Sending Attachments for E-Signature

If you have configured and activated Company Properties > E-Signatures tab with details about the entity that provides electronic signature technology (DocuSign or AdobeSign), then when you access your BP record Upper Form or Detail Form and open the properties window, you can use the Attachments tab to send the attachment for signature.

The toolbar options and column headings for the Attachments tab are:

Attach Files (paper clip icon drop-down)

Enables you to select a file by way of:

  • Browse
  • Document Manager

Publish to Document Manager

This column displays the hierarchy and the location of the attachment.


This column displays the name of the attachment.


This column displays the comments associated with the attachment.


This column displays the revision information about the attachment.

Upload Date

This column displays the date that the attachment was uploaded.


This column displays the title of the attachment.

Other information about the attachment

These columns display other information related to the attachment such as Pub. No., Rev. No, etc.

When you select an attachment in the Attachments tab, you can click the gear menu and conduct the following operations:

To sign documents within Unifier Document Manager and Business Processes using DocuSign or AdobeSign, you can select one or more documents and send them to one or more assignees for an electronic signature (e-sig). In addition, for documents in Document Manager, you can select a document and self-sign it using DocuSign or AdobeSign, whichever E-Signature provider is configured for the project. This functionality is missing for Business Process attachments. The Self-sign functionality is also available in BP record attachments.

The self-sign is available for BP record upper as well as line item attachments. When you conduct a self-sign, the file opens in DocuSign or AdobeSign. The status of the signature is reflected in the Attachments tab log, E-signatures column. When the file is signed (E-Signature status = Completed), the signed file gets added as a revision of the original file (as a pdf file and name appended by "_signed.pdf").

Business Process records

In the Attachments tab for BP Upper form, or detail form:

In the Attachments Review tab:

The Review window (similar to the Attachments tab for BP Upper form, or detail form) displays the Send for E-Signature and Recall E-Sign Request actions by way of the:

E-Signature Log (Declining an E-Signature)

If a signee declines an E-signature request, then the E-Signature log captures the E-Signature status as Declined. When the E-Signature Status = Declined, then the tooltip (triggered by placing the pointer on the status), or the gear menus, displays the reason for decline.

E-Signature Node (E-Signature request)

When you select an E-Signature request from the E-Signatures node, you can see the E-Sign log in the right-hand pane (E-Sign Log). This contains the message which was sent out a the time of sending the E-Signature request and a log of all signature requests’ statuses. When you expand the Attachments tab for BP Upper form, or detail form, if a file has E-Signature requests associated with it, the right-hand pane displays the E-Sign Log tab, next to the preview tab.

Publish from BP to DM

If you attach a file in the DM to a BP record and send it for E-Signature from the BP record, then the revised (signed) file will be published back into the DM at the same location from where the original file was attached. This is irrespective of the publish path on the BP record.

The ability to re-publish DM Document from a BP record allows you to choose to republish (move or copy) a revised DM attachment, if this option is selected in uDesigner then the signed file will be published using the Publish Path.

See Also

Unifier Business Processes

Workflow Versus Non-Workflow

Business Process Types

Business Process Editor

Business Process Dates and Calendars

Business Process Forms

About Workflows

Auto-Populating Fields in a BP Record

Reverse Auto-Populating (RAP) Fields in a BP Record

Viewing Notifications (CC'd Tasks)

Accessing a BP Record from an External System

Business Processes in Company Logs and Logs Nodes

Creating a Business Process (BP) Record

Working with Permissions (Non-Workflow BPs)

Filling Out a Business Process Form

Saving a Draft of a Workflow Business Process

Accessing Custom Business Process Help PDF File

Adding and Managing Line Items

Restricting Line Items by Using Copy with Conditions Option (Standard View)

Adding and Managing Line Items Using the Grid View Feature

Adding and Managing General Comments

Using or Viewing a Query-Based Tab

QBDE Evaluation Upon Creating Record From Query-Based Tab

Working with File Attachments and Markups

Linking Business Process Records

Linking Mailbox Messages to a Record

Attaching External Emails from the Project or Shell Mailbox to a Record

Adding or Viewing a Map (Geocoding)

Adding an Image

Adding a Hyperlink

Viewing Referencing Records

Spell-Checking a Form

Participating in a Workflow

About Email Notifications for Business Processes

Participating in a Discussion Group (Classic View only)

Copying and Consolidating Comments and Markups

Managing Business Process Records

Printing and Distributing BP Forms

Auto-Populating BP Data Picker on BP Auto-Creation

Updates on Document Attributes for Business Processes

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Last Published Monday, April 11, 2022