Tracking window

Use the Tracking window for monitoring a project's progress using different types of layouts. You can use the standard layouts, or create your own customized tracking layouts.

To display the Tracking window, do one of the following:

Refer to the following sections of this topic for information and links to concepts and tasks about working with reports in the Reports window:

Working in the Tracking window

The Tracking window is divided into two or more panes, depending on the type of layout displayed. The upper left pane, or Project Explorer window, always contains information about the available projects, and the upper right pane, or Top Layout window, always displays the current layout and layout options. Depending on the type of layout you open, the left and right panes may be split horizontally to display additional panes on the lower half of the window. These include the Resource Explorer window on the lower left and the Bottom Layout window on the lower right.

Use the Display Options bar that appears above each pane, or window, to customize the layout. The options available from the Display Options bar correspond to the type of layout displayed in the pane. From the Display Options bar in the Top Layout window, you can show or hide the left columns, Top Layout window, or Bottom Layout window.

To open a layout, click in the Layout Name field in the Top Layout window (upper right pane). To save a layout, click the Display Options bar in the Top Layout window, then choose Layout, Save or Save As.


Tracking concepts

Tracking tasks

General tracking layout tasks

Project Table tasks

Project Bar Chart Tasks

Project Gantt/Profile tasks

Resource Analysis tasks

Working with the Gantt Chart

Working with the Profile and Spreadsheet

Related Topics

Resource Explorer window

Project Explorer window

Enterprise Toolbar

Tracking layouts

Using Resource Analysis forecasting to dynamically level resources

Project Gantt/Profiles

Project Table layouts

Project Bar Charts

Types of tracking layouts


Delete a tracking layout

Define columns for a tracking layout

Collapse all information in a tracking layout

Change the table font, color, and row height used in a tracking layout

Change the display timeperiod for a timescaled tracking layout

Group and sort a tracking layout using standard settings

Group and sort a tracking layout using custom settings

Filter a tracking layout

Export a tracking layout

Expand or contract the visible area of a timescaled tracking layout

Expand all information in a tracking layout

Zoom in and out of a timescaled layout

Share a layout with other users

Save a tracking layout

Open a tracking layout

Modify a column's title, width, and alignment

Import a tracking layout

Hide or show the top window in a tracking layout

Hide or show the left columns in a tracking layout

Hide or show the bottom window in a tracking layout

Customize a Project Table

Create a Project Table

View bar details in a Project Bar Chart

Specify Project Bar Chart data and display options

Customize a Project Bar Chart

Create a Project Bar Chart

Specify how resources are listed in the Resource Explorer window

Group and sort resources in the Resource Explorer window

Filter resources in the Resource Explorer window

Customize a Resource Analysis layout

Create a Resource Analysis tracking layout

Customize a Project Gantt/Profile

Create a Project Gantt/Profile

Specify Gantt Chart bar data and display options

Show or hide a Gantt Chart's legend

Delete a bar from a Gantt Chart

Customize the data date line

Change a Gantt Chart's background lines

Change a Gantt Chart bar's timescale

Change a Gantt Chart bar's style

Change a Gantt Chart bar's label

Assign a filter to a Gantt Chart bar

Add or modify a Gantt Chart bar filter

Change a profile's background lines

Display past period actuals in a profile

Display project data as a profile or spreadsheet

Display resource data as a profile or spreadsheet

Specify a resource profile's data and display options for a regular histogram

Specify a resource profile's data and display options for a stacked histogram

Specify a project profile's data, filter, and display options

Show or hide resource overtime in a profile

Show or hide resource limits and overallocation in a profile

Show or hide resource availability in a profile

Show or hide a profile legend

Select spreadsheet data fields

Modify a spreadsheet field title in a tracking layout

Dynamically level resources

Last Published Wednesday, April 10, 2024