Understanding Expense Payments

After expense reports or cash advances have undergone final approval, PeopleSoft Expenses converts their detail lines into data used to generate payments. The process begins by staging and reviewing payments in your expense system, and completes when your payables system creates the actual payments. An individual employee payment can encompass multiple cash advances and expense reports. The amount you pay a supplier can encompass multiple transactions from multiple expense reports submitted by various employees.

Before staging payments you must determine whether Account Payable or Payroll is the source of the payment for employee cash advances and expense reports. The payment source is determined at the installation, business unit, or employee level using the Installation Options - Expenses Page, the Expenses Definition - Business Unit 1 Page, or the User Payment Option Page.

Select the Stage Payments check box on the Expense Processes Page and run the Application Engine process to load approved payments into the cash advance staging table (EX_ADVNCE_PYMNT) or the expense report staging table (EX_SHEET_PYMNT). After staging a payment, you have one other opportunity to place a payment on hold during the review process.

The staging process selects payments with a status of Approved for Payment. The staging process does not select employee payments if the Hold Payment check box is selected on the Employee Profile - Bank Accounts Page.

Both accounts payable and payroll are staged using the staging payment process. If the payment destination option is configured to reimburse using accounts payable, the payables pay cycle picks up the data form these staging tables. If you select reimbursement using your payroll system, then the system publishes this request through the Publish to Payroll Application Engine process.

For all previously staged payments that have not been selected for payment (pymnt_select_status = N), unstage payments will reset the Approved for Payment flag and changes the header and lines status back to APY (Approved for Payment). It then inserts a row on a new table for Unstaging (so that the staging process picks these up in subsequent runs) and then deletes the row from EX_SHEET_PYMNT or EX_ADVNCE_PYMNT. When the Staging process runs, it picks up these unstaged payments and restages them with current information.

Field or Control


Bank Code, Bank Account, or Payment Method

If you use PeopleSoft Payables, these fields must match the bank and payment method criteria you set up for Pay Cycle Manager.

On Hold or Hold Payment

Select if you wish to delay paying an employee or supplier. You can hold all payments for an employee or supplier by going to the employee or supplier profile pages. You can also hold individual payments using the Cash Advance Payments, Expense Sheet Payments or Supplier Payments pages.