Getting Started with OffBoarding

PeopleSoft OffBoarding uses activity guides, which provide your staff with a simplified and streamlined approach to complete the OffBoarding business process. Activity guides track and maintain the various users’ progress as they perform the necessary, or steps, to complete a worker’s separation from the organization. PeopleSoft OffBoarding uses the PeopleSoft Activity Guide Composer framework that is designed to improve the deployment and management of fluid activity guides. This framework provides utilities and configurable steps that are commonly utilized in activity guides.

Although the PeopleSoft application delivers several ready to use OffBoarding templates, your organization may clone or define your own templates that you can assign to the OffBoarding participants.

These topics provide an overview of Activity Guide Composer setup tables for OffBoarding, working with OffBoarding categories and templates, and configuring templates for your environment.

To support your OffBoarding process, you will use the following steps to configure and assign OffBoarding activity guide templates to your participants in the OffBoarding process. For more detailed information on these procedures, see the corresponding documentation.

  1. Set Up Activity Guide Categories

    Categories contain the technical components that are utilized to define an activity guide template. For example, categories contain the technical definition of one or more steps that can be included in an activity guide. See the Setting Up Activity Guide Categories documentation and the Working with OffBoarding Categories topic below.

  2. Create Activity Guide Templates

    Activity guide templates identify the exact configuration and steps end users will follow to complete the OffBoarding experience. Activity guide templates are created and managed by template administrators—functional personnel who are very familiar with your organization's HR transaction processes. See Managing Activity Guide Templates documentation and the Working with OffBoarding Templates topic below.

  3. Configure Documents

    Documents can be associated with your OffBoarding activity guide templates and enable your employees to download and view, take action, or attach documents that are vital to the employment process. See the Configure Documents - Documents Page and Configure Documents - Templates Page.

  4. (Optional) Set Up Template Assignment

    Template Assignment is a feature within the Activity Guide Composer framework that enables you to define tables and rules to automatically assign activity guide templates. See the Setting Up Activity Guide Utilities for Template Assignment documentation and the Working with Template Assignments topic below.

  5. Create and Publish OffBoarding Tiles

    You will use Activity Guide Composer utilities to create and publish your OffBoarding tiles to allow participants easy access to the activity guide process. Use the Activity Guide Tiles page to configure and identify which templates will use the tile and grant participant access. See the AG Composer Tiles Page documentation.

    Note: The PeopleSoft HCM application does not deliver OffBoarding tiles. However, it does deliver the PS_OFFBOARD_L_FL (Employee OffBoarding tile) and PS_OFFBOARD_MSS_L_FL (MSS OffBoarding) image icons to use when creating tiles.

  6. Define OffBoarding Installation Settings

    Use the OffBoarding Installation table to assign OffBoarding information to participants. This includes the activity guide category, participant configuration, and how to assign an OffBoarding template (by using a default template or the Template Assignment feature). See the OffBoarding Installation Page documentation.

  7. Manage OffBoarding Events (as needed)

    Use the Manage OffBoarding Event page to add an OffBoarding activity guide trigger for a person who is missing a job assignment trigger or to correct an incorrect template assignment. See the Manage OffBoarding Event Page.

    Note: An administrator would not normally access this page except in rare cases to correct invalid template assignments or to add a trigger that got missed.

A category definition contains the properties, contextual data, steps, and other options that can be included in an activity guide template. You will use the Categories component to associate these steps to a related content service that navigates the user to an application transaction page to perform a specific task. Not all steps need be included in a template, but all possible steps must be included in the category to be considered for a template. For example, you may have additional steps in a voluntary separation from the company that you would not include with an involuntary termination. The template administrator will then determine which steps to include in a template.

The PeopleSoft application delivers the OFFBOARDING activity guide category.

Delivered OffBoarding Category Steps

The following table lists the delivered steps for the OFFBOARDING category:



Additional Information


Acknowledgement of submission of final expenses

The system delivers the OFB1 (acknowledgement of submission of final expenses) parameter value as temporary data for this step as the acknowledgement parameter under the Additional Step Content section of the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page.

Important! You will need to change the parameter based on the Acknowledgement ID you create using the Acknowledgement Framework.

For information on Acknowledgement Framework, see Understanding the Acknowledgement Framework.


Acknowledgement of final check receipt

The system delivers the OFB2 (acknowledgement of final check receipt) parameter value as temporary data for this step as the acknowledgement parameter under the Additional Step Content section of the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page.

Important! You will need to change the parameter based on the Acknowledgement ID you create using the Acknowledgement Framework.


Fluid Direct Deposits



The download Documents step is preconfigured for the OffBoarding process. All preconfigured documents matching the template will be selected for this step regardless of an assigned Document Group when no Related Data, Data Field 1 value on the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page is specified.




Before to start video


(Classic) Manager Voluntary Termination checklist

For the OffBoarding category, access the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page, Related Data section for this step to identify which checklist to display in the activity guide.


(Fluid) Fluid Manager Voluntary Termination checklist

For the OffBoarding category, access the AG Composer Categories - Steps Page, Additional Step Content section for this step to identify which checklist to display in the activity guide.


Social Media


OffBoarding Survey

Surveys are set up using the Questionnaire framework. For more information on this, see Understanding Questionnaire Framework.


Verify Addresses


Verify Contact Details

The Activity Guide Composer uses fluid pages to create templates that identify the steps a user should take to perform a transaction or process. You will use the Activity Guide Composer - Templates component to define the activity guide layout, assign a category, identify the security roles that can access the OffBoarding templates and activity guides, identify actions the user can take, and identify the steps that a new employee would need to complete during the OffBoarding process.

