5.8 Create iDIH Virtual Machines - OVM-S/OVM-M

This procedure imports the IDIH image and creates/configures a VM. Repeat this procedure three times for:

  • IDIH-Oracle (db)
  • IDIH-Application (app)
  • IDIH-Mediation (med)
  • Replace XXX in variable names with the different suffix – when repeating.
  • This procedure requires values for these variables:
    • <OVM-M IP> = IP address to access a sh prompt on the OVM server
    • <URL to IDIH-XXX OVA> = Link(s) to a source for each IDIH product image (.ova)
    • <MyRepository name> = Name of the repository in the OVM to hold the product images (.ova)
    • <ServerPool name>
    • <VM name>
    • <OVM network ID for XMI>
    • <OVM network ID for IDIH Internal>
    • <OVM network ID for IMI>
  • Execution of this procedure will discover and use the values of these variables:
    • <Virtual Appliance IDIH-XXX OVA ID>
    • <IDIH-XXX-OVA VM name_vm_vm>
    • <VM id>
    • <vCPUs Production>
    • <Vnic 1 id>
    • <size in GB>
    • <VirtualDiskId>
    • <VirtualDiskName>
    • <Slot#>
  1. Access command line of OVM.
    Refer to Common OVM Manager Tasks (CLI) for setting up the platform.
    1. Use the respective value for <OVM-M IP> into the command.
      ssh -l admin <OVM-M IP> -p 10000


      ssh –l admin –p 10000

      Alternate: use a terminal emulation tool like putty.

  2. In OVM-M CLI, import the VirtualAppliance/OVA for IDIH-XXX.
    1. Use the respective values for <MyRepository name> and <URL to IDIH-XXX OVA> into the command.
      OVM>importVirtualAppliance Repository name=’<MyRepository name>’ url=<URL to IDIH-XXX OVA>
      OVM> importVirtualAppliance Repository name='XLab Utility Repo01' url=
    2. Run the command and validate success.
    3. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations:

      importVirtualAppliance Repository name='XLab Utility Repo01'
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-18 15:23:31,044 EDT
      JobId: 1492543363365
      ID: 1128a1c6ce name: DSR-
    4. Use the respective values for values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <Virtual Appliance IDIH-XXX OVA ID> = 1128a1c6ce

  3. In OVM-M CLI, get the virtual appliance name. It is used in <IDIH-XXX OVA VM name> in later steps.
    1. Use the respective values for <Virtual Appliance IDIH-XXX OVA ID> in the command.
      OVM> show VirtualAppliance id=<Virtual Appliance IDIH-XXX OVA id>
      OVM> show VirtualAppliance id=1128a1c6ce
    2. Run the command and validate success.
    3. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations:
      show VirtualAppliance id=1128a1c6ce
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-18 15:23:53,534 EDT
      Origin =
      Repository = 0004fb0000030000da5738315337bfc7 [XLab Utility Repo01]
      Virtual Appliance Vm 1 = 11145510c0_vm_vm [vm]
      Virtual Appliance VirtualDisk 1 = 11145510c0_disk_disk1 [disk1]
      Id = 11145510c0 [DSR-]
      Name = DSR-
      Description = Import URL:
      Locked = false
    4. Use the respective values for these variables (overwrite example).
      <IDIH-XXX-OVA VM name_vm_vm> = 11145510c0_vm_vm
  4. In OVM-M CLI, create a virtual machine from the virtual machine in the OVA virtual appliance.
    1. Use the respective value for <IDIH-db-OVA VM name_vm_vm> into the command.
      OVM> createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm VirtualApplianceVm name=<IDIH-XXX-OVA VM name_vm_vm>
      OVM> createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm VirtualApplianceVm name=11145510c0_vm_vm
    2. Run the command and validate success.
    3. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations:
      createVmFromVirtualApplianceVm VirtualApplianceVm name=11145510c0_vm_vm
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-18 16:02:09,141 EDT
      JobId: 1492545641976
      id: 0004fb00000600004a0e02bdf9fc1bcd name: oracle-
    4. Use the respective values for these variables (overwrite example).
      <VM id> = 0004fb00000600004a0e02bdf9fc1bcd
  5. In OVM-M CLI, add the VM to the server pool.
    1. Use the respective values for <VM ID> and <ServerPool name> into the command.
      OVM> add Vm id=<VM id> to ServerPool name=”<ServerPool name>”
      OVM> add Vm id=0004fb00000600004a0e02bdf9fc1bcd to ServerPool name="XLab Pool 01"
    2. Run the command and validate success.


    Refer Server Pool for further information on Server Pool.
  6. In OVM-M CLI, edit VM to apply required profile/ resources.
    1. Refer to DSR Cloud Benchmarking Guide for recommended resource.

      Table 5-11 Recommended Resource

      VM Name vCPUs Lab RAM (GB) Lab vCPUs Production RAM (GB) Production Storage (GB) Lab and Production
      Type of guest host # # # # #
    2. Use the respective values for <VM ID>, <VM name>, and <vCPUs Production> into the command.
      OVM> edit Vm id=<VM id> name=<VM name> memory=6144 memoryLimit=6144 cpuCountLimit=<vCPUs Production> cpuCount=<vCPUs Production> domainType=XEN_HVM description="<VM name>"
      OVM> edit Vm id=0004fb00000600004a0e02bdf9fc1bcd name= na_idih-db memory=6144 memoryLimit=6144 cpuCountLimit=4 cpuCount=4 domainType=XEN_HVM description="na_idih-db"
    3. Run the command and validate success.

