Working with Documents with a Content Repository

There are different types of documents: project and private. P6 supports document management features for project documents. When the optional content repository is installed, P6 also supports private documents.

Project documents are documents that a user relates to a project. You can work with project documents from the Documents page. It is also possible to convert a project document to a private document.

You can add private documents for your own use. Private documents are not associated with any project and are available only to you. You can add private documents to the My Documents portlet on a dashboard. All private documents are stored in the My Documents portlet on the Private Documents tab.

The content repository functionality provides advanced document management capabilities. With advanced functionality, you can use document version control features to manage shared access to documents, organize project documents into a folder hierarchy structure, and start or participate in document reviews.

Specifically, you can:

The availability of a document and the actions you can perform on the document depend on several factors:

Related Topics

About the Document Content Repository

Creating Document Templates

Copying Documents from Existing Templates

Adding Documents to a Project and Storing Them in the Content Repository

Adding Documents to a Project from the Content Repository

Configuring Document Details

Checking Out Documents

Checking In Documents

Sending Email about Documents

Creating Document Folders

About Document Reviews

Searching for Documents

Viewing Documents

Downloading Documents

Working with Documents without the Content Repository

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024