Checking Out Documents

Check out a document to save a copy to your local machine or another specified location. Checking out a document locks the document to prevent others users from making simultaneous updates to it. When a document is checked out, users can still view and download the document, but they cannot modify, delete, or check it out.

To check out a document:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Documents.
  3. On the Documents page, click the Project tab.
  4. On the Project tab, select a project and click Check Out options Check out.


Related Topics

Working with Documents with a Content Repository

About the Document Content Repository

Creating Document Templates

Copying Documents from Existing Templates

Adding Documents to a Project and Storing Them in the Content Repository

Adding Documents to a Project from the Content Repository

Configuring Document Details

Checking In Documents

Sending Email about Documents

Creating Document Folders

About Document Reviews

Searching for Documents

Viewing Documents

Downloading Documents

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024