Assigning Resources or Roles to Projects or WBS Elements

You can assign labor resources or roles to projects and their WBS elements during the planning phase of the project. You can assign resources if you know who will most likely be performing the work. When you assign a resource to a project or WBS element, the resource is assigned without a role allocation.

In long-range planning, you may choose to assign a role to a project or WBS and then staff the role with a specific resource at a later date after the activities have been defined.

To assign a resource or role to a project or WBS element:

  1. Click Resources.
  2. On the Resources navigation bar, click Planning.
  3. On the Planning page, expand a project, and click the project or WBS row.
  4. Click Assign....
    • Select Resource if you know which resource you want to assign.
    • Select Role if you know which role you want to assign.
    • Select Assign Resource using Search if you want to search for a resource to assign.
  5. On the Planning page, clear the Committed option if the assignments are not definitely committed to the project.

    Note: When calculating resource availability for high level resource planning, only the committed assignments are considered.

  6. Click Save.


Related Topics

Resource Planning

About Resource Planning

Searching for a Resource to Assign

Assigning Projects or WBS Elements to Resources or Roles

Allocating Units to Resources or Roles

Allocating Units by Spreading Units Across a Time Period

Splitting Resource Assignments

Exporting the Planning Spreadsheet

Planning Page of the Resources Section

Assign by Search Dialog Box of the Planning Page

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024