3 OHC OPI Manager

The OPI Manager comprises of multiple tabs such as Outstanding Process, Offline Token, Batch Settlement, Cancel Request and Configuration tab. In each of this tab, there are another two (2) tabs, which are Overview and Log.

The following section describes the field definition of each tab and usage in the OPI Manager. The function buttons for each tab varies depending on the tab you are viewing.

Configuration Tab

This section consists of Connection Setup, Parameter and Schema Mapping between SPMS and OPI.

Figure 3-1 OPI Manager Configuration Tab

This figure shows the OPI Manager Configuration Tab


Table 3-1 Connection Setup

Description Value

OPI Interface URL

OPI Interface URL (in format ws://ip address: )

SPMS Client Port No.

The same SPMS client Port No. defined in OPI Daemon configuration Tool

OPI Daemon Port No.

The same OPI Daemon Port No. that defined in OPI Daemon configuration Tool

Workstation No.

Workstation No of the client

Merchant ID

Payment Provider Merchant ID.


Click Refresh to refresh the setup screen.

Test Connection

Click the Test Connection to test whether the connection is establish successfully.

Schema Mapping

The Schema Mapping is located on the left panel of the Configuration tab. This section describes the field mapping, pre-defined conditions and constant value between SPMS and OPI schema for different types of request:

Table 3-2 Field Mapping

Request Type Description


Send a cancel request


This request type obtains the Gift Cards details..


Request type obtains the Credit Card details.


Request type obtains the Get Initial Authorization and Incremental/ Top Up.


Request type is use for Direct Sale only


Payment Settlement request


Request type used to exchange offline token to online token.

Each request type has the following table columns:

Table 3-3 Request Type

Column Name Description

Field Name

OPI schema field name

SPMS Field Name

SPMS schema field name


Define condition for the data updating/ selection

Constant Value

Define value to be updated/ inserted based on the output from the Condition


Enable the field to be used for the request type


Mandatory flag for request type.


Request type flow. (In = response from OPI, Out = request send to OPI)

Get/Update Schema from OPI

Click Get/ Update Schema From OPI to send a request for the latest schema from OPI and updates into SPMS schema for mapping.


Click Refresh to refresh the setup screen.

Allow Offline

Click Allow Offline to indicate the request type is allow to use offline tokens.

Outstanding Process Tab

The Outstanding Process tab lists all the pending initial authorization/incremental records for OPI approval.


All the pending status of initial authorization/incremental records shown in the grid consists of:

Table 3-4 Authorization/Incremental Records Detail

Column Name Description


Account cabin no.

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.


Account embarkation date

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record

Auth. Amount

Authorization amount of the record

Current Action

Current action taking of the record

Card Expiry

Account credit card expiry date

Silent Mode

By enabling the Silent mode, the record processing is perform in the background. Updated record status not shown on screen.


Clicking the Start button triggers the request process for pending initial authorization and incremental records.

Time Out (second)

Defines the number of seconds for the system to flag the outstanding response as time out.

Log Line

Define the number of record lines to show in the log overview.

Clear Log

Clicking the Clear Log buttons clears all the logs from the log overview.

Hide Statistics

Clicking the Hide Statistics to either show or hide the statistics of the records.

Offline Token Tab

The Offline Token tab stores the offline transaction token in exchange for online token once the system is online.


All the offline token records shown in the grid consists of:

Table 3-5 Offline Token Records Details

Column Name Description

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record

Card Status

Status of the registered credit card

Current Action

Current action taking of the record

Card Expiry

Account credit card expiry date

Silent Mode

By enabling the Silent mode, the record processing is perform in the background. Updated record status not shown on screen.


Clicking the Start button commences the exchange of offline tokens to online tokens.

Time Out (second)

Defines the number of seconds for the system to flag the outstanding response as time out.

Log Line

Define the number of record lines to show in the log overview.

Clear Log

Clicking the Clear Log buttons clears all the logs from the log overview.

Batch Settlement Tab

The Batch Settlement Tab is a placeholder for all unprocessed records. By default, the parameter ‘Enable Online Settlement’ is ‘enabled’, allowing an immediate sending of all settlement records to OPI for approval.


All the spending settlements shown in the grid, which consists of:

Table 3-6 Pending Settlements Details

Column Name Description


Account cabin no.

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.


Account embarkation date

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record

Settl. Amount

The settlement amount of the record

Current Action

Current action taking of the record


Status of the record

Card Expiry

Account credit card expiry date

Account Type

Filter for account to be processed.

