2 Cashier Function

The Cashier Menu is a widely used function in a Ship Operation, where the passenger profile, reservations, billing and stay histories are recorded and stored.

Guest Handling

This section describes the available functions to access guest data such as guest information, travel documents, invoice, guest history, group account and others. It also allows you to create, amend and cancel a reservation, post a charge and check out a guest/account. These functions are perform in Management, Cashier drop-down menu

Figure 2-1 Guest Handling

This figure shows the Guest Handling

Search Panel

The Search Panel function enables you to look up a reservation by status — Check In, Check Out, Expected, Canceled and No Show from the Guest Handling window.

Figure 2-2 Search Panel

This figure shows the Search Panel

Table 2-1 Search Panel

Tab Description


This tab list all registered passengers.


This tab list all checked-out passengers of past and current cruise.


This tab lists all passengers due to arrive for current or future cruises.


This tab lists all cancelled reservations.

No Show

This tab lists all reservations that fail to show up or yet to register during System Date Change.

Show Embark Dates

Check box includes guest embarkation/debarkation dates in the result list.

Show Expected disembarkation

Check box displays disembarking guest of selected date and cabin.

Searching For Guest

  1. At the Search Panel, select the Status tab and then select an alphabet corresponding to the reservation’s last name. If ALL is selected, this displays all reservations in alphabetical order.
  2. You can narrow down the search using the guest name, document number or cabin number and date.

Guest Info Tab

The Guest Info tab is the default tab you access at Guest Handling function. It provides a single view of guest's information's such name, address, passport details, cabin information and others, and enable you to drill down further into the reservation for more information.

New Reservation Function

The New Reservation function allows you to create a booking for guest arriving without a reservation. A reservation form is launched when the New Reservation button is clicked and below are the field definitions of the form.

Figure 2-3 New Guest Information Window

This figure shows the New Guest Information Window

Table 2-2 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Name)

Field Description




Last name of the guest.


First name of the guest.

Middle Initial

Middle name of the guest.

Other Name

Other Last Name.

Other First Name

Other First Name.


The salutation of the guest.


Title of the guest.

Royalty No

Additional Title. A user definable label.

Marital Status

Marital Status of guest. Configurable system codes in Administration, System Codes, Marital Codes.


VIP classification of the guest. Configurable system codes in Administration, System Codes, Marital Codes.


Classification/VIP flag.

Frequent No

Frequent Cruiser number. A user definable label.

Award Level

Frequent Cruiser Award Level.


External System Reservation ID. A user definable label.

Onboard Email

Email contact whilst on board.

Total No. of Cruise Days

Total Cruise days signed up. Information from data import.

Number of Cruises

Number of cruises purchased. Information from data import.

Disc Templates

Discount templates applied to the account.

Table 2-3 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Passport Information)

Field Description
Passport Information  

Passport No

Passport number of the guest.

Issue Date

Date travel document was issued

Issue Place

Place travel document was issued.

Issue Country

Country travel document was issued.

Expiry Date

Expiry date of travel document.


Birth date of the guest.

Birth Place

Birth place of the guest.


Nationality according to travel document.


Language spoken by guest.


Profession of the guest.


Gender identifier.


Smoker identifier.

Birth Nation

The original nationality of the guest if differ from Nationality field.

Table 2-4 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Travel Information)

Field Description

Travel Information


Port Comments

Additional comments of the port.

Debark Date

Debarkation date.

Debark Port

Port of debarkation.


Cabin number assigned.

Muster Station

Muster Station assigned. Linked to Cabin number.

On Board

On/Off board identifier

Deny Boarding

Deny boarding identifier

Deny Reason

Reason boarding denied.

Telephone Pincode

Pin code setup for outgoing calls and access to Kiosk.

National ID

Local identification document, for example, ID or Driving License


Disability status of the guest. A user definable label.

Handicapped Remarks

Disability remarks.

Manifest Printout

Default inclusion of guest in manifest print out.

Queue ID

Assigned queue ID during embarkation.


Unique Identifier for FMS. A user definable label.

Life Boat

Life Boat assigned. Linked to Cabin number.

Table 2-5 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Documents)

Field Description




Confirmation check box of whether travel document is checked or collected.

Table 2-6 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Documents)

Field Description

Dining Preferences



Assigned table number and seating preferences for dining.


Assigned dining location.

Table 2-7 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Other Parameter)

Field Description


Indicator whether the guest is a Resident.

Air/Sea operator

Indicator whether the guest is an Air/Sea operator.


Intoxication identifier.

Express Check Out

Indicates guest require Express Check Out.

Group Leader

Group Leader identifier.

Non-inclusive Guest Type

Indicates that guest is not part of a package or all inclusion plan.

Charge for Checked-out Calls

Define whether checked-out calls will be charged.

Switch to Crew in Manifest

Indicates that reservation has been moved Crew manifest.

Stay overnight shoreside

Indicates that guest stays overnight at shore side.

Table 2-8 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Guest Categories)

Field Description

Guest Categories


Selection box

User configurable system codes in Administration, System Codes, Guest Categories.

Table 2-9 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Agent Information)

Field Description




Payment Department code for this reservation.


Additional remarks pertaining this payment.

PPD Type

Revenue per person per day tag.

Table 2-10 Field Definition of Guest Information Tab (Others)

Field Description



Document Image Snapshot

Displays snapshot of scanned passport.


Displays saved photo of the guest.

Notice and Consent

Mandatory field. Indicates passenger accept and agrees to the Notice and Consent Terms

Figure 2-4 Guest Information Address / Other Information

This figure shows the Guest Information Address / Other Information

Table 2-11 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab

Field Description

Address / Temporarily Address


Address 1

Address 1

Address 2

Address 2


Street name


Zip Code / Name of city






Phone number of guest

Email 1

Email address of the guest

Email 2

2nd Email address of the guest

Table 2-12 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab (Other Info)

Field Description

Other Info


Permanent Resident ID

Permanent Resident ID of the guest

Common Access Area

Allowed common access area

Exclude from Quick Billing Printing

Indicator whether to exclude from Quick Billing printing

Table 2-13 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab (Encode Additional Cabin for Ving/Onity Door)

Field Description

Encode Additional Cabin for Ving/Onity Door


Cabin 2/3

Cabin number of joint cabin

Table 2-14 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab (Emergency Contact Address)

Field Description

Emergency Contact Address



Name of Emergency contact person


Relationship of Emergency contact person ang






Zip code/city




Country of Residency


Phone number of contact person

Mobile Phone

Mobile number of contact person


Email address of the contact person

Business Phone

Business phone number of contact person

Table 2-15 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab (Travel Insurance)

Field Description

Travel Insurance



User configurable system codes in Administration, System Codes, Travel Insurance

Ins. Number

Insurance Policy Number

Table 2-16 Field Definition of Guest Information Address Tab (Minor Debark Authorization)

Field Description

Minor Debark Authorization


Port Date / Name

Selectable port allowed for minor for debark

Notice and Consent

Mandatory field. Indicates passenger accept and agrees to the Notice and Consent Terms.

Creating a New Reservation

  1. Click the New Reservation button at Guest Handling window to open a New Guest Information form.
  2. Enter all the relevant information, particularly the mandatory fields such as Notice and Consent. If this check box is unchecked, the system does not allow you to proceed and prompts a warning message. Do refer to your company standard operating procedure for the other mandatory fields.
  3. Click OK to save the form.
  4. The saved information is shown under Guest Info tab and is categorized as Expected Arrival.

Editing a Reservation

  1. Search the reservation from the Search Panel and then click the Edit Information under Guest Info tab to open the existing Reservation Form.
  2. Edit all the relevant information and click OK to save the changes.

Canceling Reservation

  1. Search the reservation from the Search Panel and then click Cancel Reservation under Guest Info tab.
  2. Select Yes to cancel the reservation when prompt. This places the booking under the Cancelled tab.

Posting Status

The Posting Status is a function that assists you in managing cash paying guest or guest that may have exceeded their credit limit. This function enables/disable the posting from flowing through to the account.
Disabling a Posting
  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel and then click Posting Status in Guest Info tab.
  2. Enter the reason to disable the posting when prompt, either by selecting a predefined reason from the drop-down list or manually insert them.
  3. If Allow manual postings is checked, this will only disable posting from the interfaces. You can still perform manual posting within the Guest Handling function.
  4. Click OK to set the posting status for the account to No or Manual.

Figure 2-5 Posting Status (No or Manual)

This figure shows the Posting Status (No or Manual)
Enabling Posting
  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel and then click Posting Status in Guest Info tab.

  2. The system prompts for a response to accept the postings. Selecting Yes will resets the Posting status to allowed, whereas No will remain as unchanged.

Creating a Party

This function manages and identifies a small number of persons travelling together and does not necessarily share the same cabin. In addition to identification purposes, the person responsible for payment of accounts or main contact liaison can be made as ‘primary’ passenger.
  1. Search the reservations in Search Panel.
  2. Use the CTRL+ key to select the names that make up a party.
  3. Click Create Party under the Guest Info tab.
  4. The system updates the guest of the same party with Shore-Res. ID.

Figure 2-6 Party Identifier

This figure shows the Party Identifier

Showing a Party

To view list of travel companions within a party, click the Show Party button.

Adding to Group

A guest can be an individual traveler or travelling in a group. If the guest has a reservation and are to become part of a group, you can link the reservation to the group account and displays all travel companion within the group when searched.
  1. Search the guest name from the Search Panel.
  2. Mark the reservation(s) and then click Add to Group in the Guest Info tab.
  3. The system prompts for a response whether to assign selected guest(s) to the group. Click Yes to proceed.

