Producing Manual Positive Payment Files

This section provides an overview of Positive Payment File Processing, how to produce manual positive payment files, and discusses how to produce positive payment files.

Positive Payment File Processing

PeopleSoft Positive Payment File Processing is driven by the Remit Bank Account. There are two steps that a payment goes through to qualify as a Positive Payment file:

  1. Format Positive Payment

  2. Produce Positive Payment File

These steps are triggered when checks are printed for a Bank Account with the Payment Option for Positive Payment enabled. Format Positive Payment is executed first, followed by Produce Positive Payment. If not, payments on a pay cycle could potentially be selected by another pay cycle in progress and therefore will be written on a different Positive Payment file.

Page Name

Definition Name


Manual Positive Payment Page


Create a manual positive payment file to send to your bank. This is a text file that your clearinghouse bank can import into its own payment tables.

If a payment in your pay cycle is paid from a bank account that requires positive payment files, you see a positive payment output process row for that bank account on the Pay Cycle Manager page after you run Payment Creation for that pay cycle. All you need to do is run the positive payment output process to produce your positive payment file.

Occasionally you may want to produce a positive payment file outside of the normal pay cycle process, such as when you've created manual payments that you want to appear in the positive payment file. In those cases, you use the Manual Positive Payment page to initiate the production of a positive payment file.

Use the Manual Positive Payment page (PYCYCL_POS_PAY) to create a manual positive payment file to send to your bank.

This is a text file that your clearinghouse bank can import into its own payment tables.


Accounts Payable > Payments > Pay Cycle Processing > Manual Positive Payment > Manual Positive Payment

Specify the bank SetID, bank code, and bank account for which want to produce the positive payment file. In addition, specify the following items:

Field or Control


Step Group Name

Specify the step group or the list of pay cycle processes that you want the Pay Cycle process to run to produce the positive payment file. The positive payment output process is part of the Pay Cycle process, although in this case you can run it without running a full pay cycle.

See Creating a Pay Cycle.

Select one of the following processing options:

Field or Control


Format and File

Select to run the positive payment output process and create an output file.

File Only

Select to create the positive payment output file without rerunning the positive payment output process. This is useful for those times when you previously selected the Format and File option, but the file was not successfully created.

Click the Process button to create the positive payment file. This transfers you to the Pay Cycle Manager page, where you complete the positive payment file output process.