View Step

The View BP record form contains read-only fields and options that are applicable in the View step. The form is divided into two panes- the left pane displays the main upper form and the line items associated with the record, the right pane displays additional tabs associated with the main form or line items. The main form is displayed on the left pane as the first tab, and each line item tab appears as subsequent tabs. You can resize the left and right panes using the Resize icon.

The main form contains Task Details, General, and other informational blocks defined in udesigner by your administrator. You can collapse and expand these blocks.The Task Details section of the form contains details of the assigned task and displays the following fields: From, To, CC (if applicable), Sent For, and Task Due Date (displayed if the task has an assigned due date). This section is not shown for users who have previously declined the task or are on the CC list. The General section contains all the upper form information.

The Attachments, Linked Records, General Comments, Linked Mail, Reference Records (displayed only if reference records are present), Workflow Progress (displayed if user has permission to view progress), and Audit Log (displays only if user has the required permission) appears as tabs on the right pane. The information in these tabs are read-only.

Toolbar Option



Accept a task. This option is displayed for workflow BPs. You may see this option if your non-workflow BPs is an i step record.


Decline a task. This option is displayed for workflow BPs. You may see this option if your non-workflow BP is an i step record.


The options displayed under this menu will vary based on the BP design.

  • Add more assignees (Displayed for workflow BPs.)
  • CC more users (Displayed for workflow BPs.)
  • Review
  • View Record location
  • Auto-Create
  • Export Line Item Template
  • Email as Attachment
  • Print - HTML, PDF and Custom
  • Terminate Record
  • Transfer Ownership
  • Help
  • Close


Edit non-workflow BPs. This option is displayed only you have permission to edit.

See Also

Business Processes with Redesigned User Interface

Business Process Types with Redesigned UI

Creation Step

Update Step

Completing a BP Record Form

Adding and Managing Line Items

Working with Attachments

Adding and Managing Linked Records

Viewing Reference Records

Working with General Comments

Working with Linked Mail

Working with Query-Based Tabs

Working with Quick Calendar Entry

Document-Type Business Process Forms (Without Folder Structure)

Document-Type Business Process Forms (With Folder Structure)

Request for Bid (RFB) Type Business Process Form (Private)

User Picker and Group Picker

View User Profile

Cost-Type Business Processes

Text-Type Business Process

Simple-Type Business Process

Preventive Maintenance Business Process

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022