    This figure shows the Add to Group Prompt
  4. In the Group Selection window, select the group from the list.

    This figure shows the Add to Group Selection
  5. If Assign as group leader is checked, this will make the guest as a leader. It is possible to have more than one leader in a group.
  6. Once added, the group name is shown under Member of Group in Guest Info tab. If the guest is a Group leader, the word (Leader) appears after the group name.

    This figure shows the Group Leader Identifier
  7. Guests affiliated to the group is listed when you search by group name from the Search Panel.

    This figure shows the Group Guest List

Removing from Group

This function removes guests from an existing group and converttheir reservation into an individual reservation.

Removing a guest from group

  1. Search the guest name using the Search Panel.
  2. Mark the reservation(s) and then click Remove from Group.
  3. The system prompts for a response to remove selected guest(s) from the group. Click Yes to proceed and the group name will be removed from the Guest Info, Member of Group field.

Primary Guest

In earlier mentioned topic Create a Party, you can designate a guest within a party as a primary guest, or the person in the party who is in charge and responsible for the accounts. Below are the steps to assign a Primary guest. Do note that this process supersedes earlier assigned Primary guest, if any.

Assigning a Primary Guest

  1. Identify the party by clicking the Show Party button.
  2. Highlight the name of the person to be designated as Primary.
  3. Click Primary Guest to assign the selected person and the word Primary will show under the Cabin Information section.

This figure shows the Primary Guest Identifier

Show Log

A chronological record of activities such as passenger’s movements, financial transactions, systems events are logged by the system to enable the reconstruction and examination of the sequence of events and/or changes made. Such information’s are viewable in the Show Log function.
Showing Log
  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel, then click Show Log in Guest Info tab.
  2. The system returns a list of events, sorted by date/time order. Click Print to send a copy of the log to the printer.
  3. Click the Export button to export the log into a supported file format, by selecting the format from the drop-down list.

Figure 2-7 File Export Prompt

This figure shows the File Export Prompt

Guardian Assignment

Depending on the Ship’s policy and age set forth as a Minor, a guardian might be required to accompany a minor on certain activities or in the absence of the parents. This function is available to account for passengers age is below the Minimum Adult Age sets in parameter, General, Guardian Auto Assignment.

Assigning a Guardian

  1. Navigate to the Guest Handling window and search for the minor’s name/cabin.
  2. Click the Guardian Assignment.
  3. At the Guardian Assignment window, choose from the following options:
    • Passengers in the same cabin.
    • Passengers with same booking number.
    • Search Name/Cabin number.

    This figure shows the Guardian Assignment Window
  4. Selecting one of the above options illuminates the Add as Guardian button.
  5. Choose the guardian name from the guest list, then clickAdd as Guardian to save the name to Guardian List.
  6. The assigned guardian name will appear in the Guest Info, Name/Address section.

Removing Guardian Assignment

You can remove the guardian from the minor account by clicking the Guardian Assignment, select the guardian name and then click Remove as Guardian.

Mark No Show

The Mark No Show function changes the guest status from Expected to No Show prior to End of Day (EOD) process and is only permissible to users who has the access rights to do so.
  1. Search the guest name from the Search Panel, Expected tab.
  2. Click the Mark No Show button at the Guest Handling window.
  3. At the mark Guest to No Show prompt, click Yes to change the reservation status. The booking will now appears in the No Show tab.

Service Charge

The Ship operators may have a standard Service Charge value define as an automatic charge to the guest account. This posting is typically performed using the Quick Service Charge Posting function. The value of the service charge is set in Parameter, “Service Charge”, “Default Charge Amount” and “Minimum Passenger Age”. The Service Charge function in Guest handling enables you to post the service charge manually or disable the automatic posting.

Posting a Service Charge

  1. At the Guest Info tab of the selected account, click the Service Charge button to open the Change Service Charge Posting Amount window.
  2. The default selection is Post the following amount daily with Use System Default Value checked. Click OK to post.

    Figure 2-8 Change Service Posting Amount

    This figure shows the Change Service Posting Amount
  3. If the amount is not predefined, uncheck the Use System Default Value check box and manually insert the amount.
  4. In the Management prompt, select Yes to override the system default value.

    Figure 2-9 Service Charged Posted

    This figure shows the Service Charged Posted
  5. The service charge posted is shown in Guest Info tab.
Disabling Service Charge Posting
  1. From the Change Service Charge Posting Amount window, select Disable Service Charge Posting, and then click OK to save.

  2. At the Guest Info tab, the Service Charge Amount changes to No Service Charge Posting.

Disabling Service Charge Posting

  1. From the Change Service Charge Posting Amount window, select Disable Service Charge Posting and then click OK to save.
  2. At the Guest Info tab, the Service Charge Amount changes to No Service Charge Posting.

Add to Disembark Group

The Add to Disembark Group function allow you to organize disembarking passengers to disembark in batches at a designated assembly location, departure time and luggage collection.
  1. At the Guest Info tab of the guest account, cluck Add to Disembark Group.
  2. In the selection window, select the available group from the grid and then click Select.
  3. At the Add guest to debarkation group prompt, click Yes.
  4. The assigned debarkation group is shown in the Guest Info tab, Cabin Information section.

Figure 2-10 Assigned Debarkation Group

This figure shows the Assigned Debarkation Group

Remove from Debark Group

When a passenger is wrongly assigned to a debarkation group, or they would like to depart with their friends, you are required to first remove the assignment and then reassign to the desired group.

To remove a passenger from the debark group, click the Remove from Disembark Group from the Guest Info tab.

Disc, Route, Pkg Tab

The Discount, Route, Package function routes the charges within the same invoice or to other crew prior to crew check in if setup, enabling allowable discounts in SPMS and MICROS. It also gives an overview of the Package Plan entitlement.


The Routing function automate transfer of charges within the crew account or to multiple accounts, allowing you to consolidate charges into one invoice/account. The use of this function is to facilitate the invoicing process at group reservations level or party/family traveling together. Depending on the requirements, the routing can be set up using one of this option - 'Pay for' or 'Paid by.

Figure 2-11 Routing Tab

This figure shows the Routing Tab

Table 2-17 Routing Tab Definition

Section Description


Pays for - This section defines the payor account and whom the account is paying for.


For - This section defines where the assigned financial department is routed to.


Cabin number and name of guest payor is responsible for.


User who setup the routing and reason.


Financial Department code assigned.


Button to setup or remove routing instructions.


Prior to moving/routing the charges, be sure to first check the current routing arrangements to avoid duplication of routing, which will result to charges not being re-directed as planned.

Pay for Another Party

Below are the steps to set up an account/charge routing when guest A pays for guest B.

  1. Search the guest account and navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab.
  2. Click the New Routing button to open the routing dialog box.
  3. Select the Invoice number where to route the charges.
  4. For charges within the same account, leave the cabin number and guest name as it is.
  5. For guest that is paying foranother account, change the cabin number and select the respective guest.

    Figure 2-12 New Routing — ‘Will Pay For’

    This figure shows the New Routing — ‘Will Pay For’
  6. Select the Financial Department group or codes to be routed and insert the routing reason.
  7. Check the applicable options:
    • Show Reservations: Include expected to embark and reserve bookings. Checked-in booking is shown when the check boxes are un-checked.
    • Actual Postings: Actual postings routed to another account.
    • Actual Payments: Actual payments routed to another account.
    • Package Postings: Only route package postings.
  8. Click OK to save.
  9. Once saved, the selected assignments are added to ‘Pays for’ in the Routing tab.

Paid by Another Party

Below are the steps to set up routing when guest B account/charges are paid by guest A.

  1. Search the guest account and navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg, Rouitng tab.
  2. Click the New Routing button under ‘For’ section to open the routing dialog box.
  3. Select the Invoice number where charges are routed to.
  4. Enter the cabin number and select the respective guest name from the drop-down list.

    Figure 2-13 New Routing To — ‘Will Be Paid By’

    This figure shows the New Routing To — ‘Will Be Paid By’
  5. Select the Financial Department group or codes to be routed and insert the routing reason.
  6. Select the options where applicable.
  7. Click OK to save.
  8. Once saved, the selected assignments are added to Pays for’ in the Routing tab.

Advanced Routing

Below are the steps to set up routing for multiple guests, for example; group guest or parties travelling together.

  1. Search for the guest account and navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg Routing tab.
  2. Click New Routing to open the routing dialog box,
  3. In the dialog box, click Advanced button in the Invoice drop-down list to open th Multiple Accounts Selection window.
  4. Guests listed in the Non Selected Accounts section is based on the default set in Status and Account Type criteria and this criterion can be changed according to the user requirement.

    Figure 2-14 Routing Multiple Account Selection Window

    This figure shows the Routing Multiple Account Selection Window
  5. To select all guests, click Add All> or individually select the guest, then click Add> to move the selection to the Selected Accounts pane.
  6. Click OK to confirm the multiple accounts selection. This opens the New Routing window with the selected guest account listed.

    Figure 2-15 Routing Multiple Account Instructions

    This figure shows the Routing Multiple Account Instructions
  7. In the New Routing, select the Financial Department, Reason and when the routing should occur, and then click OK to initiate the multiple account routing instructions.
  8. During the assignment process, the status of the guest account will change to OK, followed by Done and the New Routing window will close automatically once the process completes.

