5.6 Create iDIH Virtual Machines - VMware

This procedure creates the iDIH Oracle, Mediation, and Application guest. This is an optional step.

Needed Materials: iDIH Oracle OVA, iDIH Mediation OVA, and iDIH Application OVA.

  1. Add the iDIH Oracle OVA to VMware.
    1. Launch the VMware client of your choice.
    2. Add the iDIH Oracle OVA image to the VMware catalog or repository. Follow the instructions provided by the Cloud solutions manufacturer.
  2. Create the Oracle VM from the OVA image.
    1. Browse the library or repository that you placed the iDIH Oracle OVA image.
    2. Deploy the OVA Image using vSphere Client or the vSphere Web Client.
    3. Name the iDIH Oracle VM and select the data store.
  3. Configure resources for the iDIH Oracle VM.
    1. Configure the iDIH Oracle VM per the resource profiles defined in DSR Cloud Benchmarking Guide using the vSphere client or the vSphere web client.
    2. Record the Ethernet addresses associated with each interface and the virtual network with which it is associated.


      Ensure the order of the interface creation is XMI, INT, and then IMI, if there is any. Only the Mediation VM requires the IMI interface.
  4. Create a raw storage block device (external device).


    This step is only required for iDIH Oracle VM

    Create an extra disk for the Oracle VM. Add the second disk using the vSphere client or the vSphere web client.

  5. Use the vSphere client or vSphere web client to power on the iDIH Oracle VM.
  6. Verify the extra/second disk exists.


    This step is only required for iDIH Oracle VM.
    Check if the raw storage block device (external disk) added in step 3 exits by executing any of these commands:
    $ ls /dev/[sv]db
    $ fdisk –l
    $ df –h


    • Do not mount or format the added raw block device. Oracle ASM (Automatic Storage Management) automatically manages it. If you see it has been mounted, unmount it and make sure to completely remove the entry in the /etc/fstab.
    • Repeat steps 1 through 6 for the following VMs. Use unique labels for the VM names:
      • iDIH Application
      • iDIH Mediation