5 Sample Process Messages

Below are some of the process messages based on the parameters defined.

Sample XML File Format

Below is the sample information of the XML file.


Refresh Interval

Below figure shows the system constantly checks for new records to process every 60 seconds intervals or per interval time defined.

Figure 5-1 Sample Refresh Interval Messages

This figure shows the sample refresh interval messages logged by DGS.

Delete reservation data older than 60 Days

In the Messages tab, data older than 60 days from date of modification is removed.

Figure 5-2 Sample Deleted Reservation Message

This figure shows the sample messages of deleted reservation.

Stop update on embarkation day

A message “Update Disable for current embarkation date after x:xx:xx” is added to ResOnline Data Import log file, when the Stop Update on Embarkation parameter is enabled or when a value is inserted into the field.

Figure 5-3 Sample Stop update on embarkation day message

This figure shows the sample messages of records imported when the Stop Update On Embarkation Day is enabled.

Log SQL statement

The system logs an SQL statement into a log file in C:\Users\Public\Documents\Oracle Hospitality Cruise\ResOnlineDataImportYYYYMMDD.txt if you have the Log SQL Statement checked in Parameter1. You can view the statement from the Debug tab.

Do not update package after guest check-in (B2B)

This parameter updates the booking records based on the selection of the check box. When the check box is:

  • Checked and the guest with back to back booking has check in:
    • It does not process or update the package plan be it new or of the same plan.

  • Unchecked and the guest with back to back booking has check in:
    • It processes and creates a new package plan when new plan is send in and prompt ‘No Changes’ if the plan is the same as previous and without changes.

  • Checked/Unchecked for back to back booking due to arrive,
    • It creates new package plan when new plan is sent in and prompts ‘No Changes’ if the plan is the same as previous and without changes.

Stop process when QCI Offline Sync is enabled

This parameter backup and restore the latest database to QCI Shore Database when the parameter is enabled and QCI Sync Interface is started.

At the point when Quick Check In Synchronizer Ship database mode is in a Enabled status in Offline Mode, the DGS ResOnline Interface status switches to a PAUSE and resumes when the Offline Mode is Disabled.

Figure 5-4 QCI Synchronization Status

This figure shows the QCI Synchronizer Status when when QCI Offline Sync is Enabled.

Figure 5-5 DGS Pause Mode

This figure shows the DGS Pause Mode when QCI Sync is running

Do not import cruise (SCR), only import cruise details (SCD)

When this parameter is enabled, the system only import the cruise details excluding the cruise date.

Figure 5-6 Sample Do Not Import Cruise Details Messages

This figure shows the sample import text for Do not import cruise SCR and only import cruise details of SCD.

Only process UCIData with account check in status = 0

Below is the sample message of UCIData when the parameter value of ‘Only Process UCIData With Account Check In Status’ is set to 0 and option is checked in the application.

Figure 5-7 Sample message of Only Process UCIData With Account Check In Status

This figure shows the sample message of UCIData when the parameter value of ‘Only Process UCIData With Account Check In Status’ is set to 0 and option is checked in the application.

Number of hours to retry process credit card info

If this parameter is enabled and the Pretty Good Privacy (PGP) Credit number fails to decrypt during import process, the application will retry to process with the credit card information stored in credit card buffer, based on the hours define in the parameter.

Figure 5-8 Sample retry processing credit card info messages

This figure shows the sample message of the number of hours to retry decrypting the credit card information.

Stop Reservation Update x Days Before Embarkation

This parameter stops the import of reservations update based on the number of days defined in the parameter, and log a fail message ‘Expected Embark date must be x day(s) after the system date.

For example, the days defined before embarkation is 3 and record with embark date less than or equal to 3 days after the system date are not imported

Figure 5-9 Sample message on Stop Reservation Update x Days Before Embarkation

This figure shows the sample message of Stop Reservation Update x Days Before Embarkation.

Enable Shore Excursion Language Import

This parameter allows import of excursion booking by Language to prevent the overbooking of tour buses/guide. It applies to the same bookable tour with different language (ESE_LANGUAGE) and with same external id (ESE_EXTERNAL_ID)

When this parameter is enabled, the application performs:
  1. A search based on ESE_EXTERNAL_ID + ESE_DATE.

  2. If the search returns no record, then the application searches the next record using the ESE_DATE + ESE_NO.

  3. If no result is yield, the application reject the import and insert an error ‘tour code is not found’ in the record.

  4. If the search return a record, then the tour code is inserted into excursion booking table (EPO), regardless of the language set in ESE_LANGUAGES field.

  5. If the search return more than one record, then the application checks and matches the language in <EXCURSIONS_LANGUAGE> set during import.

  6. If no match is found, the application then search the Account_Languages.

  7. If it still does not return a matching result, program then insert the booking into the first bookable excursion.

Enable Over Weight Bookings Price Increase

This parameter triggers a price increase based on the value set up in Shore Excursion, Overweight Price Increase (either in Value or %). When the import is processing, the system updates the price Gross Price in Shore Excursion. The price increase is based on EXCURSION_EXTRA_SEAT value set to “W” in the XML file.

Allow Update Flights for Check-In Guest

This parameter disable users from adding, deleting or editing the flight information in Management and Crew, Flight Information function, and sets it to view only. When the parameter is checked, importing of flight information including checked-in guest is allowed.

Figure 5-10 Sample Allow Update Flights for Check-In Guest

This figure shows the sample message of Allow Update Flights for Check-In Guest.

