Searching for Applications

This topic provides an overview of application searches and discusses how to search for applications.

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Applications Page


Search recruiting records based on a combination of applicant and job opening criteria. Within the search results, you can perform recruiting actions or applicant actions.

The Search Application page enables you to search based on a combination of applicant data, job opening data, and data such as an applicant’s disposition that has to do with the connection between an applicant and a job opening.

In the context of this search, the term application refers to this connection between an applicant and a job opening (or an application without a job opening). Therefore, an applicant who has applied for multiple job openings, or to the same job opening multiple times, can appear in the search results multiple times.

The search results can include unsubmitted applications (applications in draft status).

Flexible Processing and Applicant Actions

A job opening’s flexible recruiting process (if any) defines appropriate actions based on a user’s role and an applicant’s current disposition. If the flexible recruiting process disallows a particular action, the search results list on the Search Application page does not display the icons or menu commands that would be used to perform the action. Hiding the irrelevant actions helps users to focus on the appropriate next steps in the recruiting process.

These actions can be made unavailable: Reject Applicant, Route Applicant, Manage Interviews, Created Interview Evaluation, Prepare Job Offer, Accept Offer, Reject Offer, Pre-Employment Check, Prepare for Hire, Withdraw from Hire, and Manage Applicant Contracts.

Additionally, the Edit Disposition action is hidden if the flexible recruiting process does not provide the user with any valid disposition transitions.

When a flexible recruiting process makes actions unavailable:

  • The search results grid hides icons for unavailable actions, and the column where the icon appears is hidden entirely if an action is not valid for any applicants.

  • The Other Actions menu (for performing actions on individual applicants) hides any actions that are not available for the applicant.

  • The Group Actions menu does not hide actions, but the system performs the action for only those job openings where the action is permitted.

Use the Search Applications page (HRS_REC_SCHAPPL) to search recruiting records based on a combination of applicant and job opening criteria.


Recruiting > Search Applications

This example illustrates the Quick Search tab of the Search Applications page.

Search Applications - Quick Search

This example illustrates the Advanced Search tab of the Search Applications page.

Search Applications - Advanced Search Page

This example illustrates the Search Results grid of the Search Applications page.

Search Applications page: search results


Field or Control


Recruiting Home

Click to access the Recruiting Home Page.

Search Applicants

Click to access the Search Applicants Page.

Search Job Openings

Click to access the Search Job Openings Page.

Quick Search Tab: Search Criteria

Field or Control


Search My Applicants

Select this check box to limit the search to applicants who are attached to job openings where you are either the originator or part of the hiring team. This setting does not affect whether the search results include applications that are not associated with any job openings.

This check box is hidden from users who are subject to enhanced applicant security. Under enhanced applicant security, users only have access to their own applicants anyway. See Understanding Enhanced Applicant Security.

Applicants that you enter into the system are not considered your applicants unless they are associated with one of your job openings.

The default setting for this check box is selected.

Include Applications Not Linked to a Job Opening

Select this check box if you want the search results to include applications that are not associated with any job opening in addition to applications that meet any job opening criteria you supply.

For example, if you select this check box and also enter the word “Manager” in the Job Posting Title criteria field, the results will include applications without a job opening in addition to applications for jobs with the word “Manager” in the posting title.

First Name, Last Name, and Display Name

Use these fields to search based on the applicant’s name.

Applicant Status

Choose an applicant status to use as search criteria. The default value is the status identified as the default applicant status on the Recruiting Status Area Page. As delivered, the default status is Active

Applied Within

To limit the search to applications that were received within a specific time frame, select one of these time frames: 010 - Today, 020 - Yesterday, 030 - Last 3 Days, 040 - Last Week, 050 - Last 2 Weeks, 060 - Last Month, 070 - Last Year,, or 080 - View All

Applicant ID

For security reasons, the system does not allow users to prompt for applicant IDs. To search for an applicant using the applicant ID, type the ID into this field.


Choose a disposition to use as search criteria.

Job Posting Title

Enter a full or partial job posting title to use as search criteria.

