Access Company Details (Edit Company Window)

Company detail information is managed in the Edit Company window (also known as the Company Properties window).

To access the window:

  1. Go to the Company Workspace tab and switch to Admin mode.
  2. In the toolbar, click File and select Open.

    The Edit Company window has the following tabs:

    • General: Use this tab to manage several company features, which are described in the next topic. The fields with red asterisks are required.
    • Address: Use this tab to enter up to seven company addresses. There must be at least one address entered for the company headquarters.
    • Security: Use this tab to set up a file security policy and a password/login policy that your users must follow after they sign into the system.
    • Contact: Use this tab to maintain support contact and e-Learning access information for your users. The information entered here appears in the Support window (Contact tab). To access the Support window, click Help in the upper-right corner of the Unifier Essentials window, and select Contact Support from the menu.
    • E-Signatures: Use this tab to manage the default e-signature type, DocuSign setup or Adobe Acrobat Sign (Adobe Sign) setup, to use these digital E-signature solutions within Unifier Essentials documents.
    • Outgoing E-mails: Use this tab to specify the size (in megabyte [MB]) of attachments allowed in each outgoing email.
    • Lobby Administrators: Use this tab to manage the list of company-sponsored users who function as administrators for the Lobby. These users are also known as Organization Administrators and Lobby Administrators.

In This Section

Edit Company (General Tab)

Edit Company (Address Tab)

Edit Company (Security Tab)

Edit Company (Contact Tab)

Edit Company (E-Signatures Tab)

Edit Company (Outgoing E-mails Tab)

Edit Company (Lobby Administrators Tab)

Last Published Tuesday, June 4, 2024