Deleting an Existing Routing

Below are the steps to remote the routing set up in a guest account.

  1. Search the guest account and navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg, Routing tab.
  2. Select the sub-financial department code to delete the individual assignment, or the Main Financial Department to delete all, and then click Delete Routing.
  3. The system prompts for a confirmation to delete the assignment. Click Yes to confirm or No to return to Routing window.

SPMS Discount

The SPMS Discount function enables you to assign eligible discount to a guest account either by percentage or value.

Assigning a Discount
  1. At the guest account, navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg, SPMS Discount tab.

    Figure 2-16 SPMS Discounts Window

    This figure shows the SPMS Dscounts Window
  2. Click the New Discount button to open the discount dialog box.
  3. Insert the Percentage and the number of counts in the Apply Count field, if the discount is applicable X number of times. For example, enter 1 to specify a one time discount for every selected department code, or leave as blank for unlimited discount for every selected department.
  4. Select the Posting Department by the department group or individually. For example, All Foo/Beverage or Room Service Food only.
  5. You can also use the Discount Template by checking the check box and choose a template from the drop-down if they are pre-configured. See Administration User Guide for setup procedures.
  6. Check the option for discount is applicable to — Actual or Future Postings.
  7. Click OK to save.


    Once a discount is applied to an actual posting, it cannot be reversed. If the discount has a count indicator, the system posts the discount until it reaches the count indicated and no further discount will be accorded to postings thereafter.
  8. The system saves the assigned discounts in SPMS Discount tab. Similarly, these are added when Future Posting is checked in Criteria Discount.

    Figure 2-17 Disc, Route, Pkg — SPMS Discount Tab

    This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — SPMS Discount Tab
    1. Financial Department codes entitled to Percentage discount.
    2. Financial Department codes entitled to Value discount.
    3. Financial Department codes and desription.
    4. Discount value (percentage or value)
    5. No. of count assigned to each financial code. 0 = unlimited.
  9. If an Actual Posting is checked, the system posts a reversal against the original posting and set the adjusted posting to No Print automatically, then report the correct value with the discount indicated.

Deleting a Discount

  1. At the Disc, Route, Pkg, SPMS Discount tab, select the Financial code to delete, then click Delete Discount.
  2. If Delete Discount is clicked without first selecting any Financial code, this will delete All assignment from the respective window.

MICROS Discount

The MICROS Discount tab displays discounts accorded to the guest by Micros Discount Itemizer level. these discounts are shown when a guest has a discount level assigned in Guest Info, Edit Information, Discount Template field.

Figure 2-18 Disc, Route, Pkg — Micros Discount

This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — Micros Discount

Assigning Point-of-Sale (POS) Discount Level

  1. Search for the guest account in Search Panel.
  2. At the Guest Info tab, click Edit Information to open the Edit Guest Information window.
  3. In the Name section, select the discount template from the drop-down list.

    Figure 2-19 Micros Discount Level Assignment

    This figure shows the Micros Discount Level Assignment
  4. Click OK to save.
  5. The assigned POS Discount template is shown in Passport/Custom Information section.

    Figure 2-20 Assigned POS Discount Template

    Assigned POS Discount Template
  6. To view eligible POS Discounts by Itemizer level, go to Disc, Route, Pkg, Micros Discount tab.

    See also Administration, POS Discount section on how to configure the Discount Itemizer.

Micros Advance Discount

The Micros Advance Discounts works similarly to Micros Discount, except that discounts are applied to Micros Major Group, Family Group and Menu Item level instead of Itemizer Level.

Figure 2-21 Micros Advance Discount

This figure shows the Disc, Route, Pkg — Micros Advance Discount

See Administration, POS Discount on how to configure the Advance Micros Discount.

Disallow Department

The Disallow Department function manages charges not permissible from being posted to the guest account. For example, Casino Bar, all tobacco and others.

Setting Disallow Department

  1. Retrieve the guest account, then navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg Disallow Posting tab.
  2. Select the Financial Department codes to disallow, either by Group or Individual department code from the list, and then click Save.

    Figure 2-22 Disallow Department tab

    This figure shows the Disallow Department Tab
  3. When a posting matches the disallowed department, the system prompts that posting is not permissible.

    Figure 2-23 Disallow Department Posting Failure Prompt

    This figure shows the Disallow Department Posting Failure Prompt
  4. Click Yes will exit without posting and No will return to the Add posting window.

Package Plan

The Package Plan function enables you to customize a cruise package that suits the guest requirements, by combining various food and beverage outlets, excursions and/or activities using the flexi package plan option.

Assigning / Purchasing a Package Plan

Assigning the right package to the guest account enables transactions to be posted accurately throughout the cruise, and the packages can be assgined to the passenger account.

  1. At the Guest Handling window, search and select the guest record using the guest name or cabin number.
  2. At the selected guest record, navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg tab, and then Package Plan tab.
  3. Select one of this option:
    • Assign Package Plan: To assign an available package that does not have a pre-set Purchase price.
    • Purchase Package Plan: To purchase a package setup with the purchase price.

      Figure 2-24 Package Plan Options

      This figure shows the Package Plan Options
  4. In order to assign/purchase a package, select the available Package from the drop-down list, and then enter the Reason.

    Figure 2-25 Package Plan Assignment Window

    This figure shows the Package Plan Assignment Window


    Only check the Move all existing posting to package posting when you wish to move the existing postings to package plan. For example, a guest purchases the package part way through the cruise, and past postings that meet the package elements are to be considered as package plan.
  5. Click OK to save.
  6. Information’s pertaining to the package are displayed in the Package Plan tab and status is Active.

    Figure 2-26 Package Plan Assigned / Purchased

    This figure shows the Package Plan Assigned/Purchased

Refunding a Package Plan

The unused package plan is refundable to the guest at the end of the cruise, and below are the steps to refund a Value based package, Quantity based and a Mix package.
  1. In the Guest Handling window, search and select the guest record using the guest name or cabin number.
  2. In the selected guest record, navigate to Disc, Route, Pkg tab, and then Package Plan tab.

    Figure 2-27 Package Plan Refund Option

    this figure shows the Package Plan Refund Option
  3. Select Refund Package Plan.


    Once a Refund is processed, it is not possible to reverse the changes. This process also disables the package plan.
  4. Once the package plan is refunded, the system disables the package and displays the remaining value/quantity for references only.
  5. In the event where the postings are more than the package price, the system prompts that the refund is not allowed.

Routing a Package Plan Posting

Routing of a package plan postings depends on two parameters. Do not allow post package to both buyer and payer and Package Plan Before Routing. In the event where boh payer and buyer has a package, all postings are posted to the payer account as normal posting.

Auto Balancing a Package Plan

An Auto Package Plan balancing may be set using parameter, Enable Package Auto Balance as 1 , and the system auto balances the package invoice/account after each transaction and reduces the total package value or quantity at the same time.

Figure 2-28 Package Plan Invoice Window

This figure shows the Package Plan Invoice Window

If the above parameter is set to 0, manual balancing of the package invoice/account is required using the Pay Invoice funtion.

Balancing a Package Invoice Manually

  1. Log in to Management module, and in the menu bar, select Cashier.
  2. Select Guests from the drop-down list to open the Guest Handling window.
  3. In the Guest Handling window, search and select the guest record using the guest name or cabin number.
  4. Navigate to Invoice tab, and then lick the amount under the Package Invoice.

    Figure 2-29 Settling a Package Plan

    This figure shows the Settling a Package Plan
  5. Choose the Payment method and verify the amount to settle when prompt, and then click Pay or Pay & Print to pay and print the invoice at the same time, and reduces the Package Invoice balance accordingly.

    Figure 2-30 Paying an Invoice

    This figure shows Paying an Invoice

Invoice Tab

The Posting Handling function not only provides up to 4 invoices per guest, it also enables you to post a manual charge to an account, route postings and handle various payment processes.

Figure 2-31 Add Posting Window

This figure shows the Add Posting Window

Table 2-18 Field Definition of Add Posting Window

Field Description


Guest Account by Cabin No. and Name


Financial Department codes

Clear fields after adding to postings list

Clear all information in Additional Information section after adding posting

Check Number

Check Number from POS System or any manual posting reference.

Server #1:

Server name appeared on POS check.

Server #2:

Server name appeared on POS check.

Number of People

No. of guest that dined. Information from POS System.

Invoice Number

Invoice number to post to


Additional comments.

Posting List

List of postings added

Batch Count

Confirmation of a number of postings added in Quick Posting function.

Current Count

Current count recorded in Postings List

Batch Total

Confirmation of total value posted in Quick Posting function.

Current Total

Accumulated value to post.

Add Posting

Add Posting allows you to post and/or manually adjust a charge.

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click Add Posting in the Guest Handling window.
  2. At the Add Postings from, select the Financial Department from the drop-down list or use the Search option for a department code.

    Figure 2-32 Add Posting Financial Department Selection

    This figure shows the Add Posting Financial Department Selection
  3. Insert the Value, Check Number and select the Invoice number to post, then click Add. This transfers the posting to Posting List, enabling you to post more than one charge.

    Figure 2-33 Adding a Charge

    This figure shows Adding a Charge
  4. Item count increases automatically when the posting is more than one.

    Figure 2-34 Add Posting Count

    This figure shows the Add Posting Count
  5. Click Post to finalize the posting(s).
  6. Posting will appear in Invoice tab, among other posted charges.

Void Posting

The Void Posting function is used to adjust the earlier posted transactions.

