Track Global Assignments Business Process Overview

Track Global Assignments business process in PeopleSoft HR enables you to assign employees to a global assignment and to monitor, compensate, and track education and qualification for the employees and their dependents as they move from project to project in your organization's operations in multiple countries.

These topics provide an overview of global assignment tracking and discuss:

  • Temporary versus permanent assignments.

  • Managing employees on global assignment.

Understanding Global Assignment Types

If your organization has operations in more than one country, you process large amounts of information about employees as they move from project to project. PeopleSoft HR enables you to ensure smooth transitions for employees on global assignments.

You can manage temporary assignments for:

  • Expatriate employees.

    Home base employees who work in other countries or locations.

  • Inpatriate employees.

    Employees from other countries who work in your organization's home country.

  • Third country nationals.

    Employees who are citizens of one country and have a home base in a second country but go on assignment to a third country. For example, a Canadian citizen with a home base in the United States may go on assignment to Saudi Arabia.

Temporary Versus Permanent Assignments

Before you begin to administer a new assignment, determine whether the assignment is temporary or permanent.

  • Temporary Assignments

    In a temporary assignment, you expect the employee to return to a home base when the assignment end. An assignment is considered temporary even if it lasts up to several years.

    Before the employee leaves for a temporary global assignment, you establish a home base (where the employee is permanently based) for the employee where you keep central employee, benefit, and payroll data for that employee. Create new records to track employee data for the new location. The new location is referred to as the host location.

    You maintain two sets of employee data: one set is home data and the other is host data for the new assignment abroad. To keep two sets of current data for an employee, you create new employment record numbers, which precludes you from overwriting existing home information.

  • Permanent Assignments

    A permanent assignment is one where the host location becomes the employee's new home base. You do not expect the employee to return to his or her previous home base. For permanent assignments, all employee, benefit, and payroll data tracking should occur at the new location. You no longer need to keep employee data at the previous home base. When employees change to permanent assignments elsewhere, you transfer employee data using the Job Data pages in the Workforce Administration menu.

See Understanding Job Data.

Managing Employees on Global Assignment

To manage employees on global assignment:

  1. Ensure that employees have home data—standard, permanent personnel administration data in Human Resources, including employee IDs.

  2. Establish host data for each assignment, such as location, job code, and department.

  3. Enter assignment details, including the start and end date of the assignment, the disposition of the employee residence, vehicle information, and furniture arrangements.

  4. Set up data for dependents who are accompanying the employee on the assignment, including non-family members such as nannies.

  5. Enter payment instructions for supplemental earnings or deductions, such as cost-of-living adjustments, school tuition reimbursements, hypothetical tax deductions, and housing allowances.

  6. When the assignment is completed, enter the end date.

Human Resources also contains several supplemental pages to help you process assignments. You can:

  • Track visas and permits required for employees and their dependents.

  • Track company-paid travel.

  • Provide information on international schools and programs.

  • Review educational qualifications, competencies, accomplishments, and languages of employees.