Project/Shell Creation

This type of business process creates new standard projects and shells from the upper form of the BP or from line items. The data necessary to create projects/shells is provided by this BP. In addition to creating a new shell, this type of business process can also be designed so that users can choose the managers and employees who should be automatically assigned to the shell when it is created.


For example, you could use this type of BP at the company level to request a new site for a project and send the request through a review and approval workflow. Once the record reaches an approved status, Primavera Unifier would create a new shell at the proper place within a hierarchy (or a new standard project if a shell hierarchy is not being used). Information from the BP could be passed on to the new shell or project so that users do not need to enter it.

For another example, you could use this type of BP at the company or shell level to request that multiple shells be created. Each record for this BP would collect information for the shells as line items. When the record reaches a terminal status, and each line item reaches a status (which you specify), Primavera Unifier would create a new shell at the proper place within a hierarchy. Information from each line item could be passed on to the new shell so that users do not need to enter it.

Works with Planning Items

If you include a Planning Item Picker on this business process, users can link new projects/shells with planning items. Instead of linking a planning item to a project in the Planning Manager, this BP will automatically create the link when the project/shell is created, and data will begin to roll up to the Planning Sheet from the business processes in this project.

This BP creates projects and shells using templates. For shell creation, it also uses an integration interface.

Integration Interface

If you use the project/shell creator business process to create shells, you must first create an integration interface for the shell. The interface should contain all the fields (data elements) necessary to create the shell in your environment. In operation, the BP fills in these field values in the interface. The interface then uses the template the user specifies to create the project or shell.

Integration of the project or shell via CSV import is available only for the simple-type business process (upper form).

Currency override is available for CSV import if the project currency picker field is included on the Integration form.

For instructions on designing the interface, see the Integration section.


This BP creates projects and shells using the templates that have been designed in Primavera Unifier. When you design this business process, you must include a template picker, and in Primavera Unifier, users will specify the template that should be used to create the project or shell. Be aware of the following:

The following pertains to auto-population in shells:

If the attribute form of the shell is designed with data elements that should be auto-populated, the elements will be populated in the following order:

  1. From the shell or project template
  2. From single-record business processes
  3. From the shell attribute form of the parent shell
  4. From matching elements in the Project/Shell Creation BP

Note: For shell creation, be sure you include the elements to be auto-populated on the integration interface you create!

Where to Use This BP

You can use this BP at the company, project, or shell level.

At this level:

This BP can create:


  • Shells in or across a shell hierarchy from the upper form or a line item
  • Standard projects from the upper form or a line item


Shells in or across a shell hierarchy from the upper form or a line item


Projects from the upper form or a line item


There are two sub-types of this BP type:


This sub-type creates a single shell or project from an upper form when the record reaches a terminal status.

Line Item

This sub-type creates multiple projects or shells using an upper form and line items. The projects/shells are created when the record reaches a terminal status, and each line item reaches a specific status that the user specifies.

Projects/shells will be created using the values from the fields on the line item detail form; however, if the new projects/shells will contain common information, such as the location or phase, you can include the fields that are common on the upper form so they need to be filled in only once.

There are two classifications for this sub-type:

Project or Shell will create projects or shells from line items using the location the user specifies.

Shell and sub-shell will create shells and sub-shells from line items using the location the user specifies.

Note: Whenever a record reaches terminal status, and the line items reach the status the Primavera Unifier user specifies, Primavera Unifier will create projects or shells for each line item. However, if any line item contains errors, Primavera Unifier will ignore the entire creation and will return the record to a non-terminal status.

Design Requirements

For these business processes to work effectively in Primavera Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to create this business process.

For this sub-type:

These fields are mandatory:

For this sub-type:

These fields are mandatory:

1. Create a data structure

For this business process, you must create three data elements:

  • One to gather the name from the BP for a new shell or project. Use the SYS Shell Name data definition to build this element.
  • One to gather the number from the BP for a new shell or project. Use the SYS Shell Number data definition to build this element.
  • One to gather the project phase from the BP for a new project. Use the Project Phase data definition to build this element. The data set for this field will be specified in Primavera Unifier and will be available under the project shell as a project phase field when a project is auto-created in Primavera Unifier using this business process.
  • If you want the user to be able to assign managers and employees to the shell during its creation, you will need to create one or more user data pickers to place on the upper form of this business process. Use the User Data Picker data definition to build these elements. When the administrator configures this business process, the picker(s) can be filtered to show only certain employees. Note: If you place user data pickers on this business process form, be sure the same pickers are on the shell attribute form.