Voiding a Posting

  1. Search for the guest account in Guest Handling window and navigate to Invoice tab.
  2. On the Invoice tab, select the transaction to void, then press the Void button.

    Figure 2-35 Void Posting

    This figure shows the Void Posting
  3. The system prompts for confirmation on the charge to void, indicating the outlet name and amount. Press Yes to confirm.
  4. Insert the void reason or select from the drop-down list, and then press OK.

    Figure 2-36 Void Reason Prompt

    This figure shows the Void Reason Prompt
  5. Voided postings are reflected in egg-shell color with a matching debit and credit amount.

    Figure 2-37 Invoice Display of Voided Transaction

    This figure shows the Invoice Display of Voided Transaction

Pay Invoice

The Pay Invoice function is a settlement process against an invoice, be it part or full payment. As the Ship accepts various payment method, the process in applying these payments may vary.

Figure 2-38 Invoice Payment Window

This figure shows the Invoice Payment Window

Table 2-19 Field Definition of Invoice Payment Window

Field Description


Financial Department codes - Credit


Total amount due by guest, depending on the invoice no. selection.


Additional notes pertaining to this payment

Invoice Number

Invoice number to apply the payment.

Change due enabled

Enable auto calculation of change due to guest.

Disable Posting Automatically

Disable postings being posted into the invoice. This sets the Posting Allowed to No in Guest Info tab.

Charge 1% Commission

Credit Card commission charge. Amount auto populate in Commission field when checked.

Credit Cards Payment Details

Displays masked credit card number assigned to this invoice.

Package Plan Credit

Eligible credit value for Package Plan posting.

Non Refundable Credit

Credit value non-refundable to the guest.

Current Balance

Current Invoice Balance

Received Amount

Amount received.


Applicable credit card/foreign exchange commission value. Calculate when Charge 1% Commission is ticked or when the foreign exchange has commission defined.

Due Balance

Outstanding sum after deducting payment applied.

Change Due

Balance due to guest when payment applied is more than invoice value.


Apply payment receipted and does not print cash receipt.

Pay & Print

Apply payment receipted and print invoice at the same time.

Pay & Print Cash Receipt

Apply payment receipted and print cash receipt at the same time.

Payment by Cash, Change Due

The Change Due function calculates the amount of change due to a guest when payment method is either cash or foreign currency. The option is available to default the “change due enabled” to be permanently checked. If this is not set as default, the user must check this option to activate the automatic change due calculation when applying to the payment.

Paying an Invoice by Cash

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click the Pay Invoice button at the Guest Handling window.
  2. The payment department is defaulted to payment method defined during check in. Select Payment Department from the drop-down list, either Cash or Foreign Currency.
  3. Select an invoice to apply the payment and the system then calculates the total amount due by the guest.
  4. Enter the amount to settle.
    • If the “Change due enabled” is checked and the amount entered is more than the Current Balance, the system automatically calculates the change due amount and set the invoice to Zero balance. See Figure 2–45 — Invoice Payment with Change Due.
    • If the payment applied does not have “Change due enabled” checked, the system then post the amount as a negative value in Due Balance, resembling a deposit posting. See Figure 2–46 — Invoice Payment without Change Due.
    • If the payment is of an exact amount, the system posts the value as payment receipt. See Figure 2–47 — Invoice Payment with Exact Amount.

    Figure 2-39 Invoice Payment with Change Due

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Change Due

    Figure 2-40 Invoice Payment with Change Due

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Change Due

    Figure 2-41 Invoice Payment without Change Due

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment without Change Due

    Figure 2-42 Invoice Payment with Exact Amount

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Exact Amount
  5. Select either Pay, Pay & Print or Pay & Print Cash Receipt to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, be sure to print a copy of the invoice for guest reference.

Paying an Invoice with Foreign Currency

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click Pay invoice at Guest Handling window.
  2. The system defaults the payment department according to payment method defined during check-in. Select Foreign Currency Payment department from the drop-down list.

    Figure 2-43 Foreign Currency Financial Department

    This figure shows the Foreign Currency Financial Department
  3. The exchange rate of the selected payment method is displayed beside the amount field.
  4. Enter the foreign currency amount and the system then convert the value as shown in Received Amount.

    Figure 2-44 Invoice Payment with Foreign Currency

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment with Foreign Currency
  5. Select an invoice to apply this payment and the system then calculate the total amount due by the guest.
  6. If the exchanged amount in foreign currency is more than the invoice amount, the system automatically calculates the change due amout in Ship currency when the ‘Change Due Enable’ is set as default.
  7. Click either Pay, Pay & Print or Pay & Print Cash Receipt to complete the transaction.

Paying an Invoice by City Ledger

City ledger settlement is only permissible when there is a pre-arranged payment mode. For example, the account is settled by a company or an agent within agreed payment terms. The invoice is typically transferred to an Account Receivable, being the holding account and will age until payment is received.

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click Pay Invoice at Guest Handling window.
  2. The system defaults the payment department according to payment method defined during check in. Select the Payment department from the drop-down list.
  3. Select an invoice to settle and the system then calculate the total amount due by the guest.
  4. Insert the amount to settle.
  5. If the exact amount is paid, the system sets the value as payment receipted and Due Balance is 0.00.

    Figure 2-45 Invoice Payment by City Ledger

    This figure shows the Invoice Payment by City Ledger
  6. Select Pay or Pay & Print to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, be sure to print a copy of the invoice for guest reference.

Disable Posting Automatically

Deselecting the ‘Disable Posting Automatically’ from the check box sets the Posting Allowed to No in Guest Info tab when the invoice balance is 0.00.

Figure 2-46 Disable Posting Automatically

This figure shows Disable Posting Automatically

Figure 2-47 No Posting Allowed in Guest Info Tab

This figure shows the No Posting Allowed in Guest Info tab

The system prompts below message when user tries to post a charge to this invoice and rejects the posting.

Figure 2-48 Disable Posting Prompt

This figure shows Disable Posting Prompt

Resetting Posting Status to Alllowed

  1. Click the Posting Status in Guest Info tab.
  2. At the Enable Posting prompt, select Yes to confirm and resets the posting allowed to Yes.

    Figure 2-49 Reset Posting Status

    This figure shows the Reset Posting Status

Payment by Credit Card

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click Pay Invoice at Guest Handling window.
  2. An Invoice Payment form opens, displaying the payment department defined during check in.
  3. Select the Payment department from the drop-down list, if it differ from earlier payment method.
  4. The amount is automatically filled based on current outstanding of the selected invoice, for example: Invoice 1 balance =$30, Invoice 2 balance = $20. When all the invoices is checked, the total becomes $50. Adjust the amount and select the invoice to pay if they differ.

    Figure 2-50 Credit Card Commission Selection

    This figure shows the Credit Card Commission Selection
  5. The % commission shown is according to the commission rate set up in Financial Department codes and is checked by default. The value of commission chargeable is shown in Commission field and if the commission is not applicable, deselect the commission check box.
  6. Click the Pay or Pay & Print to complete the transaction. If Pay is selected, be sure to print a copy of the invoice for guest reference.

Print Invoice

The Print Invoice function enables you to print invoices in a different layout, made available by the Ship. It has a preview function which allows you to view an invoice/statement prior ro printing a hard copy invoice.

Printing an Invoice

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel, then click Print Invoice under Guest Info tabto open the Passengers Invoice window.
  2. Select from the Report List the invoice report to print.
  3. In the Print tab, select the printer, print range and copies to print.
  4. Click Print to send the print job to the printer.

    Figure 2-51 Print Invoice Window

    This figure shows the Print Invoice Window

Preview Invoice

This function enables you to preivew the invoice prior to sending the job to a printer.

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of above.
  2. Navigate to the Preview tab to view theinvoice.
  3. Click the Printer icon if you wish to send the print job to the printer.

    Figure 2-52 Preview Invoice

    This figure shows the Preview Invoice before Printing

Emailing an Invoice

In a paperless environment, a copy of the invoice may be sent to the guest’s email account, only when on-board email is listed in the guest account. A special setup is required before an invoice can be used out by email. Such entry requires setup by your System Administrator.

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of Printing an Invoice.
  2. In the Print tb, press the Send Email button and you will receive a prompt once the emailis successfully sent.
  3. Click OK to close the function.

Exporting an Invoice

The system allows export of invoices intoanother file format. The supported file formats are: Acrobat Format, Crystal Report, MS Word, MS Excel and many more.

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of Printing an Invoice.
  2. In the Print tab, press Export.
  3. Select the file format and destination type from the drop-down list when prompt.

    Figure 2-53 File Export Format Selection

    This figure shows the File Export Format Selection
  4. Select the page range to print.
  5. Enter the file name to save as when the system prompts for file saving location.

    Figure 2-54 Sample Invoice

    This figure shows the Sample Invoice

Custom Excel Export

This function exports the invoice into a predefined Excel format.

  1. Repeat step 1 and 2 of Printing an Invoice.
  2. In the Print tab, press Custom Excel Export.
  3. Enter the file name to save when the system prompts for file saving location.

Move & Route

The Move and Route function enable bills to be organized at the time of credit sign up, during the cruise or at the end of the cruise when a guest would like to separate certain charges from the main invoice. Charges are easily moved using the drag and drop movement and various method is available to suits the operational needs.

Moving a charge from one invoice to another

  1. Select the guest account and navigate to the Invoice tab.
  2. Mark the transaction to be moved.
  3. Press, and hold down the left mouse click.
  4. Drag the transaction to the location by moving the mouse pointer.
  5. Drop the object by releasing the left mouse click.

