 Whs 1 Ct/Bn 1234734/411/1 if you performed pick slip generation and the Use Cart/Bin Picking? (B38) system control value is selected and the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is unselected

• Pk 1236609 Whs 1 Batch # 1234731 if you performed pick slip generation and:

• the Use Cart/Bin Picking? (B38) system control value is unselected, or

• the Bypass Creation of Pick Forms during WSPS Pick Generation (K55) system control value is selected

• Promotion (PROMO1) not applied

• Maintenance


• Release

• Request ID: 78388 Under Review: N = Order Management System has send an order update message to Order Broker when an order including any brokered backorder items has changed from held to open. Order Management System sends these updates only if the Send Held Orders to OROB (M18) system control value is selected. If the order changed from open to held, the message indicates Under Review: Y.

• Retrn conf (Return confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut))

• Shipment

• Ship conf (Shipment confirmation email or Outbound Email XML Message (CWEmailOut))

• Shipment Confirmed for drop ship PO # XXXX. For confirmed shipment of a drop ship item, the transaction notes also include item code, meter charge, weight, ship via and description, and tracking number.

• Sold out

• Subscription generation

• Pick not printed Ln # 001 qty mismatch

• User price override - Order line 2 Note:

- The line number in this message refers to the sequence number in the Order Detail table, which may differ from the current line number.

- The system does not write a price override history message here when it applies the Default Price Override Reason (B35).

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only, updated by the system.


The total order amount following the order activity, including merchandise, freight, tax, handling, etc.

No amount is associated with issuing a subscription, as the system bills the customer for the entire amount of the subscription when billing the order.

For an order cancellation (before any items have shipped), the dollar amount listed includes freight, regardless of whether the Recalculate freight option was selected at order cancellation.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The user ID of the person who performed this activity against the order.

• If the system performs the activity automatically, such as releasing prepaid orders on time hold, the user ID is the name of the person who started the ASYNC processing program (background jobs).

• If the activity took place through a system process or an API, the user ID indicates the process, API, or your default user.

EXTERNAL defaults for order transaction history created through the Generic Order Transaction History API.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only, updated by the system.



Display the time when the order activity occurred

Select Display Time for an order activity to advance to a window that displays the Transaction note, Date, and time, in HH:MM:SS format, when the order activity occurred.

Track packages or display carton contents

Select Package Info to advance to the Display Package Information Screen, where you can review shipment tracking numbers and, depending on the ship via, advance to the shipper’s web site to review tracking history. The Package Info option is available if you have received any tracking numbers related to shipments on the order through the PC manifesting interface, or if you have received tracking numbers or carton contents information through the Generic Pick In API (Shipments, Voids, and Backorders), or used pick/pack verification (see Working with Pick/Pack Verification (WPPV)).

CS04_10 OMSCS 19.0 December 2019 OHC