Example of Approval Framework Setup for Asset Disposal

This topic discusses the following steps involved in setting up the Approval Framework in Asset Management:

Review delivered user lists for Supervisor by UserID. You want to assign user AMS1 as the first level approver, MGR1 as second level approver, and user AMA1 as the requester. See Defining User Lists for Approval Framework.

In this example, the values are as follows:

  1. Verify that the AMA1 User Profile – Workflow page has AMS1 as Supervisor.

  2. Verify that the AMS1 User Profile – Workflow page has MGR1 as Supervisor.

Define the requestor and approver appropriately on the Define Asset Owners – Asset Owner User Page

For this example, select the Retire Approval Required check box for the requester (AMA1), and deselect the check box for the approver (AMS1).

See Pages Used to Define User Lists or Asset Owners.

See Asset Lifecycle Management: Establishing Asset Processing, Establishing Asset Ownership.

See also, Approval Framework documentation: Defining Users for Approval Framework.

See Pages Used to Create or Modify Notification Templates.

Check the following generic templates for notification settings:

  • AMDisposalLineRequest

  • AMDisposalLineApproved

  • AMDisposalLineDenied

  • AMDisposalLineUpdate

The following example shows the sequence of an asset disposal routed to the Worklist.

User AMA1 submits the following asset (EX_000000150) for disposal:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Disposal Worksheet page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Disposal Worksheet page

For more information, see Understanding Asset Retirement Using the Disposal Worksheet

Once the requester, AMA1, submits the selected asset for disposal, the AMDisposal link appears on the approver’s worklist (AMS1) as a worklist item from AMA1:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of the Worklist Page. You can find definitions for the fields and controls later on this page.

Worklist (AMS1)

Clicking the link from the Worklist page, the approver is routed to the Approve Disposals page for approval action:

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Example of the Approve Disposals Page.

Approve Disposals page

For more information, see Approve Disposals page, Understanding Asset Retirement Using the Disposal Worksheet