Searching for Documents

If the content repository is installed and configured, you can search for documents using a basic search with keywords and operators or you can conduct an advanced search and construct more complex search queries for documents.

To search for documents:

  1. Click Projects.
  2. On the Projects navigation bar, click Documents.
  3. On the Documents page, click the Project tab.
  4. On the Project tab, click Search.
  5. In the Document Search dialog box:
    1. Enter keywords in the Search Text field.
    2. If you want to search document contents, select the Search title and contents option.

      Note: If this option is switched off, P6 will search only against document titles.

    3. Enter a value in the Limit results to (maximum 100) field to specify a limit on the number of search results.
    4. If you want to search by author or creation date, click the Advanced button and configure the fields in the Advanced Search Options section.


      • If you choose to search by both author and date, only documents which were created by the selected people between the selected dates are returned. If you need to search for documents created by specific people or between specific dates, run two separate searches.
      • When using the advanced search, you can only search the most recent versions of documents.
    5. Click Search.


Related Topics

Working with Documents with a Content Repository

About the Document Content Repository

Creating Document Templates

Copying Documents from Existing Templates

Adding Documents to a Project and Storing Them in the Content Repository

Adding Documents to a Project from the Content Repository

Configuring Document Details

Checking Out Documents

Checking In Documents

Sending Email about Documents

Creating Document Folders

About Document Reviews

Viewing Documents

Downloading Documents

Last Published Thursday, October 3, 2024