Resource Pairings Page

The Resource Pairings Page of the More Dashboard.


Resource Pairings page analyzes resources and their assigned projects to find top resource pairings with partners. For example, you want to discover the top 5 resources for the top 10 partners. The top 'n' number of resources are found based on the total number of completed projects they have worked on. Then, for each of those top 'n' resources, the top 'm' number of partners are determined based on the number of completed projects they have worked on, and the number of successful completed projects they have worked on together.

A resource-partner pair may have a 100% success rate from having worked on only 4 projects together whereas another pair has an 80% rate of success from working on 10 projects together.

The bar graph displays the percent success rate of a a selected resource-partner pair when compared with the total % of successful projects.


  1. On the Home page, click Dashboards.
  2. Under Primavera, select More....
  3. On the More dashboard, click the Resource (Adv A) page.
  4. Click the Resource Pairings page.

Subject Area


See Also

Resources (Adv. A) Page

Resource Recommendations Page

Resource Outlier Page

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Last Published Monday, December 14, 2020