Advance Payments

This section discusses advance payments.

Note: This section supplements the off-cycle documentation in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll .

Global Payroll for France uses the advance payment functionality in the Global Payroll core application as the basis for the delivered termination process. However, advance payments can be made outside of this process, for reasons other than termination.

  • To set up an advance for a termination that needs to be processed immediately, before the next scheduled on-cycle pay run, use a combination of core and Global Payroll for France-specific pages.

    Note: The delivered termination process uses French-specific pages that function as component interfaces to the Off-Cycle Requests (GP_OFFCYCLE_REQ) and Off-Cycle Calendar Group (GP_CALENDAR_RUN) components in the core Global Payroll application.

    Note: This process and the required setup steps are documented in detail in these topics on processing terminations for France.

    See Understanding Termination Processing, Understanding The Termination Process.

  • To set up an advances for reasons other than off-cycle termination, use the pages in the core Off Cycle On Demand (GP_ONDEMAND) component.

    Note: This component is described in detail in the off-cycle processing topic in the PeopleSoft Global Payroll.

    See Processing Advances.