PeopleSoft HCM delivers the following, ready to use, OffBoarding activity guide templates.

  • OFBINVO – Involuntary OffBoarding

  • OFBVOL1 – Voluntary OffBoarding

Delivered OffBoarding Template Steps

All delivered templates use the vertical non-sequential layout that has the navigation steps appear in the left panel of the page.

The following table lists the delivered steps for the delivered OffBoarding templates:


List of Page Steps

OFBINVO – Involuntary OffBoarding

Completing the Involuntary OffBoarding Activity Guide

OFBVOL1 – Voluntary OffBoarding

Completing the Voluntary OffBoarding Activity Guide

Although the application delivers categories and templates for your OffBoarding activity guides, you have the ability to:

  • Create your own categories and templates.

  • Use the delivered data as a starting point for your own categories and activity guide templates.

The fields for delivered data are disabled and unavailable for update. Although you cannot update the delivered data, you can make modifications to delivered or existing categories and templates to suit your organization's needs. This is done by using one of these methods and making the modifications:

  • Inserting a new effective dated row.

  • Cloning a category or template.

Warning! When you make modifications to a template (by either inserting a row or cloning), you cannot change the activity guide type (layout) or category. To have a template that does not use the same layout type or category, you will need to create a new template instead of cloning or inserting a new effective dated row.

For more information on setting up activity guide categories or templates, see the Setting Up Activity Guide Categories and Managing Activity Guide Templates documentation.

Considerations for Configuring Categories for Your Environment

Important! Oracle strongly recommends that you use the delivered OFFBOARDING category.

If you need to make updates to the OffBoarding category, consider the following:

  • OffBoarding categories should always use the EMPLID and EMPL_RCD context key fields. The OffBoarding template creation process makes the assumption that an OffBoarding process is created for a job termination.

  • To add or remove steps from an existing category, you will need to add a new effective dated OffBoarding category row and add or delete the steps.

    Important! If you do this for a category that is already associated with a template, you will need to insert a row in the template with a date equal to or later than the row with the new or deleted step to apply those changes to your template. The system will not automatically insert the step into the template, but you can now opt to include this new step into the template.

    For example, you want to add a new step to the OFFBOARDING category, access the OFFBOARDING category and insert a new effective dated row.

    In order to add that new step to your OffBoarding templates, you will need to insert an effective dated row equal to or greater than the category row to see the new step you added to the category. To insert the new row in the template, access the Activity Guide Composer - Select Steps Page. The new step will be available to add to the template.

  • You can clone the delivered OFFBOARDING category by accessing the Clone Category Page, selecting the category and effective dated row you want to copy, enter the new category details, and click Clone Category to save a copy of the category. You will need to navigate to the Categories component where you can update this new category (see Setting Up Activity Guide Categories).

Considerations for Configuring Templates for Your Environment

If you want to use the delivered templates as a basis for your OffBoarding templates, consider the following:

  • In order to make modifications to delivered templates, access the Activity Guide Templates Page and do one of the following:

    • Insert a new effective dated row by clicking the Update Template button to access the Update Template Page and click the Add button, This will insert a new effective dated row where you can enter the new date. Apply the change and click the Update Template button to access the template and make the changes.

    • Clone a delivered template by clicking the Clone Template button for the desired template. On the Clone Template Page select the effective dated row you want to copy, enter the new template details, and click Continue to save a copy of the template. You will be returned to the Activity Guide Templates page where you can select to update this template.

    Note: These actions will copy all the configuration setup for this template, including the status of the template at the time of inserting a row or cloning. You can change the auto save functionality, security roles, actions, step configuration, and status, but you cannot change the activity guide layout type and category.

    To inactivate a delivered template, insert a row with a new effective date, access the Activity Guide Composer - Review and Activate Page and click the Deactivate Activity Guide button.

  • If you do not want to use the same category or activity guide type (layout style) as an existing template, create a new template instead of cloning or inserting a new effective dated row.

  • If you have documents that must be acknowledged, updated and uploaded, or just uploaded, make the document-related steps (Documents, Attachments, and so forth) required on the Configure Attributes Page.

The Activity Guide Composer framework provides you with the ability to configure rules to determine which OffBoarding template that should be assigned to a person. This is configured through the Activity Guide Utilities - Template Assignment feature. For detailed information on setting up template assignments, see the corresponding documentation.

To set up template assignments for activity guides:

  1. Identify source criteria fields that are derived from the key structure of a source table using the Search Key Source Tables Page.

  2. Identify search key source configurations using the Search Keys Page.

  3. Enter search keys and values for the template assignment definition in the Template Assignment component (AG Composer Tmplt Asgnmt - General Page and AG Composer Tmplt Asgnmt - Template Assignment Page).

  4. Test the Template Assignment process using the Test Template Assignment Page.

  5. Set up the OffBoarding Installation Page to use the Template Assignment feature to customize which OffBoarding activity guide templates are assigned to individuals.

Delivered Search Keys Source Tables

The following table lists the delivered search key source tables for template assignment, but you can add your own:

Search Key



Employee Benefit Programs


Employee Job History


Job - Action view


Job - Action Reason view


Job - Jobcode view


Job - Position view

Delivered Search Keys

The following table lists the delivered search keys for template assignment, but you can add your own:

Search Key





Action Reason


Action Type


Action Reason Type


Benefit Program


Business Unit






Employee Type


Full/Part Time Indicator


Salary Grade


Job Code


Job Family


Job Function




Organization Relationship




Regulatory Region