Do not allow Import Zero Price Shorex/Ticket Prepaid/Prebook Transactions

When this parameter is checked, the system checks for prepaid records that has empty price in the XML file, and reject the import and then sets the status=Fail.

Figure 5-11 Sample message ff Do Not Allow Import Zero Price From Shorex/Ticket Prepaid/Prebook Transactions

This figure shows the sample Do Not Allow Import of Zero Price Shore Excursion, Prepaid Ticket/Prebook Transactions that has empty price value.

Only Update Cruise Id, Department, Net Price And Sales Price For Excursion/Ticket

The system only update the cruise id, department, net price, and sales price for excursion when the parameter is checked, and no other changes shall take place. The example below shows the price value has been updated.

Figure 5-12 Sample message of Update Cruise ID, Department ID, Net Price

This figure shows the sample message of Update Cruise ID, Department ID, Net Price when the option is enabled.

Allow Change Excursion/Ticket Date for the same tour

When this parameter is turned on and a date change is made to the same excursion, the system does not create a new booking but update the excursion date with new date sent by the interface.

When the data send with the same EPO_VID, ESE_ID=EPO_ESE_ID with different booking date, the EPO_ESE_ID and EPO_SDAT the updated the same record.

Figure 5-13 Sample message of Allow Change Excursion/Ticket Date

This figure shows the sample message of Allow Change Excursion/Ticket Date

Validate ENOAD Data

This parameter validates ENOAD data during import and insert an import warning if the ENOAD data is found to be missing. You can view the data validation warning from ResOnline Viewer.exe under Import Warning

Allow Update Value to NULL

This parameter updates the existing data to NULL, excluding fields that does not allow NULL.

Figure 5-14 Sample message of Allow Update Value To Null

This figure shows the sample message of Allow Update Value To Null

Prevent Process Duplicate UCIData

When this parameter is enabled, the system process the latest UCIData records and ignore the earlier records if multiple records were sent for the same guest. If the parameter is disabled, the system processes all records for the same guest.

Figure 5-15 Sample message of Disabled Prevent Process Duplicate UCIData

This figure shows the sample message of Prevent Process Duplicate UCIData status that set to ‘Disabled’

Allow Field Update for B2B Guest > Embarkation Date

This parameter updates the disembarkation date according to the XML file for guest with back to back booking that are checked-in. When the expected disembarkation date of the checked-in guest in the XML file is greater than current cruise end date, the system creates the second leg record. You can view the details of the imported messages with ResOnline Viewer

Interval to Send Alert e-Mail

This parameter triggers an alert e-mail to user based on the Alert e-Mail list defined in Setting Up Alert Email List. If the system finds a record that matches the settings during an import process, a report is generated and sent to respective user. A message is also shown in the Message tab with “xxxxxx Generating Report-ShorexAlertEmail”, followed by “xxxxxx Sending eMail to Shorex Booking (xxxx)”

Enable Update of Shorex/Ticket Bookable and Template

This parameter check and update the bookable records x days before the next cruise. For example a price change from 300 to 150 is set in Shore Excursion. During import, the application checks the date to Stop Bookable Update, and updates the price accordingly to the future cruises, where applicable.

This change is reflected in the Shore Excursion, Pricing & Sales tab.

This change also affect the shore excursion bookable and template, and only applicable to future cruise. You cannot change the current cruise shore excursion bookable and template.

Figure 5-16 Sample Price Update on Shore Excursion, Ticket Bookable and Template

This figure shows the sample messages for price change update in Shore Excursion, Ticket Bookable and Template, when enabled.

Additional Information

The following section describes some functional feature that runs in the background.

Connection Lost Retry 10 Times

When a connection is lost, the interface attempts to reconnect and display an error message ‘Error – DB is down’ in ResOnline Message tab after the tenth retry.

Figure 5-17 Sample message of Lost Connection Retry

This figure shows the sample message of a lost connection retries

Assuming the Refresh Interval is set at 60 seconds and the DB down time hits 300, this closes the application.

The application prompts a command prompt screen whenever it restarts and closes the command prompt screen after the application restarts completely.

Prevent Application from Running Multiple Times from Different PC

This handling is added to prevent the application from being started at multiple locations, and prompt a message on screen when the application is started from another location. An allowance of 60 seconds is added before the application can be close.

The system adds an ‘Error’ entry to the Message tab with date and time stamped, and location mentioned in the Description section. For example, “xxxxxxxx DGS ResOnline.exe is running at workstation xxxxxx”

Guest Picture Import

The application supports importing of guest picture from an XML file and insert the value into MSSG_GUEST_HISTORY field, and stores the picture in SEC table. The picture cannot be updated after the Guest checks-in.

Figure 5-18 Sample picture string in XML file format

This figure shows the example of the location of the image in XML file format.

Import Guest History

The application supports importing of guest history for analysis purpose and this includes transactions, item details, shore excursion booking, amenity, and special requests.

When the XML content is uploaded and updates the RESERVATION_MSGS.MSSG_CONTENT and RESERVATION_MSGS.MSSG_GUEST_HISTORY of the same guest, the history value and request are shown in Management, Guest Handling, Guest History tab and Service Info tab respectively. The service request may be copied into current cruise. See Management User Guide on how to copy the service request.


When the ESE_LANGUAGES is empty during import, the application replaces the value into this field when EST_NO=ESE_NO.