Selecting Payments for Payment Predictor Processing

When you set up Payment Predictor methods, establish a hierarchy for processing business units, customers, deposits, and payments. This table describes how to further refine the process by excluding specific customers or payments:


Page Used to Set Default

What Defaults Affect

Turn On/Off

Assign Method


Receivables Options - Payment Options

Business Units

Determines which Payment Predictor method the system uses as the default for a business unit.



Bank Account



Payment Predictor evaluates payments received electronically as well as those entered online. When the system receives a payment through a payment interface, it checks the bank account's attributes to determine whether payments from this bank account should use Payment Predictor as their default application approach.

The associated bank account that uses Payment Predictor should have the PP_SW field in the PS_BANK_ACCT_DEFN table set to Y.




Bill To Options

Bill To Customers

Enables you to override the Payment Predictor method set at the business unit level for this customer.

Supports putting an individual customer on hold to exclude its items from consideration by Payment Predictor.




Express Deposit Payments

Regular Deposit Payments

Worksheet Selection


Determines whether Payment Predictor should apply an individual payment from an electronic payment or from an online payment. This choice overrides the on and off setting at the TableSet or bank account level.

To include or exclude an entire deposit for Payment Predictor processing, you must take action for each payment in the deposit.

Although usually not done, you can use Payment Predictor from the express deposit pages. Enter reference information, and then select Payment Predictor.



Note: NA means Not Applicable.