    Figure 2-55 Move & Route Function

    This figure shows the Move & Route Function
  6. The original invoice amount will decrease and the newly created invoice amount increases.

    Figure 2-56 Differences

    This figure shows the Differences

Setting Up Charge Route

The following function allows guest to separate certain charges in another invoice throughout the cruise or route to another account. It would be more feasible to set up routing instructions to move both current and future postings to a new invoice.

  1. Select the guest account and navigate to the Invoice tab.
  2. Click Move & Route to open a Move posting menu.

    Figure 2-57 Move Posting Tab

    This figure shows the Move Posting Tab

    Table 2-20 Definition of Move Posting Tab

    Field Description


    Default to Guest account, All Invoices.


    Selectable invoice from Invoice 1 to 4 or another guest/payor account.


    Department Group or Financial Department code to route.


    The reason why charges were routed.


    Type of postings to route.

  3. By default, the system displays All Invoices as the main invoice. Select the invoice where the charges are routed to.
  4. If changes are routed to another group/payer, enter the cabin number and select the guest name.
  5. Select either the department group or financial department code to route and the reason in the Why field.
  6. Choose the type of posting to route, actual/future postings or actual payments.
  7. If Future Postings is checked, the system automatically places the department code in Disc, Route, Pkg tab, Routing window. See also Disc, Route, Pkg section for more information.

Criteria Discount

The following function works the same as Percentage Discount in Disc, Route, Pkg tab and has an additional check box for Actual Postings. The function creates a record in discount portion in Disc, Route, Pkg tab when Future Posting is checked.

  1. Select the account and navigate to Invoice tab.
  2. Click Criteria Discounts to open a dialog box.
  3. Enter the Percentage value and the number of counts in Apply Count field if the discount is accorded an X number of times. For example, enter 1 to specify a one-time discount for every selected department code or leave as blank for unlimited discounts is given for every selected department.

    Figure 2-58 Criteria Discounts Window

    This figure shows the Criteria Discounts Window
  4. Select the Financial Department entitled to discount.
  5. Check whether the discount is applicable to Actual or Future Postings, then click OK to save.


    Once a discount is posted to an actual posting, it cannot be reverse. If the discount has a count indicator, the system then post the discount until it reaches the indicated count and no further discount are accorded thereafter.
  6. The system then posts an adjustment (reverse) against the original posting and set the adjusted posting to No Print automatically, then repost the correct value with discount indicated.

    Figure 2-59 Example of Criteria Discount

    This figure shows the Example of Criteria Discount

See also Disc, Route, Pkg.

Item Discount

The Item Discounts is a function that deducts a specific percentage of selected postings on the guest invoice.


This is a Percentage discount and not available as value discount.

According an Item Discount

  1. At the Invoice tab, mark the posting entitled to the discount, then Item Discounts button.

    Figure 2-60 Item Discount

    This figure shows the Item Discount
  2. Insert the value in percentage in the Discount field, then click OK to proceed.
  3. The system posts an adjustment (reverse) against the original posting and set the adjusted posting to No Print automatically, and then repost the correct value with discount value indicated.

    Figure 2-61 Example of Item Discount Transactions

    This figure shows the Example of Item Discount Transactions

Hide No Print

This function works with transactions that are marked with No Prints, for example: voided transactions. The process changes the information displayed, giving you an organized invoice view.

Hiding Transactions with No Prints

  1. Click Hide No Prints to switch the button from Hide No Prints to Show No Prints.
  2. Transactions marked with No Prints (pale yellow) are then hidden from the invoice window until user clicks the Show No Prints.

To Show No Prints Transactions

Click Show No Prints to switch the button from Show No Prints to Hide No Prints.

Transactions Marked with No Prints

Transactions marked with No Prints are shown on the invoice window, in pale yellow. This function enables you to hide the voided posting or previous settlements from being printed on the invoices. It is only possible to set no prints for transaction entry equals to 0.00.

Figure 2-62 No Print Posting Not Equal to 0

This figure shows the No Print Posting No Equal to 0
  1. Retrieve the account and navigate to the Invoice tab.
  2. Select the desire transactions and click No Print.
  3. If the transaction balance does not equal to 0.00, the system then prompts an error message.

To Reset No Print Transactions to Original State

  1. Select the No Print transactions, then click No Print.
  2. Transactions are revert to normal posting and no longer shown in pale yellow.

Set Credit Limit

The floor limit is a pre-set within the Financial Credit Sub-Department code and this can be adjusted for specific guest at the jurisdiction of the Chief Purser.

Set Credit Limit

The floor limit is pre-set within the Financial Credit Sub-Department code and this can be adjusted for specific guest at the jurisdiction of the Chief Purser.

  1. In the Invoice tab, click Set Credit Limit button.
  2. Insert the credit value in the dialogue box, then click OK to override the pre-set credit limit defined in Credit Sub-Department code.
  3. If the account exceeds the floor limit or the individual limit, a Credit Limit Exceeded warning prompt will appear in both SPMS and MICROS System during posting and charges will nor be added.

    Figure 2-63 Warning Prompt When Credit Limit Exceeded

    This figure shows the Warning Prompt When Credit Limit Exceeded


    The same warning prompt appears if the account is routed and payor has a Credit Limit defined.
  4. Consult your Chief Purser or Front Desk Manager or refer to the Ship’s Operating procedure for next course of action.

Close Posting

The Close Posting function generates an interim invoice and closes the balanced account without checking out the account. This function does not work when the account still has a balance.


Once the account is closed, this Can Not Be Undone.
  1. Retrieve the account and navigate to Invoice tab.
  2. Ensure all invoices are 0.00 balance. If the account is unbalanced, the system then prompts a Balance not zero message.

    Figure 2-64 Balance Not 0.00 in Close Posting

    This figure shows the Balance Not 0.00 in Close Posting
  3. Click Close Postings button.
  4. Select Yes when system prompt for a response. if No is selected, it will return to Invoice tab without closing the postings.

    Figure 2-65 Close Posting Confirmation

    This figure shows the Close Posting Confirmation
  5. Check Hide Posting on the invoice tab will hide all closed postings.

Set Spending Limit

Set Spending Limit function limits the buyer spending value and is only enabled when an account is routed to another account, for example: Mr X is paying for Mr Y and would like to limit the spending of Mr Y to $500. The Set Spending Limit is enabled in Mr. Y account and not Mr. X.


Once the account is closed, this Can Not Be Undone.

Set Spending Limit

  1. Retrieve the guest account and navigate to the Invoice tab.
  2. The Set Spending Limit is enabled when routing is present in the account.
  3. Click Set Spending Limit to open a dialogue window.

    Figure 2-66 Set Spending Limit Options

    This figure shows the Set Spending Limit Options

    Table 2-21 Options Available in Set Buyer Spending Limit

    Field Description

    Maximum Spending Limit

    The maximum value allowed to spend.

    Additional Spending Limit on top of current Spending

    Additional value to top up the limit. For example: Current spending is $107.40 and the intended limit is $500. The value to insert is $392.60.

  4. Insert the spending limit in one of the available option, then click OK to save. The guest credit limit in Invoice tab will be updated with the new information.

Show Pre-Cruise Invoice

Pre-Cruise Invoice allows you to prepare an advance invoice for the guest. Postings and payments posted in Pre-Cruise INvoice function are not actual revenue until they are posted to a checked in account.

Creating a Pre-Cruise Invoice

  1. Retrieve an Expected guest reservation from the Search Panel.
  2. In the Guest Handling window, click Add Posting (Pre-Cruise) to open the Pre-Cruise Posting window.

    Figure 2-67 Pre-Cruise Posting Window

    Tis figure shows the Pre-Cruise Posting Window
  3. Select the Financial Department to post, then click Add.
  4. Insert remarks pertaining to this posting, if any.
  5. In Future Posting Date field, select the date to post to.
  6. Click Post to complete the pre-cruise invoice with earlier added postings in Pre-Invoice window.

    Figure 2-68 Sample Pre-Cruise Transactions

    This figure shows the Sample Pre-Cruise Transactions

Converting a Pre-Cruise Invoice into Actual Posting

  1. At the point of check-in, the system prompts you to convert the pre-cruise postings into regular postings.

    Figure 2-69 Pre-Cruise Postings

    This figure shows the Pre-Cruise Postings
  2. Select Yes to convert the postings.
  3. A Show Pre-Cruise Invoice is not added.
  4. Click the Show Pre-Cruise Invoice to toggle between guest invoice and pre-cruise invoice window, if there are future postings. When toggling the button will change to sShow Invoice or vice versa.


    When the Show Pre-Cruise Invoice is clicked, the Add POsting will change to Add Posting (Pre-Cruise), enabling you to perform pre-cruise posting and apply the payment to future posting date.
  5. Once all the pre-cruise postings are posted, the Show Pre-Cruise is automatically disabled.

Undoing Non-Converted Pre-Cruise Posting

When you accidentally click No at the prompt to convert pre-cruise postings to regular postings, these postings are stored in Quick Pre-Posting Conversion function, allowing you to repost all the pre-posting.

  1. In the Cashier menu, select Quick Pre-Posting Conversionfrom the drop-down list.

    Figure 2-70 Quick Pre-Posting Conversion

    This figure shows the Quick Pre-Posting Conversion
  2. A list posting failed to convert is displayed in Selected People grid.
  3. In the Search Criteria drop-down ist, select the Cruise and then click Process.
  4. Click Yes on Quick Prepostings Conversion prompt to post all the pre-cruise postings, an then click OK on a number of pre-postings to post when prompt.
  5. In the Statistic section, number of selected, process, remaining and converted posting(s) are shown.