Job Opening ID

Select a job opening ID to use as search criteria.

Job Opening Status

Choose a job opening status to use as search criteria. The default value is the status identified as the default job opening status on the Recruiting Status Area Page. As delivered, the default status is Open


Select one of your personal job opening categories to use as search criteria. The drop-down list displays an alphabetical list of category descriptions.

This field is visible only if job categorization is enabled on the Recruiting Installation – Jobs Page.

Hiring Manager

To search for job openings where a particular person is the primary hiring manager, enter that person’s employee ID.


To search for job openings where a particular person is the primary recruiter manager, enter that person’s employee ID.


Interest level indicates your organization’s level of interest in a particular applicant for a particular job opening. Unlike the job category, the interest level for an applicant is not specific to the user. The interest level is informational only

A user assigns an interest level to an applicant on the Manage Job Opening page, where the interest level is represented graphically as a one, two, or three star interest level. .

When you search based on interest level, these interest levels appear in the drop-down list box as Low, Medium, and High.

This field is visible only if the Display Interest Indicator field on the Recruiting Installation – Applicants Page is set to Yes.

If the search criteria includes any job opening data, the search returns only job openings to which the user has security access. If there is no job opening data in the search criteria (which necessarily means that the user has not selected the Search My Applicant check box.), the results can include applications for job openings to which the user does not have access. However, in this situation, the link to the job opening is disabled, the icons for the application and the resume are hidden, and no actions are available.

Advanced Search Tab: Search Criteria

The Advanced Search tab includes all of the quick search fields as well as these additional fields:

Field or Control


Applicant Type

Select Employee, External Applicant, or Non-Employee.

Applied Between

Enter a date range for searching based on when an application was received.

Most Recent Activity

To search based on how recently a job opening has had a status change, select the time period to check for status-related activity: Active within Today, Active within Yesterday, Active within Last 3 Days, Active within Last Week, Active within Last 2 Weeks, Active within Last Month, Active within Last Year, or Active within View All.

Changes other than status changes are not considered activity for purposes of searching based on when the most recent activity occurred.

Job Opening Type

Select Continuous Job Opening or Standard Requisition.

Hot Job

Select Yes or No to filter results according to whether the job opening is a hot job.

My Association

Select a value representing your association with the job opening. Options are:

  • All Jobs.

  • Jobs Assigned to me.

    A job is assigned to you if you are the primary hiring manager or primary recruiter.

  • Jobs Associated to me.

    A job is associated with you if you created it or you are on the hiring team in any capacity.

  • Jobs Created by me.

Created By

To search for job openings where a particular person created the job opening, enter that person’s employee ID.

Business Unit

Use this field to search based on the job opening’s business unit.


Use this field to search based on the job opening’s department. This field is available only after you enter a business unit.

Position Number

Use this field to search based on the position number for the job opening.

Recruitment Contact

Select an external recruitment contact. The drop-down list shows the names of contacts that have been defined on the Contact Setup Page with a contact type of Office.

Search Results

Each row of search results represents a recruiting record—that is, the connection between an applicant and a job opening. Therefore, both applicant and job opening data appears in each row.

Field or Control



Before performing a group action, use this check box to select the applicants to which the group action applies.

Manage Application icon Application

Click to access the Manage Application Page, where you can review and manage activity related to a single applicant for a single job opening.


Displays the applicant’s name. Click the link to access the Manage Applicant Page.

Applicant ID

Displays the applicant’s unique identifier.

Job Opening

Displays identifying information about the job opening, or displays No Job Opening Selected if the row represent an application without a job opening.

Click this link to access the Manage Job Opening Page. Note that if the applicant’s disposition is Draft, the applicant will not appear on the Manage Job Opening page: Applicants tab.


Displays the applicant's current disposition for this job opening (or application without a job opening).

Resume icon Resume

Click to open a new window that displays the applicant's resume.

  • If the resume is an attachment, the file opens in the new window.

  • If the resume was entered into the Resume Text field in the application, the new window displays the Applicant Resume Page.