See the instructions beginning with Creating a Data Structure.)

2. Design an integration interface

Use the integration interface to create shell creation business processes that will, in turn, create shells.

See Creating an Integration Template.

3. Launch the design

This step initializes the design process for the BP. See Starting a New Design (Edit Studio).

4. Design an upper form






See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms.

Line Item

  • status to specify the status of the business process


For a shell:

  • uuu_shell_creator
  • uuu_shell_location to specify where the shell should reside in the hierarchy
  • uuu_administrator to specify the shell administrator
  • uuu_shell_template_picker to specify the shell template for the auto-created shell
  • uuu_shell_status to specify what status the shell should have when it is created the shell name (based on the SYS Shell Name data definition) the shell number (based on the SYS Shell Number data definition)
  • status to specify the status of the creation BP. When the BP reaches this status, Primavera Unifier will create the shell.

If you want to automatically link the shell to a planning item, include a Planning Item Picker (uuu_planning_item_picker)

If you want the user to be able to assign managers and employees to the shell during its creation, include the user data picker(s) you created in Step 1.

For a project:

  • uuu_project_creator
  • uuu_administrator to specify the project administrator
  • uuu_proj_template_picker to specify the project template for the auto-created project
  • uuu_shell_status to specify what status the project should have when it is created
  • uuu_proj_address_1
  • uuu_proj_address_2
  • uuu_proj_address_3
  • uuu_proj_city
  • uuu_proj_state
  • uuu_proj_country
  • uuu_proj_zip
  • uuu_proj_phone
  • uuu_proj_fax
  • uuu_project_phase
  • the project name (based on the SYS Shell Name data definition)
  • the project number (based on the SYS Shell Number data definition)
  • status to specify the status of the creation BP. When the BP reaches this status, Primavera Unifier will create the project.

Note: If you want to automatically link the project to a planning item, include a Planning Item Picker (uuu_planning_item_picker)

5. Design a detail form

(Simple sub-types do not need detail forms.)






See the instructions beginning with Designing Detail Form

Project or Shell

For a shell:

  • uuu_shell_creator
  • short_desc
  • uuu_shell_location to specify where the shell should reside in the hierarchy
  • uuu_administrator to specify the shell/project administrator
  • uuu_shell_template_picker to specify the shell/project template for the auto-created shell or project
  • uuu_shell_status to specify what status the shell should have when it is created
  • the shell/project name (based on the SYS Shell Name data definition)
  • the shell/project number (based on the SYS Shell Number data definition)
  • uuu_line_item_status to specify the status of the line item. When the line item reaches this status, Primavera Unifier will create the shell.

Note: If you want to automatically link the project/shell to a planning item, include a Planning Item Picker (uuu_planning_item_picker)

For a project:

  • uuu_project_creator
  • short_desc
  • uuu_administrator to specify the project administrator
  • uuu_proj_template_picker to specify the project template for the auto-created project
  • uuu_shell_status to specify what status the project should have when it is created
  • uuu_proj_address_1
  • uuu_proj_address_2
  • uuu_proj_address_3
  • uuu_proj_city
  • uuu_proj_state
  • uuu_proj_country
  • uuu_proj_zip
  • uuu_proj_phone
  • uuu_proj_fax
  • uuu_project_phase
  • the project name (based on the SYS Shell Name data definition)
  • the project number (based on the SYS Shell Number data definition)
  • uuu_line_item_status to specify the status of the line item. When the line item reaches this status, Primavera Unifier will create the project.

Note: If you want to automatically link the project to a planning item, include a Planning Item Picker (uuu_planning_item_picker)

Shell and Sub-Shell

  • uuu_shell_creator
  • short_desc
  • uuu_shell_location to specify where the shell should reside in the hierarchy
  • uuu_administrator to specify the shell administrator
  • uuu_shell_template_picker to specify the shell template for the auto-created shell
  • uuu_shell_status to specify what status the shell should have when it is created (Note: Make this field a "Required/Editable" field on the design. If the shell status of the parent shell is inactive or has no value, child shells will not be created.)
  • the shell name (based on the SYS Shell Name data definition)
  • the shell number (based on the SYS Shell Number data definition)
  • uuu_line_item_status to specify the status of the line item. When the line item reaches this status, Primavera Unifier will create the shell.

Note: If you want to automatically link the shell to a planning item, include a Planning Item Picker (uuu_planning_item_picker)

6. Create a workflow

See the instructions beginning with Starting a Workflow.

7. Create a log

See Designing a Business Process Log (Standard or Picker).

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