3 System Accounts

System Accounts is a repository account mainly used for postings that do not impact any of the passenger’s account, for example Cash postings from an outlet, Ad-hoc purchases, Crew signing privilege or as an adjustment account. These accounts do not have a check-in/out date, and when not in use, you can set it to ‘Inactive’

Figure 3-1 System Account

This figure shows the System Account

In the System Account Main window, accounts are filtered byAll, Active Accounts or Inactive Accounts, sortable by Account/Name or Voyage.

Figure 3-2 System Account Filters

This figure shows the System Account Filters

Creating a System Account

  1. In the Management module, select Cashier, then System Accounts from the drop-down menu.
  2. At the System Account window, select Insert New.
  3. Enter the information for the account and then click OK to save. The newly created account will appear as ‘Active’ in the account list.

Figure 3-3 System Account Entry Form

This figure shows the System Account Entry Form

Table 3-1 Field Definition of System Account Entry Form

Field Description

Account No

User Assigned account number


System Account Name

Payment by Credit Card

Enable credit card payment type


Payment type linked to Department Codes in Financial Setup

Access Priv

Privilege level allowed to access the account.

Posting Allowed

Sets the account Active/Inactive.


Assigned Room ID for MICROS POS.

Post to Next Cruise on embarkation date

Enable posting of charges into the next Cruise when the account is balanced.

Disc Template

Linked to available Discount template and apply the discount when the posting added is a department code listed in the template.

GL Account

Link the transactions to designated GL account. Require Parameter: General, Enable System Account GL Setting.

Changing the System Account Information

Information of the System Account can be changed by selecting the account from the Account list, then click Change, and then click OK to save.

Deleting a System Account


An account can only be deleted when there are no postings linked to the account.

Posting a Charge to System Account

Posting a change to System Account is similar to Add Posting in Guest Handling. See Invoice Tab on how to Add, Void, Move and Route posting, Pay and Print an invoice, and other posting related function.

Enabling Posting for Next Cruise

System Account allows you to post to future cruise by checking the ‘Post to Next cruise on embarkation date’ in the System Account Entry form.

  1. Retrieve the guest account from the Search Panel, then click Add Posting in the Guest Handling window.
  2. On the Add Postings form, select the Financial Department from the drop-down list or use the Search option to search for a department code.

    Figure 3-4 Add Posting Financial Department Selection

    This figure shows the Add Posting Financial Department Selection
  3. Insert aValue, Check Number and select the Invoice number to post, then click Add. This transfers the posting to the Postings List section, enabling you to post more than one charge.

    Figure 3-5 Adding a Charge

    This figure shows Adding a Charge
  4. Item count increases automatically when the posting is more than one.

    This figure shows the Add Posting Count
  5. Click Post to finalize the posting.
  6. At the Make Posting warning prompt, select OK to proceed to post to the next cruise.

    Figure 3-6 Posting to Future Cruise Warning Prompt

    This figure shows the Posting to Future Cruise Warning Prompt


Posting will appear on Invoice tab until you perform a System Cruise Change.

Applying Payment to Next Cruise Posting

When applying a payment to future cruise, the account must have ‘Post to Next Cruise on embarkation date’ checked, otherwise the system will post the payment into Current Cruise.

  1. In the System Account Invoice tab, select Pay Invoice.
  2. In Invoice Payment window, the ‘Enable System Account to post to future cruise on Embarkation date after full payment’ is checked.

    Figure 3-7 Payment to Next Cruise

    This figure shows the Payment to Next Cruise
  3. Click the Payor Pay & Print to post the payment.
  4. Under the Make Payment warning prompt, select OK to post payment on the next cruise.

    Figure 3-8 Payment to Future Cruise Prompt

    This figure shows the Payment to Future Cruise Prompt


If the ‘Post to Next Cruise on embarkation date’ is not checked in the System Account Entry form, the system then post the paymentinto current cruise by default, and this may cause an imbalance

Discount & Routing Tab

The Discount & Routing tab in System Account function the same way as Discount handling in Guest Handling. See Disc, Route, Pkg Tab for more information.

Registering a Credit Card

The Credit Card registration process in System Account is the same as in Guest Handling, Get Card Function. See Get Credit Cards Function for more information.

Setting an Inactive Account

An account can be enabled/disabled easily by un-checking the Posting Allowed in the System Account Entry form. An Inactive Account has a Red Cross symbol in the Posting Allowed column in the System Account number grid.