Activity Manager

Unifier enables you to create, consolidate, and monitor activities that must be completed on a schedule by way of the Activity Manager.

The Activity Manager grouping node, contains the following sub-nodes, when available:

To access the Activity Manager node:

  1. Go to your shell in User mode.
  2. Click Activity Manager node to expand.

The following provides summary details about each functional node (sub-nodes).

Activity Sheet functional node

The Activity Sheet sub-node contains a list of activity sheets listed in the Activity Sheets log window. You can have have multiple activity sheets.

An activity sheet captures scheduling data from the mapped P6 projects and role and resource rates from the company-level Master Rate Sheet (default) or shell-level rate sheets, and calculates the Earned Values metrics and derivatives. It is the primary source of data for the Earned Value Analysis.

OBS Sheet functional node

An OBS Sheet (Organization Breakdown Structure sheet) contains the following information:

The OBS Sheet node log displays the only available OBS sheet.

Refer to the Unifier Earned Value Management User Guide for details.

Rate Sheet functional node

The Rate Sheet node captures the list of resources and roles (based on the latest data available in activity sheet) and corresponding rates from the master rate sheet.

In P6, users can assign a role, or resource, to an activity under the Assignments tab of an activity for any project. In P6, rates are assigned to a role or resource at global level. To maintain the consistency, we will import the P6 global data to Unifier company workspace. This data will be captured under a new entity called Master Rate Sheet. The rate sheet being created through P6-Unifier integration will be saved as 'Master Rate Sheet' under a new node in company workspace called Master Rate Sheet.

The rates (Price/Unit) for assigned roles and resources are managed at global level in P6, which can then be used in a project while doing the costing (calculating Present Value, Earned Value, etc.) of the project depending on the rate source (resource, role or override) corresponding to that assignment in an activity.

For a resource loaded schedule, we need rates corresponding to roles and resources for costing of any project in Unifier. There are two types of rate sheets:

A company will only have one Rate Sheet called the "Master Rate Sheet." So, users are not allowed to create a copy sheet of the Master Rate Sheet under company workspace. This sheet will contain rates for both roles and resources, users will be able to toggle between resource and role rates from the display. By default, the rates present in master rate sheet will be used across all the resources and roles present in all activity sheets across all shells unless user has assigned another rate sheet present at the shell level to the activity sheet/project.

To override the price or unit. The Planning and Actuals will be fetched from corresponding Rate Sheet or Overridden Price/Unit from override action. Whenever a different Rate is assigned to a Resource, system will display the following alert message: Perform Recost to see updated costs.

Refer to the Unifier Earned Value Management User Guide for details.

WBS Sheet functional node

A WBS Sheet (Work Breakdown Structure sheet) contains the following information:

The WBS Sheet node log displays the only available WBS sheet.

Refer to the Unifier Earned Value Management User Guide for:

In This Section

Activity Sheet Sub-Node

Bulk Assigning WBS Code to Different Activities

Link Activities (Adding Dependencies)

Manual Activity Sheet Gear Menu

Manual Activity Sheet Start Date, Finish Date, and Duration

Manual Activity Sheet and CSV Template

Manual Activity Sheet Categories

Manual Activity Sheet (Schedule Types)

Manual Activity Sheet Dates

Activity Sheet User Defined Report (UDR)

Roll Up Activity Sheet to Cost Sheet

Importing Manual Activity Sheet

Last Published Monday, August 28, 2023