
Timesheet business processes track reportable time for personnel at both the company and project/shell level. They are used by individual personnel to enter hours worked. A timesheet BP is created under the Resource Manager, but is considered a type of cost BP in that it integrates with the Cost Manager to use cost codes at the company and project/shell level. Timesheet BPs can reflect the resource, the role, the task being performed, hours worked as well as overtime hours, and wage rate. Primavera Unifier users can use multiple line items to enter time for various types of work during the same week, including non-project time, such as holidays and PTO.

Depending on how the detail form of the BP is set up, timesheet hours and costs can be rolled up to various cost and resource sheets at both company and project/shell level. Timesheets in CBS shells can roll up values to the Actuals Sheet.

Only one timesheet BP is allowed for a company, but you can create multiple workflow schemas for the BP.

Design Requirements for Timesheet Business Processes

For timesheet business processes to work effectively in Primavera Unifier, you will need to create the following components in uDesigner:

Design Flow

The following table outlines the design steps necessary to create a timesheet business process.

1. Create a data structure (if necessary)

This structure will include the data elements to be used on the forms. (If the data structure has not already been created, see the instructions beginning with Creating a Data Structure.)

2. Launch the design

This step initializes the design process for the BP. See Starting a New Design (Edit Studio).

3. Create an upper form

See the instructions beginning with Designing Upper Forms.

Mandatory fields for the upper form are:

  • A resource picker (uuu_resource_name) to select the resource (personnel or equipment) on which to report time.
  • A date picker (uuu_week_picker) to identify the week for which the time sheet is being entered.
  • Status

4. Create a detail form

See the instructions beginning with Designing Detail Form.

Mandatory fields for the detail form are:

  • A role picker (uuu_role_name) for users to identify the type of work to be performed.
  • Cost code picker (uuu_costcode_picker)
  • Regular rate (uuu_resc_reg_rate) (auto-populated from the role picker)
  • Total regular hours (uuu_resc_tot_reg_hours)
  • Total dollar amount (uuu_resc_tot_amount)

If you want users to be able to track non-project time on the timesheet, this data element is required:

  • Non-project time—uuu_resc_non_project_time

5. Create a line items list

See Adding an Item Log to a Detail Form.

6. Create a workflow

See the instructions beginning with Designing Workflows.

7. Create a log

See Designing a Business Process Log (Standard or Picker).

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