Understanding the Wage Certificates Process

Wage certificates are official Cerfa documents that provide proof that a payee is entitled to receive social security payments for sick leave, maternity leave, work accidents, or occupational illness. This topic describes how to generate those wage certificates.

To generate wage certificates:

  1. Update the elements to be printed on the certificates, if necessary, on the Element Mapping Codes FRA page.

    See Updating Elements for Wage Certificates.

  2. View or update any absence codes required for the certificates on the Element Group Members, List Set, and Element Group Attributes pages.

    See Maintaining Absence Codes for Wage Certificates.

  3. Enter absences on the Absence Event Entry page.

    See Entering Absences.

  4. Launch a process that retrieves the certificate data on the Certificates Data Retrieval page.

    See Retrieving Data for Wage Certificates.

  5. View, add, or update the data retrieved for the certificates through the Maternity Certificates FRA component or the Update ACC/MP Certifs FRA component, as appropriate.

    See Viewing and Updating Data for Illness and Maternity Certificates, Viewing and Updating Data for Work Accidents and Occupational Illness Certificates.

  6. Print wage certificates on the Certificates Report FRA page.

    See Printing Wage Certificates.