  • If no resume exists for a particular applicant, then this column is blank.

If none of the applicants in the grid have resumes, the entire Resume column is hidden.

Interest indicator Interest

This column appears only if the Display Interest Indicator field on the Recruiting Installation – Applicants Page is set to Yes.

Click the first, second, or third star on the interest widget to indicate the level of interest in this applicant for the specified job opening. The stars up to and including the one you click change to solid yellow to provide a visual indication of your interest level.

Click the x to clear the rating. All three stars turn gray.

The interest level for an applicant is specific to the job opening. It is not, however, user-specific, so your selection is global and can be seen and changed by other users.

Mark Reviewed icon Mark Reviewed

Click to update the applicant’s disposition to 020 - Reviewed. Because this action always uses the disposition with status code 020, you should not modify this delivered disposition.

Route icon Route

Click to perform the Route Applicant action.

If the applicant has at least one existing routing for this job opening, this action displays the Manage Routings Page. If the applicant does not yet have any routings, this action displays the Route Applicant Page.

Manage Interview icon Interview

Click to perform the Manage Interviews action.

If the applicant has at least one existing interview for this job opening, , this action displays the Manage Interviews Page. If the applicant does not yet have any interviews, this action displays the Interview Schedule Page.

Reject icon Reject

Click to perform the Reject Applicant action, which displays the Reject Applicant Page.

Print Application Details icon Print

Click to access the Application Report Options Page, where you can choose report parameters and then generate an application details report.

Other Actions

Click to display a menu of actions that you can perform for the applicant shown in the row.

Under the Recruiting Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Create Interview Evaluation

  • Create Salary Package Model

    This action is available only to recruiting administrators, and only if PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Australia is installed.

  • Prepare Job Offer

  • Accept Offer

    This action is available only if there is an offer in the default open status.

  • Reject Offer

    This action is available only if there is an offer in the default open status.

  • Withdraw Application

    This action is available only if disposition 130 Withdrawn Application is configured as a successor of the current disposition.

  • Prepare for Hire

    This action is available only if the current disposition is 071 - Offer Accepted, 080 - Ready to Hire, or 090 - Hired 120 - Withdrawn.

  • Withdraw from Hire

    This action is available only if the current disposition is 080 - Ready to Hire.

  • Edit Application Details

  • Edit Disposition

    If a flexible recruiting process governs the job opening, this is available only if the process provides the user with valid transitions from the current disposition.

Under the Application Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Add Applicant Note

  • Add Applicant to List

  • Change Applicant Status

  • Copy Salary Package

    This action is available only to recruiting administrators, and only if PeopleSoft Global Payroll for Australia is installed and the applicant’s disposition is Hired.

  • Forward Applicant

  • Link Applicant to Job

  • Manage Applicant Checklists

  • Manage Applicant Contracts

  • Pre-Employment Check

  • Send Correspondence

See Understanding Actions for Managing Applicants.

Group Action

Field or Control


Select All and Deselect All

Use these links to select or deselect grid rows so that you can perform group actions on the selected rows.

Group Action

Click to display a menu of group actions that you can perform for the selected applicants. The actions appear under two sub-menus.

Under the Recruiting Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Mark Reviewed

  • Manage Interviews

  • Reject Applicant

  • Route Applicant

  • Withdraw Application

  • Edit Application Details

  • Print Applications

Under the Applicant Actions sub-menu, you can choose these actions:

  • Add Applicant to List

  • Change Applicant Status

  • Forward Applicant

  • Link Applicant to Job

  • Send Correspondence

Note: The number of rows that can be included in a group action can be limited using the Group Action Limit field on the Recruiting Installation – Applicants Page. If a user attempts to perform a group action when too many rows are selected, the system displays a message informing the user of the limit and stating that only the allowed number of rows will be processed. If the user continues, the system processes the allowed number of rows, starting at the beginning of the list and following the grid sort order. Even if the user cancels, the system deselects all rows after the specified limit, and the user can review which rows will be processed before re-initiating the action with an allowable number of selected rows.