    Figure 2-71 Statistics

    This figure shows the Statistics

More Guest Info Tab

The More Guest Info tab stores various information's such as Billing Address, Travel Agency contact, Cruise Reservation Related Information, guest picture and Document Return status, and most of all fields in Billing Address, Travel Agency and Product Details section are editable with an in-line edit function by simply clicking on the field name and insert the text. Editing other sections such as Take Picture, Edit Cruise Fare and Document Return would require the user to click on the available buttons.

Figure 2-72 More Info Tab

This figure shows More Info Tab

Table 2-22 Field Definition of More Info Tab

Field Description


Billing Name


Billing Address


City of Billing Address


State of Billing Address


Country of Billing Address



Table 2-23 Field Definition of More Info Tab (Travel Agency)

Field Description

Travel Agency



Travel Agency Name


Street Address of Agency






Zip Code




Phone number of Travel Agency


Fax number of Travel Agency


Salutation of contact person

First Name

First name of contact person

Last Name

Last name of contact person


email address of contact


Agency ID

Agent R.ID:

Additional Agency ID

Agent B.ID

Additional Agency ID

Table 2-24 Field Definition of More Info Tab (Take Picture)

Field Description

Take Picture


Live Picture

Live view of the guest before picture were taken

Stored Picture

Picture saved using Live Picture function

Table 2-25 Field Definition of More Info Tab (Cruise Reservation Related Info)

Field Description

Cruise Reservation Related Info


Pre Cruise

Pre-Cruise arrangement. Information imported via DGS.

Post Cruise

Post-Cruise arrangement. Information imported via DGS.


Cruise Fare Currency. Information imported via DGS.

Trav. Insurance

Travel Insurance number. Information imported via DGS.

Cruise Fare Code

Fare code from the reservation system. Information imported via DGS.

Cruise Fare

Cruise Fare. Information imported via DGS.

Cruise Full Fare

Full Cruise Fare. Information imported via DGS.

Edit Cruise Fare

Function to edit cruise fare balance. User right dependent.

Table 2-26 Field Definition of More Info Tab (Product Details)

Field Description

Product Details



Product code linked to the booking


Promotion code linked to the booking


Discount code linked to the booking

Table 2-27 Field Definition of More Info tab (Return Documents)

Field Description

Return Documents


Documents are not returned

Indicate the date/time and user who returned the guest travel document.

Take Picture

The Take Picture option captures the current guest picture and shared them across other modules, enabling other users to easily recognize the guest they are dealing with. The supported picture file format ate .jpg or .bmp.

Taking Guest Picture

  1. Retrieve the account and navigate to the More Info tab.
  2. The live image of the guest is displayed in the Live Picture window.
  3. Click the Take Picture button to capture the image.

Figure 2-73 Take Picture

This figure shows Take Picture

The Cruise Reservation Related Info section displays the cruise price paid in Reservation system, and these data are imported from DGS ResOnline. The fields are non editable, except for the Cruise Fare Balance, and it is dependent on User Access Rights #4461.

Editing Cruise Fare

  1. In the More Info tab, click the Edit Cruise Fare.
  2. Edit the Cruise Fare Balance and then click OK to save.

Figure 2-74 Edit Cruise Fare

This figure shows the Edit Cruise Fare

Document Return

The Document Return section stores the date, time and user who returned the travel documents to the guest via the Document Return module.

Figure 2-75 Document Return in More Guest Info

This figure shows the Document Return in More Guest Info
  1. In the More Info tab, click Delete to reset the document status.
  2. This changes the button display to Return and status of the document as ‘Documents are not returned’.

Service Info Tab

The Service Info function in Guest Handling window stores the type of service, amenities package or special requests rendered by the ship, without having to rely on the large manifest for information. The packages and requests arranged by the cruise company prior to actual sail date are also included in the reservation information during the periodic import. Although these information’s are mainly updated through reservations import file, manual update is possible when needed. Besides listing these requests under individual guest records, a summary of such information are populated in Amenities Overview function, allowing the responsible parties on board such as Manager, Chief Steward, Hostess/Group Coordinator an access, and ensuring requests are fulfilled.

Figure 2-76 Guest Handling — Service Information Tab

This figure shows the Guest Handling Service Information Tab

The window is divided into two sections:

  1. The section contains details of pre-planned company packages or any amenities to be accorded during the cruise.
  2. The section contains all the Special Request for a passenger with special needs.

Setting Up an Amenity / Special Request

  1. Retrieve the account and navigate to Service Info tab.
  2. Click the New button under the Amenity/Special Request section to open a dialog box, an then fill in all the required information.

    Figure 2-77 Amenity Information Form

    This figure shows the Amenity Information Form

    Figure 2-78 Special Request Form

    This figure shows the Special Request Form

    Table 2-28 Field Definition of Amenity / Special Request Form

    Field Description

    Code / Action Code

    Short Amenity /Special Request Code


    Description of the code

    Ext. Code

    External brochure/reference code.


    Additional comments pertaining to this amenity


    Required quantity

    Price each

    Unit price of amenity

    Code / Action Code

    Short Amenity /Special Request Code


    Description of the code

    Ext. Code

    External brochure/reference code.


    Additional comments pertaining to this amenity


    Required quantity

    Price each

    Unit price of amenity

    Code / Action Code

    Short Amenity /Special Request Code


    Description of the code

    Ext. Code

    External brochure/reference code.


    Additional comments pertaining to this amenity


    Required quantity

    Price each

    Unit price of amenity

    Code / Action Code

    Short Amenity /Special Request Code

  3. Click the OK to save, and this adds the items into the Amenities/Special Request section and a Red X envelope icon under Done column.

    Figure 2-79 Amenities / Special Request items

    this figure shows the Amenities / Special Request Items
  4. A Check Mark icon is placed on the Service Info tab as an alert that there are entry needing follow-up.

Marking Items as Delivered

  1. Select the item from the Amenity/Special Request section and then click Delivered.

  2. The system then replaces the Red X envelope with a Check Mark in the Done column, with its Date/Time and User who complete the task shown

    Figure 2-80 Amenities/Special Request Delivered Items

    This figure shows the Amenities/Special Request Delivered Items
  3. Click the OK to save, and this adds the items to the Special Requests section and a Red X envelope under Done column

  4. The system places a check mark on the Service Info tab as an alert that there are entry needing follow-up.

Activity Viewer Tab

The Activity Viewer tab provides users a quick view of the activities signed up by the guest, be it Excursion, Dining arrangements or Spa booking, thus enabling them to locate the guest or follow up on up-coming activities. The information’s displayed are controlled by two (2) Parameters. Please contact Support/Consultant for the supported template setup/usage.

Figure 2-81 Activity Viewer Window

This figure shows the Activity Viewer Window

Table 2-29 Activity Window

Field Description


Date/Time grid of activity window


Type and scheduled time of activities


Details of selected activity


Date/Time of event filter for Itinerary print out

By default, the time grid is set to an hourly grid and this can be easily changed by right-clicking on the time grid, and then select the desired time frame to display.

Figure 2-82 Changing Time Frame

This figure shows Changing Time Frame

The activity time in the grid are indicated according to the color define for each type of activity.

Navigating Through Activity Viewer

  1. On the date field, select either the date to display using the down arrow key, or use the arrow left/right to navigate to previous or next day view.
  2. Use the scroll bar to navigate to the previous or future time period.
  3. Clicking the activity bar in the grid view will further display information such as passenger name of the selected cabin, activity type, activity date and time of a selected event outlet or table reservation in Activity Information section.
  4. An itinerary can be printed from the same window. A report configuration under report group Itinerary is required prior to printing an itinerary. See Administration User Guide, Report Setup section for report configuration steps.

Printing an Itinerary

  1. In the Date/Time filter option, enter the activity date range to print.

    Figure 2-83 Activity Date Range

    This figure shows the Activity Date Range
  2. Select the type of event from the drop-downlist.
  3. Click Print to generate the Itinerary.

    Figure 2-84 Sample Excursion Itinerary

    This figure shows the Sample Excursion Itinerary

Revenue Analyzer Tab

The Revenue Analyzer provides a revenue analysis of selected guest by date, department and transaction number order. It comprises two tabs - Department Details and Item Details. By default, information displayed on the window are imploded and only the transaction date, net total and gross total are shown. In order to view a detailed information, place a check mark inExpand All or manually click the ‘+/-'key to show/hide the column or click the arrow downon the drop-down list to further expand the information of respective column.

Figure 2-85 Revenue Analyzer Tab

This figure shows the Revenue Analyzer Viewer Window

Table 2-30 Field Definition of Revenue Analyzer

Field Description

Transaction Date

Date transaction was posted


Financial Department

Transaction Number

System generated transaction ID


Sub-total of each Financial Department

Net Total

Total Net amount (Total value excluding discount)

Gross Total

Gross amount (Total value before discount)

History Tab

The History tab stores future and past reservation records, as well as the cabin change log. Other than the Future Reservations section where the user is able to insert, edit and remove a reservation, all other information on this window are non-editable.

Figure 2-86 History Tab

This figure shows the History Tab

Table 2-31 Field Definition of History Tab

Field Description


This section stores records of previous reservations by date, cabin number, notes and overall stay duration.

Records are captured once user checks out the guest.


This section stores records of future reservations.