Embark Date

Filter records by the selected date.


Filter record by the defined cabin number.


Clicking the Preview button displays the records to be processed. The record statistics shown on the right side of the grid.


Clicking the Next/ Previous navigates to next/ previous page of the records. You can navigate to a specific page using the page number.

Silent Mode

By enabling the Silent mode, the record processing is perform in the background. Updated record status not shown on screen.


Clicking the Start button commences the process. The system only allows the Batch Settlement to be process from one client machine at a time.

Time Out (second)

Defines the number of seconds for the system to flag the outstanding response as time out.

Log Line

Define the number of record lines to show in the log overview.

Clear Log

Clicking the Clear Log buttons clears all the logs from the log overiew.

Hide Statistics

Clicking the Hide Statistics will either show or hide the record statistic.

Tokenize Existing Credit Cards Tab

The Tokenize Existing Credit Cards tab lists all cards and changes the non-OPI token to OPI token. This feature duplicates the existing checked in and future reservations cards before tokenizing the card. Before you perform this step, you must ensure all invoice balances from previous payment provider is settled. For checked in reservation and if credit card has been deactivated after a settlement, the system will re-activate the card based on the settlement history.


All cards shown in the grid consists of:

Table 3-7 Pending Status

Column Name Description

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record

Card Status

Current card status, inactive

Current Action

Current action taking of the record

Card Expiry

Account credit card expiry date


Clicking the Start button commences the request.

Time Out (second)

Defines the time number of seconds to flag the outstanding response records as time out.

Log Line

Define the number of record lines to show in the log overview.

Clear Log

Clicking the Clear Log button clears all the logs from the log overview.

Transactions Overview Tab

The Transactions Overview tab lists all records filtered by the selected Transaction Type, Transaction Status, Transaction Dates and Account Type(s). The total number of transaction records displayed is based on value set in Parameter “Number of Transaction per batch”.

The fields shown in the Offline Token window is slightly different from the Initial Authorization, Incremental and Settlement, as listed in the Table 3-9

Table 3-8 Transaction Type Offline Token

Column Name Description

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record.

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.

Expire Date

Account credit card expiry date.

Card No

Credit Card No with masked value.

Card Status

Current card status, inactive


Card Non Approval Text

Transaction Date

Transaction Date

Account Type

Account Type (Crew, Staff, Guest, Group & System Account)

Account Type

The Account Type filters of account to be for processed.

Transaction Type

Choose either one of the type Offline Token, Initial Authorization, Incremental and Settlement to filter the transaction records to be for processed.

Transaction Status

Choose wither one of the status Timeout, Decline and Approved to filter the transaction records to be for processed.

Transaction Status

Choose wither one of the status Timeout, Decline and Approved to filter the transaction records to be for processed.

Transaction Date

The transaction will be filter by transaction date entered.

All Date

Once the All Date is selected, it retrieve all the transaction records without filtering the transaction modified date.


Clicking the Next/Previous navigates to the next/previous page of the records. You may use the Page number to go to a specific page.


Clicking the Filter button commences the request.

All Transaction Type Initial Authorization/Incremental/Settlement are shown in the grid consists of:

Table 3-9 Transaction Type(s) Initial Authorization/Incremental/Settlement

Column Name Description

Sequence No.

The sequence number of the record.

Cabin No.

Reservations’s Cabin Number.

First Name

Account First Name.

Last Name

Account Last Name.

Expire Date

Account credit card expiry date.

Card No

Credit Card No with masked value.

Card Status

Current card status, inactive


Credit Card Record Amount

Transaction Date

Transaction Date


Card Non Approval Text

Account Type

Account Type (Crew, Staff, Guest, Group & System Account)

Account Type

The Account Type filters of account to be for processed.

Transaction Type

Choose either one of the type Offline Token, Initial Authorization, Incremental and Settlement to filter the transaction records to be for processed.

Transaction Status

Choose either one of the status Timeout, Decline and Approved to filter the transaction records to be for processed.

Transaction Date

The transaction will be filter by transaction modified date.

All Date

Once All Date is selected, the two transaction date will be disable and the transaction records will be retrieve without filter the transaction modified date.


Clicking the next/Previous navigates to the next/previous page of the records. You may use the Page number to go to a specific page.


Clicking the Filter button commences the request.


Clicking the Retry button commences the Retry request for Initial Authorization with Time Out status for all active card.