      Now, the VM has a name and resources.

  7. In OVM-M CLI, determine VNIC ID.
    1. Use the respective value for <VM name> in the command.
      OVM> show Vm name=<VM name>
      OVM> show Vm name= na_idih-db
    2. Run the command and validate success.
    3. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations:

      Vnic 1 = 0004fb0000070000091e1ab5ae291d8a

    4. Use the respective values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <Vnic 1 ID> = 0004fb0000070000091e1ab5ae291d8a

  8. Determine network interfaces for the type of guest host.
    Refer to DSR Cloud Benchmarking Guide to learn which network interfaces need to be configured for each guest type. The table looks like this:

    Table 5-12 Network Interfaces

      OAM (XMI) Local (IMI) Sig A (XSI1) Sig B (XSI2) Sig C (XSI3-16) Rep (SBR) DIH Internal
    Type of guest host eth# eth# eth# eth# eth# eth# eth#


    The VNICs need to be created in the correct order so the interfaces are associated with the correct network.
  9. In OVM-M CLI, add (attach) XMI VNIC ID of the XMI network to VM (if required by guest host type).
    1. Use the respective values for <Vnic 1 ID> and <OVM network ID for XMI> into the command
      OVM> add Vnic ID=<Vnic 1 ID> to Network name=<OVM network ID for XMI>
      OVM> add Vnic ID=0004fb0000070000091e1ab5ae291d8a to Network name=10345112c9
    2. Run the command and validate success.
  10. In OVM-M CLI, create and attach IDIH Internal VNIC to VM (if required by guest host type).
    1. Use the respective values for <OVM network ID for IDIH Internal> and <VM name> into the command
      OVM> create Vnic network=<OVM network id for IDIH Internal> name=<VM name>-int on Vm name=<VM name>
      OVM> create Vnic network=DIH Internal name=na_idih-db-int on Vm name=na_idih-db
    2. Run the command and validate success.
  11. In OVM-M CLI, create and attach IMI VNIC ID to VM (if required by guest host type).
    1. Use the respective values for <OVM network ID for IMI> and <VM name> into the command
      OVM> create Vnic network=<OVM network ID for IMI> name=<VM name>-IMI on VM name=<VM name>
      OVM> create Vnic network=102e89a481 name= na_idih-db-IMI on Vm name= na_idih-db
    2. Run the command and validate success.
  12. Create an extra virtual disk (only required on IDIH-Oracle (db) if the system is using OVM).
    1. Decide on a name for the virtual disk: <VirtualDiskName>
    2. Refer the resource profiles defined in DSR Cloud Benchmarking Guide to learn the required GB of Storage for the IDIH type: <size in GB>
    3. Use the respective value for <MyRepository Name> into the command.
      OVM> create VirtualDisk name=’<VirtualDiskName>’ size=<size in GB> sparse=<Yes/No> shareable=<Yes/No> on Repository name=’<MyRepository Name>’
      OVM> create VirtualDisk name=idih-db_disk1 size=100 sparse=No shareable=No on Repository name='XLab Utility Repo01'
    4. Examine the screen results to find site-specific text for variables in these locations:
      create VirtualDisk name=idih-db_disk size=100 sparse=No shareable=No on Repository name='XLab Utility
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-24 15:29:12,502 EDT
      JobId: 1493061481113
      id: 0004fb00001200001bae7adbe6b20e19.img name:idih-db_disk
    5. Use the respective values for these variables (overwrite example).

      <VirtualDiskId> = 0004fb00001200001bae7adbe6b20e19.img

      <VirtualDiskName> = idih-db_disk

  13. In OVM-M CLI, map the created virtual disk to a slot on the VM. This step is for iDIH Oracle VM only.
    1. Decide on a slot for the virtual disk: <Slot#>
    2. Use the respective values for <Slot#> & <VirtualDiskId> & <VirtualDiskName> & <VM name> into the command.
      OVM> create VmDiskMapping slot=<Slot#> virtualDisk=<VirtualDiskId> name="<VirtualDiskName>" on Vm name=<VM name>
      OVM> create VmDiskMapping slot=2 virtualDisk=0004fb00001200001bae7adbe6b20e19.img name=’idih-db_disk’ on Vm name=na_idih-db
    3. Run the command and validate success.
      create VmDiskMapping slot=2
      name=’idih-db_disk’ on Vm name=na_idih-db
      Status: Success
      Time: 2017-04-24 15:32:50,875 EDT
      JobId: 1493062370724
      id:0004fb000013000057ab9b00e6d47add  name:idih-db_disk
  14. In OVM-M CLI, start VM.
    1. Use the respective values for <VM name> into the command
      OVM> start Vm name=<VM name>
      OVM> start Vm name= na_idih-db
    2. Run the command and validate success.


    Repeat steps 2 through 14 for the following VMs. Use unique labels for the VM names:
    • iDIH-Application
    • iDIH-Mediation