During system data change, the system checks for future.


This section stores records of cabin assigned to the guest during their stay, including future reservations if any.

Creating Future Reservation

  1. Click New to open the Future Reservations form.
  2. Enter the Cabin number and select the Expected Embarkation/Disembarkation Date.
  3. Click OK to save and the record is inserted in the Future Reservation section.

Figure 2-87 Creating Future Reservation

This figure shows the Future Reservations

Editing Future Reservation

  1. In the Future Reservation section, select the future reservation.
  2. Click Edit to open the Future Reservations form.
  3. Alter the information and then click OK to save the changes.

Removing Future Reservation

  1. In the Future Reservation section, select the future reservation.
  2. Click Remove to remove the record.

Comments Tab

The Comments tab enable you to follow ups on feedback/complaints received pertaining to a cabin, services rendered, facilities and etc. You can scan or attach an image file besides inputting a comment.

Figure 2-88 Comments Tab

This figure shows the Comments Tab

Adding a Comment/Sub-Comment

  1. Click the Add Comment.
  2. In the Comment tab, select the relevant fields using the drop-down list.
  3. Enter the Reported By, Comment description, Additional Cost and check the urgency and sensitivity, if any.
  4. Click Save to save the record. This places a Red Cross indicator on the Comment.
  5. When you select a Comment and click on Add Comment, this creates a sub-comment, defaulting the heading the same as main Comment Category and Comment Description and they are not editable.

Attaching Image File

  1. At the Document Image tab of the comment, click Scan Document or Upload File to upload an image from a storage location.
  2. Click Save to save the image to the database.

Resolving a Comment

  1. Select the main comment and then navigate to the Resolution tab.
  2. Enter the Resolved by (Person)and Resolution Description, and then check mark the Resolved check box.
  3. Click Save to save the resolution. This places a check mark next to the comment(s).
  4. Checking the Resolved check box will set all sub-comments as resolved.

Other Info Tab

Other Info tab stores the passenger flight assignment, cabin maintenance tasks and other general information. Other functions included in this tab are board card printing, enabling/disabling phone and printing passport label.

Figure 2-89 Other Information Tab

This figure shows the Other Information Tab

Flight Assignment

Arrival/departure flight information and transfers arrangements are updated in the Flight Assignment section.

Figure 2-90 Flight Assignment in Other Information Tab

This figure shows the Flight Assignment in Other Information Tab

Adding arrival/departure flight details

  1. Click Add in the Other Info tab, Flight Assignment section.
  2. Select the Flight direction, date, Flight Carrier from the drop-downlist and enter the Seat No, Flight Class and Passenger’s Name.
  3. Click OK to save the record.


The Edit assignment only allows you to edit the Transfer price, no. of bags, bag label or Seat number.

Figure 2-91 Edit Flight Assignment

This figure shows the Edit Flight Assignment


The Maintenance section displays all maintenance task related to selected cabin, regardless of its completion status and these task are entered in Maintenance module..

Guest Categories

The Gust Categories section displays the selected information from Edit Information, Guest Categories check box. These information’s are configured in Administration, System Codes, Guest Categories codes.

Guest Categories / Other Information

The Guest Categories and Other Information section displays the selected information from Edit Information, Guest Categories check box and various fields in Name/Reservation section.

Travel Documents Tab

Details of the guest passport, identification or any travel documents captured through passport/ID scanning device are stored in this tab and are purged at the end of the cruise or according to the policy defined by the Ship.

Figure 2-92 Travel Documents Tab

This figure shows the Travel Documents Tab

Table 2-32 Field Definition of Travel Documents

Field Description

Predefined Document Type

Document type configured in Administration Module, for example: passport, identification card.

Document Type

Type of Visa

Document Number

Passport or ID number

Issue Date

Document issue date

Expiry Date

Document expiry date


Passenger Birthdate

Issued Country

Country document were issued

Valid From

Validity of document

Document Name

Document type

Issued Place

Document issued place

Last Name

Last Name

Code MRZ1

Machine Reader Track 1

Code MRZ2

Machine Reader Track 3

Code MRZ3

Machine Reader Track 3

Number of Entries

Number of entries allowed

Allow Duration of Stay

Allowed duration of stay on each visit

Adding/Editing a Travel Document

Figure 2-93 Travel Document Add/Edit Window

This figure shows the Travel Document Add/Edit Window
  1. In the Travel Documents tab, click Add new to open the Document Add/Edit form.
  2. Fill in all relevant information using the drop-down list or manually enter them.
  3. Click Upload File to upload the picture or scanned a document.
  4. Click OK to save the travel document.
  5. To edit, click the Edit, update the relevant information, and then click OK to save.

Custom Info Tab

The Custom Info tab is a user definable field that allows you to customize the field according to your operational requirements. The field names are defined in Administration, User Definable Field Setup guide.

Guest History Tab

The Guest History tab captures the history of the guest from various ships such as reservations, the amount spent, amenity and special requests, and these data are transferred from Shoreshide Fleet Management System database through an ResOnline Interface. The Guest History window comprises two main tabs - Booking and Raw XML.

Booking tab

The Booking tab is segmented into five different views and they are: Transactions, Item Details, Shore Excursion, Amenity, Special Request and Comments.

Figure 2-94 Guest History Tab

This figure shows the Guest History Tab

Transactions Tab

The first tab of the Booking tab is Transactions. In this tab, past transactions from previous cruises sorted by Department class, Department code, Department Group, Postdate and Sum of amount are shown.

Pressing the +/- or the arrow down key will explode or implode the details under each station, enabling information in each respective columns to be further drilled down.

Figure 2-95 Department Check Box

This figure shows the Department Check Box

Item Details

The Item Details tab list all the POS Postings in details.

Shore Excursion

The Shore Excursion tab displays past excursions participated by the guest.


The Amenity tab displays past chargeable amenities requests from previous cruises.

Special Request

Special Request tab displays the request history during each stay whilst on-board.


The Comments tab displays past comments inserted on previous cruise.


The Raw XML tab shows the actual passenger history in XML format that was sent from Reservation Online to the ship database.

Figure 2-96 Guest History Raw XML Tab

This figure shows the Guest History Raw XML Tab

Loyalty/TrackIt Tab

Loyalty/TrackIt tab provides a quick overview on the loyalty program the passenger is attached to, and items that were confiscated or returned during embarkation/disembarkation, and the confiscated items are managed in TrackIt module.

Loyalty Assignment

A guest may sign up a loyalty program through the course of the voyage and information such as loyalty card number, points balance, personal details are stored in this tab.

Figure 2-97 Loyalty Program Form

This figure shows the Loyalty Program Form

Adding / Editing a Loyalty Program

  1. In the Loyalty/TrackIt tab, click Add to open the Edit Loyalty program form.
  2. Fill in all relevant information’s using the drop-down list or maually enter them.
  3. To edit existing information, select the line item and then click Edit and then update the information.
  4. Click Save to save the information.

Confiscated Item

The movement and storage location of confiscated items are displayed in the following section and records are updated:

  • When a confiscated item is returned or

    checked-out temporarily to the passenger, the system removesthe record from Confiscated Item section.
  • When a confiscated item is checked-in by the passenger, then the system inserts a record in the Confiscated Item section.

Figure 2-98 Confiscated Item Storage Location

This figure shows the Confiscated Item Storage Location

Renew Reservation Function

You can renew a reservation of a check-out guest using the guest historical data instead of creating a reservation.
  1. Navigate to the Check Out tab in Search Panel.
  2. By default, the date is set to System Date. Change the date to the passenger checked-out date.
    This figure shows the Renew Reservation
  3. Enter the guest last name or use the alphabets tab to search. Selecting ALL tab will list all passengers departed on the date specified.
  4. Click the Re-New Reservation at the Guest Handling window.
  5. At the New Guest Reservation prompt, select Yes to renew the reservation.
  6. Click Edit Information to change the expected arrival date, if required.

Express Reservation Function

The Express Reservation function within Guest Handling enables you to create a quick reservation using a simplified Reservation Form. Refer New Reservation Function for further information of the field descriptions.

Figure 2-99 Express Reservation Form

This figure shows the Express Reservation Form

Creating an Express Reservation

  1. Click the New Reservation at the Guest Handling window to open the Express reservation form.
  2. Enter all required information’s and update the embarkation / debarkation date. By default, Embarkation Date on the form is set to current System Date.
  3. Click OK to save the reservation.

Get Credit Cards Function

Get Credit Card enables you to update the passenger credit card details by swiping the card through the magnetic card reader.

Updating Credit Card Details

  1. In the Search Panel, search for the guest record and then click the Get Credit Card at the Guest Handling window to open the blank Credit Card Entry form.

  2. At the blank Credit Card Entry form, swipe the credit card through the magnetic card reader to capture the credit card details and have it auto populate on window.

    Figure 2-100 Setting Credit Card Spending Limit

    This figure shows the Setting Credit Card Spending Limit
  3. Check mark the Set Spending Limit check box to enter the credit limit of the card..

Manual Update of Credit Card Details

  1. At the blank Credit Card Entry form, click Manual.

  2. Manually enter the card information in the field provided and then click OK to save.

  3. Click Yes at the CC-Check dialog box to update the credit card details onto the guest account.

  4. You can view the stored credit card details from the Credit Card tab.

Capturing an Electronic Signature

If you have a Signature Capture device installed, you can capture a sample of the guest signature in the Credit Card tab.

