Navigating in General Ledger

PeopleSoft General Ledger provides custom navigation pages that contain groupings of folders that support a specific business process, task, or user role.

Note: In addition to the General Ledger custom navigation pages, PeopleSoft provides menu navigation, and standard navigation pages.

For more information, see PeopleTools Documentation: PeopleSoft Applications User's Guide.

This table lists Custom Navigation pages that are used to navigate in PeopleSoft General Ledger.



Using the PeopleSoft Fluid General Ledger WorkCenterUsing the PeopleSoft Classic General Ledger WorkCenter Dashboard

Perform a broad range of tasks without leaving the WorkCenter, such as journal functions with exception alerts, monthly closing activities, tree manager, or reconciliation and reporting.

Account Reconciliation

See Understanding Account Reconciliation and Configuring Account Reconciliations and .

General Ledger Center

Access primary General Ledger Center menu options and activities.


Access the Define and Perform Allocations and the Reports folders on the Allocations page. See Defining Allocation Process Steps

Define and Perform Allocations

Access the Define Allocation Step, Copy/Rename/Delete Step, Define Allocation Group, and Request Allocation options on the Define and Perform Allocations page.Defining Allocation Process Steps


Access the Allocation Step, the Allocation Group, and the Allocation Calculation Log options on the Reports page.

Commitment Control

Access the Define Control Budgets, Define Budget Security, Budget Journals, Post Control Budget Journals, Review Budget Activities, Close Budget, Budget Reports, Third Party Transactions, and Review Budget Check Exceptions folders on the Commitment Control page.

Budget Journals

Access the Enter Budget Journals, Import Budget Journals, Enter Budget Transfer, and Mass Delete Budget Journals options on the Budget Journals page.

Budget Reports

Access the Activity Log, Budget Attributes Report, Budget Control Report, Budget Status, Project Expiration, Associated Budgets Report, Budget Checking Status, Budget Key Translations Report, Budget Transaction Detail, Budgets/Actuals Reconciliation, Budgetary Control Tree Audit, Budget Periods Report, and Ledger Details options on the Budget Reports page.

Close Budget

Access the Define Budget Period Set, Validate Closing Set, Mark to Undo, Closing Rules Report, Define Closing Rule, Validate Run Control, Review Calculation Log, Closing Calculation Log Report, Define Closing Set, Process Budget Close, Review Closing Status, and Closing Status Report options on the Close Budget page.

Define Budget Security

Access the Events, Assign Rule to User ID, Request Build, Create Alert Notifications, Field Setup, Assign Rule to Permission List, Security Report, Rule Definitions, Assign Rule to Dynamic Group, and Notification Preference options on the Define Budget Security page.

Define Control Budgets

Access the Budget Definitions, Associated Budgets, Source Transactions, Copy Budget Definitions, Funding Source, Budget Attributes, and Funding Source Allocation options on the Define Control Budgets page.

Post Control Budget Journals

Access the Request Posting, Mark for Unposting, Request Entry Event Processor, and Budget Ledger Details Report options on the Post Control Budget Journals page.

Review Budget Activities

Access the Budget Details, Budgets Overview, Ledger Inquiry Set, Activity Log, Review Fund Source Allocations, and Review Fund Source Activities on the Review Budget Activities page.

Third Party Transactions

Access the Generic Transaction Entry, Budget Check Generic Trans (budget check generic transaction), and Budget Check HR Payroll on the Thirty Party Transactions page.

Review Budget Check Exceptions

Access the Purchasing and Cost Management, Project and Grants, Budget Checking Status, Travel and Expenses, Revenues, Budget Exceptions, Accounts Payable, General Ledger, and Source Header Unlock options on the Review Budget Check Exceptions page.

Accounts Payable

Access the Voucher, Voucher Non-prorated Voucher Accounting Line, and Period End Accruals options on the Accounts Payable page.

Budget Checking Status

Access the Budget Checking Status search page.

Budget Exceptions

Access the Budget Exceptions search page.

Source Header Unlock

Access the Unlock KK Source Header search page.

General Ledger

Access the Journal, Payroll, Generic Transaction Entry, Budget Journal, Payroll Encumbrances, and HR Payroll Exceptions options on the General Ledger page.

Project and Grants

Access the Project Journal, Project Budget and Facilities Administration options on the Project and Grants page.

Purchasing and Cost Management

Access the Requisition, Requisition Non-prorated, Purchase Order, Purchase Order Non-prorated, Procurement Card, Receipt Accrual Expense, Receipt Accrual Encumbrance, and Cost Management options on the Purchasing and Cost Management page.


Access the Billing Invoice, Revenue Estimate, and Direct Journal options on the Revenues page.

