Repository Tab (CMIS)

The following fields display when you select CMIS in the File Repository field.

CMIS Login Name: Enter the user name for your content repository.

CMIS Password: Password for the CMIS login name.

CMIS Repository Name: The content repository name.

CMIS Documentation Home: The documentation home.

CMIS Web Service URL: The URL for your web services home.


Index Directory: This folder is for index files used in Document Manager search function. This field is not visible when repository is set to CMIS.

Log File Directory: The folder where the log files are stored.

When Unifier is installed on a multibyte server and connecting to SharePoint or CMIS:

The above settings enable you to view documents in CMIS.


Setting in setenv.bat file: SET JAVA_OPTIONS=%JAVA_OPTIONS%

Setting in file: export JAVA_OPTIONS="$JAVA_OPTIONS"

Related Topics

Changing Unifier Configurator Settings on Windows

General Tab

Repository Tab (Database)

Repository Tab (Network File System)

Repository Tab (WebCenter Content)

Database Tab (Oracle)

Email Tab

Markup Server Tab

Report Tab

Geo Map Tab

Authentication Tab (Native)

Authentication Tab (OIM/OAM)


Authentication Tab (WebLogic)

Authentication Tab (LDAP Simple Bind)

Authentication Tab (LDAP Double Bind)

Authentication Tab (Generic SSO)

Advanced Tab

Last Published Tuesday, February 20, 2024