Updating Activity Level Dates on a Timesheet

If you are the primary resource you can update activity level dates in a timesheet.

Note: Your project manager can configure the project settings to prevent you from updating activity level dates in a timesheet.

To update dates in a timesheet:

  1. Select Timesheets and open a timesheet.
  2. Select Update Dates.
    1. To update the Actual Start, select Select Date in the Actual Start field.
    2. To update the Actual Finish, select Select Date in the Actual Finish field.
    3. To update the Expected Finish, select Select Date in the Expected Finish field.

      Note: You cannot select an Expected Finish date for an activity which has an Actual Finish.

  3. Select Save.


    • Your project manager may need to approve changes to the Actual Finish date before they are applied to the project.
    • You cannot update dates on an activity in a checked out project.

Step me through...

Opening a Timesheet

Adding Activities to a Timesheet

Removing Activities from a Timesheet

Assigning Yourself to an Activity

Recording Actual Work Time on a Timesheet

Reporting a Completed Assignment

Editing Other Resource's Timesheets

Adding or Viewing Timesheet Notes

Saving or Printing a Timesheet

Submitting a Timesheet

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Last Published Wednesday, December 2, 2020