Storing Sample Signature

  1. Repeat steps 1 — 3 of above.

  2. Sign on the column provided in the Signature Device, press Confirm and then Capture Signature to save the signature against the passenger credit card record.

  3. The stored credit card details and signature are saved in Credit Card tab.

Registering Multiple Credit Card

Multiple card types can be stored for ease of settlement and this is particularly useful when a guest decides to settle part of their invoices using certain card.

  1. Repeat steps 1 — 3 of Updating Credit Card Details.

  2. The system prompts a notification that there is more than one card being registered. Select Yes at the CC-Check prompt to register the card.

Activating Credit Card for a Particular Invoice

  1. At the Credit Card tab, select the card to activate, and then click Activate Card.

  2. Check mark the invoice at the Activate Credit Card prompt and click Activate.

  3. The chosen invoice is shown under Invoice column and the card is set at Active.

    Figure 2-101 Multiple Credit Card Assignment

    This figure shows the Multiple Credit Card Assignment

Check In Function

Guest joining the cruise are required to checked-in to the system prior to boarding, and these reservations are categorized under the Expected tab.

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel, Expected tab and then click Check-In.

  2. At the Check In prompt, select Yes to check in the reservation and print keycard at the same time.

Check Out Function

At the end of the voyage, you must check-out all the guest account from the system. This is to ensure that all accounts are in balance before performing a System Cruise Change.

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Pane, Check In tab and then click Check Out.

  2. At the Check Out prompt, select Yes to check out the reservation.

  3. If the account is unbalanced, the system prompts for an invoice to be settled before proceeding. Click OK to return to the guest account.

See Pay Invoice section for steps to settle an account.

Print Boardcard Function

The Print Board Card function in Guest Handling enables you to print a copy of guest board card if they are not printed earlier.

  1. Retrieve the reservation from the Search Panel and then click the Print Board Card.

  2. At the Print Board Cards prompt, select Yes to save the board card number under Guest Info tab. This process increases the Board card number shown in Guest Info tab, and the last digit of board card denotes the number of times the board card were re-printed. The first printed card always end with 0.

    Figure 2-102 Print Board Card Prompt

    This figure shows the Print Board Card Prompt
  3. Select a reason from the drop-down list when prompt and then press OK.

  4. Status of the printed card is reflected in the Batch Board Card Printing window. If the card status is Failed, click Reprint All failed print job to reprint.

  5. Check the Interface or Printer connectivity if the board card failed to print.

    Figure 2-103 Batch Board Card Printing

    This figure shows the Batch Board Card Printing

Printing New Board Card

During a cabin move or when guest extends their stay, a re-code of board card is required and this card is printable from Guest Handling, Other Infotab.

  1. At the Other Info tab, click the New Board Card and select Yes at the Recreate Cards prompt.

  2. At the Print Board Card Reason prompt, select the reason from the drop-down list, then press OK to confirm.

Resetting a Board Card

For lost card, a change of lock combination for the cabin is necessary, and this process will re-assign a new board card number to all occupants of the same cabin.

  1. At the Other Info tab, click the Reset Board Card.

  2. Select Yes at the Recreate Cards prompt to invalidate all previously issued cards.

    Figure 2-104 Recreate Board Card

    This figure shows the Recreate Board Card

    Figure 2-105 Boardcard Number in Guest Information Tab

    This figure shows the Boardcard Number in Guest Information Tab
  3. At the Print Board Card Reason prompt, select the reason from the drop-down list, then click OK to confirm.

  4. At the Batch Board Card Printing prompt, click Close if the card is printed successfully. Otherwise, repeat the above process.

Change Cabin Function

A cabin may become unavailable due to defect or guest may want to move to a larger cabin or cabin closer to their family/friends. This would require a cabin change, and depending on the policy and procedures set by the Ship, such change may be chargeable. If a fee is applicable, you can set this up in Administration, Financial Setup, Stateroom Upgrade Prices module.

You can perform a cabin change from different function — either using the Cabin Change function, Edit Information or Edit Express Reservation function.

Changing a Cabin Using Cabin Change

When a cabin change is chargeable, it is recommended that you perform the task using Cabin Change option in Guest handling function. A setup such as Financial Department, General Change Reason and Database Parameter must be in place in order for the charge to be posted. See Administration User Guide, Stateroom Upgrade Setup for more details.

  1. Look up the guest account in Search panel, then click the Change Cabin at Guest Handling window.
  2. The system prompts a pre-configured Cabin Upgrade Price Calculation table. Click the question mark (?) button besides the New Cabin field to search for a new cabin.

    Figure 2-106 Cabin Change Function

    This figure shows the Cabin Change Function
  3. In the Cabin Availability window, select date from/to, Deck, Category from the drop-down list in the Search Criteria section, and then click Refresh to update the availability grid.

    Figure 2-107 Cabin Availability Window

    This figure shows the Cabin Availability Window
  4. Select the desired cabin by highlighting the cabin number, and then click OK to confirm.

    Figure 2-108 Cabin Change Price Calculation

    This figure shows the Cabin Change Price Calculation
  5. The system automatically calculates the upgrade price based on the selected category, and in this instance, the guest is moving from Cat.01 to Cat.03 and the chargeable price is at $100, a total comprises of Cat.02+Cat03.
  6. At the Reasons for Change prompt,, enter the reason for the change in the free text field.
  7. Click Yes at the Cabin Change prompt to confirm and this will then post a charge to the guest account.

    Figure 2-109 Cabin Upgrade Charge Posted to Guest Account

    This figure shows the Cabin Upgrade Charge Posted to Guest Account

Changing an Assigned Cabin

When the assigned cabin for the guest becomes unavailable at the point of check-in, re-assignment of the cabin is required. In such cases, the cabin change is done by editing the reservation.

  1. Repeat steps 1 to 4 of the above.
  2. In the Reasons for Change prompt, select the reason of the change from the drop-down list, then click OK to save the changes.
  3. Click OK on the Edit Information form to save the cabin reassignment.

Assigning a Cabin in Edit Express Information

At the point of creating a reservation using Express Reservation, you can assign a cabin number to the guest and the process is the same as Changing An Assigned Cabin in Edit Information.

Messages Function

There are occasions that you are required to notify the guest is of their reservations, tour arrangements or inquiries by leaving a message in their cabin. These messages not only presented in hard copy, it can also prompt on window at the Gangway, Internal Gate or Immigration Gate when scanning the guest board card.

Figure 2-110 Message Form

This figure shows the Message Form

Table 2-33 Field Definition of Message Form

Field Description


Message light indicator.


Indicator whether message has been printed.

Taken When

Date/Time message were entered.


Sender's Name enter.


Content of the message.

Taken by

User who enter the message.

Delivered by

User who deliver the message.

Delivered Mode

Location of where to prompt for message delivery, either at Advance QCI Wizard, Gangway, Internal Gate, Immigration Gate or none.


Type of delivery acknowledgement, either by User, Manager or none.

Delivered button

Sets the message status to/from delivered.

Print button

Print selected message.

Light On/Off

Sets on/off phone message light in cabin.

Delete Message

Remove message from passenger account.

Edit Message

Edit message content and/change delivery mode.

New Message

Creates a new message.

Creating / Editing a Message

  1. Look up the guest account in search Panel, then click Message at the Guest Handling window.
  2. On the Message form, click New Message to create a new message or Edit Message to edit and existing message.
  3. Enter the Sender’s name and message content in the respective area.
  4. Select the Delivery and Acknowledgement Mode from the drop-down list, then click OK to save.
  5. New Messages entered will set the message light to On automatically and this setting is controlled by Parameter, General, Message Light On.
  6. To edit a message, click Edit Message, then edit the content and click OK to save the changes.
  7. A check mark is placed in the Message tab as an indicator for undelivered messages.

Delivering / Undo Delivery of a Message

  1. Look up the guest account in Search panel, then click Message at Guest Handling tab.
  2. On the Message form, select the message to deliver, then click Delivered to confirm delivery and this inserts the delivered by, date/time.
  3. This process does not turn off the message light automatically. You are required to manually click Light Offto reset the message light.
  4. In the Delivered by, the user name, delivery date and time is record.
  5. To reset the message delivery to undelivered, click Delivered and select Yes at the message prompt.

Deleting a Message

  1. Search the guest account in Search Panel, then click Message at Guest Handling tab.
  2. On the Message form, select the message to delete and click Delete Message.
  3. At the Delete Message prompt, select Yes to confirm deletion of the Message or No to return to the earlier window. Once a message is deleted, it cannot be undone.

Printing a Message

  1. On the Message form, select a message and then click Print.
  2. The indicator in the Printed column will then switch to Yes, and the date the message was printed is shown in the Message Grid.

Turning Message Light On/Off

The message light is automatically turned on as an indicator to the guest that there are messages for them. If the message function is used as internal messaging, it is best not to set the message light on when creating a message and this is managed in Parameter, General, Message Light On.

  1. On the Message form, select the message and then click the Light On/Off.
  2. If the message light is:
    • On: The light bulb is illuminated and clicking Light Off will turn off the light.
    • Off: The light bulb is dimmed and clicking Light ON will illuminate the light.
  3. Clicking Light On/Off triggers the indicator for all message in the Message grid.

Express Edit Information Function

The Express Edit Information function enables you to edit the basic Reservation information’s as displayed in Express Reservation function.

  1. In the Search Panel, search for the guest account, then click the Express Edit Information at the Guest handling window.
  2. Update the relevant information on the Express Reservation form and then click OK to save the changes. See New Reservation Function for further information of the field descriptions.