Activity Attributes (Scheduling)

Assignment Attribute

Data Element


Planned Start


The date the activity is scheduled to start.

Planned Finish


The date the activity is scheduled to finish if the activity has not started.

Planned Duration


The expected amount of time required to complete an activity. The planned working time is calculated in P6 using the activity's calendar. The duration is measured from the activity's planned start date to its planned finish date.



Start date is equal to the early start when an activity has no progress. When the activity is in progress or complete, start is equal to the actual start.



Finish date is equal to the early finish when an activity has no progress. When the activity is in progress, finish will remain equal to early finish. When the activity is complete, finish date is equal to the actual finish date.

Actual Start


If work has started, the date on which the activity, WBS, project, or EPS began.

If resources (labor, non-labor, or material) or roles are assigned to the activity, the actual start date is the earliest among all the resource or role assignments.

For a WBS, project, or EPS, the actual start date is the earliest actual start date among all activities within the WBS, project, or EPS.

When P6 is integrated with Primavera Unifier, the Actual Start date might have been imported from Primavera Unifier rather than calculated by P6.

Actual Finish


The date on which the item, such as an activity, assignment, or project, is complete. When P6 is integrated with Primavera Unifier, the Actual Finish date might have been imported from Primavera Unifier rather than calculated by P6.

Actual Duration


The total working time from the Actual Start date to the Actual Finish date for completed activities, or the total working time from the Actual Start date to the data date for in-progress activities. The actual working time is computed using the activity's calendar.

Remaining Early Start


Remaining early start date is basically the earliest date the activity can start or continue after the data date. If the Activity has no progress then remaining early dates are set equal to the early dates. If progress follows as expected, then remaining early start is equal to the data date. Once the activity is complete, remaining early start is blanked out.

Remaining Early Finish


Remaining early finish is calculated by adding the remaining duration to remaining early start. Once the activity is complete, remaining early finish is blanked out.

Remaining Duration


The total working time from the activity remaining start date to the remaining finish date. The remaining working time is calculated using the activity's calendar. Before the activity is started, the remaining duration is the same as the planned duration. After the activity is completed the remaining duration is zero.

At Completion Duration


The total working time from the activity's current start date to the current finish date. The current start date is the planned start date until the activity is started, and then it is the actual start date. The current finish date is the activity planned finish date while the activity is not started, the remaining finish date while the activity is in progress, and the actual finish date once the activity is completed. The total working time is calculated using the activity's calendar.

Primary Constraint


A user-imposed date restriction can be applied to an activity that impacts the scheduling of dependent activities. For example, use the Start On or After constraint to specify the earliest date on which an activity can begin.

Secondary Constraint


A maximum of two constraints – a primary and a secondary can be applied to an activity. To specify a secondary constraint, a valid primary constraint must first be applied to the activity.

See Also


Recost – Activity Attributes

Recost – Assignment Attributes

WBS Attributes

Activity Attributes (General)

Activity Attributes (Units)

Activity Attributes (Cost)

Activity Attributes – Earned Value

Resource Attributes

Role Attributes

Rate Sheet – Rate Tab

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Last Published Tuesday, April 27, 2021