(USF) Tracking Memo Status Changes

Page Name

Definition Name


View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 Page


Check an item's current memo status.

See Checking an Item's Current Memo Status.

See the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 Page for more information.

Memo Status Changes Page


Add and maintain a history of memo status code changes.

Memo Status Changes Page (Report)


Generate the Memo Status Changes report (AR34006). Use the report to see the history of memo status changes by item.

See also PeopleSoft Receivables Reports: A to Z.

The DMS requires you to maintain account information about individual receivable accounts. To support this requirement, PeopleSoft Receivables enables you to track multiple statuses for a receivable item.

This involves:

  • Updating the memo status and details on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

  • Running the Memo Status Changes report, which lists, by item, the history of changes to the memo status field.

Two tables are required to use the track memo changes:

  • The Memo Status Codes table (PS_MEMO_STATUS_TBL) contains the valid statuses.

  • The Memo Status Changes Control table (PS_ ITEM_MEMO_CHGS) contains each change made to the memo status field, along with the user ID.

Before tracking memo status:

  • Enable the Track Memo Status Changes feature by selecting the Use Memo Status check box on the Installation Options - Receivables page.

  • Set up memo status codes.

Use the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page (ITEM_MAINTAIN_2) to check an item's current memo status.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > View/Update Item Details > Detail 2

Field or Control


Memo Status Code

Displays the current memo status for the item. This field appears only if you have enabled this feature on the Installation Options - Receivables page.


Click to access the Memo Status Changes page, where you can review a history of status changes for the item and add a status change as needed.

Use the Memo Status Changes page (MEMO_STATUS_SEC) to add and maintain a history of memo status code changes.


Click the Detail button on the View/Update Item Details - Detail 2 page.

Change an item's memo status by adding a new row to the Memo Status Changes grid.

Field or Control


Date Assigned

Enter the date of the status change.

Memo Status

Select from any memo status codes that you have defined or one of the following PeopleSoft-delivered memo status codes:

FOREBEAR: In forbearance or appeal.

GARNISH: In wage garnishment.

RESCHEDULE: Rescheduled.

WAIVE: Waiver or unwaived.

ELGBOFF: Eligible for Treasury offset.

REFOFF: Referred to Treasury for offset.

ELGBINT: Eligible for internal offset.

ELGBCROSS: Eligible for cross-servicing.

REFCROSS: Referred for cross-servicing.

REFCOLL: Referred to private collection.

REFJUST: Referred to Department of Justice.

OFFSET: Offset.

SUSPENDED: Suspended.

COMPROMISE: Compromised.

WRITEOFF: Written-off.

CLOSEOUT: Closed out.

Use the Memo Status Changes run control page (RUN_AR34006) to generate the Receivables Memo Status Report (AR34006). Use this SQR report to see the history of memo status changes by item.


Accounts Receivable > Customer Accounts > Item Information > Memo Status Change Report > Memo Status Changes

You can specify a date range for the report, a specific business unit, a customer ID, and whether to include closed items on the report. If you specify a date range, the report includes only items with a memo status change within the specified date range.