Travel and Expenses

Access the Travel Authorization and Expense Sheet options on the Travel and Expenses page.

Consolidate Financial Data

Access the Consolidation, Review Results Online, Equitization, Reports, and Load Ledgers folder options.


Access the Elimination Sets, Consolidation Ledger Sets, Subsidiary Ownership, Consolidation Set, Minority Interest Sets, and Request Consolidation options on the Consolidation page.


Access the Equitization Rules, Equitization Groups, and Request Equitization options on the Equitization page.

Load Ledgers

Access the ChartField Mapping Set, ChartField Value Mapping, Publish Ledgers, and Request Ledger Load options on the Load Ledgers page.


Access the Elimination Sets, Minority Interest Sets, Ownerships Sets, Consolidation Set, Elimination Sets Audit, Minority Interest Elimination/Adjustment, Elimination Out of Balance, Equitization Rules, and Equitization Calculation Log options on the Reports page.

Review Results Online

Access the Consolidation Dashboard, Consolidation Process Log, and Equitization Process Log options on the Review Results Online page.


Access the Journals, Ledgers, and Accounting Entries folder options on the Inquiry page.

Accounting Entries

Access Global Consolidation Accounting Entries, Contributor Relations Accounting, Enterprise Learning Management Accounting, Entry Event Budget Accounting, Entry Event GL Adjustment Accounting, Generic Accounting Entries, Payroll Accounting Entries, and Student Financial Accounting Entries options on the Accounting Entries page.


Access the Journals, Review Journal Status, Review Status Online, Review Standard Journals, and Review Suspense Cross Reference options on the Journals page.


Access the Ledger, Ledger Group, Ledger Period Comparison, Compare Across Ledgers, Review Summary Ledger Status, and Define Inquiry Record and Page options on the Ledgers page.


Access the Create/Update/Copy/Import, Standard Journals, Subsystem Journals, Edit, Budget Check, Post, Inquiry, Suspense Correction, Open Items, Entry Event, and Setup folder options on the Journals page.

Budget Check

Access the Budget Check Journals, Budget Checking Status, Budget Exceptions, and Mark Journals for Override options on the Budget Check page.


Access the Create/Update Journal Entries, Copy Journals, Flat File Journal Import, and Spreadsheet Journal Import options on the Create/Update/Copy/Import page.


Access the Edit Journals and Journal Edit Errors Report options on the Edit page.

Entry Event

Access the Entry Event Journals option on the Entry Event page.


Access the Journals and Review Journal Status options on the Inquiry page.

Open Items

Access the Review Status Online, Process Reconciliation, Maintenance, Open Item Listing Report on the Open Items page.


Access the Mark Journals Posting, Mark Journals for Unposting, Post Journals, and Post Journal Summary Report options on the Post page.


Access the Class, Entry Template, and Source Template options on the Setup page.

Standard Journals

Access the Define Standard Journals, Create Standard Journals, Review Standard Journals options on the Standard Journals page.

Subsystem Journals

Access the Accounting Entry Definition, the Journal Generator Template, and the General Journals options on the Subsystem Journals page.

Suspense Correction

Access the Correct Suspense Entries, Review Suspense Cross Reference, and Suspended Activity Report options on the Suspense Correction page.


Access the Definition, Summary, Closing, Average Daily Balance, Import/Export, Ledger Definition Reports, Ledger Reports, and ADB Reports folder options on the Ledgers page.

ADB Reports

Access the ADB Definition Report and ADB Calculation Report options on the ADB Reports page.

Average Daily Balance

Access the ADB Definition and ADB Process options on the Average Daily Balance page.


Access the Closing Rules, Request Ledger Close, and Closing Rule Report on the Closing page.


Access the Ledger Templates, Detail Ledgers, Ledger Groups, and Ledger Codes options on the Definition page.


Access the Import Ledger from Flat File, Ledger File Formats, and Export Ledger Data options on the Import/Export page.

Ledger Definition Reports

Access the Template Report, Detail Ledger Report, Ledger Codes Report, and Summary Ledger Definition Report options on the Ledger Definition Reports page.

Ledger Reports

Access the Summary Ledger Detail Report, Closing Trial Balance, and Journal Closing Status Report options on the Ledger Reports page.


Access the Ledger Set for Summary Ledger, Summary Ledger Definition, Build Summary Ledger, and Review Summary Ledger Status options on the Summary page.

Monitor Background Processes

Access the Journal Unlock, Non-Shared Table Maintenance, Shared Table Statistics, and Background Process Report options on the Monitor Background Processes page.

Process Multi-Currency

Access the Define and Process and Reports folder options on the Process Multi-Currency page.

Define and Process

Access the Revaluation Step, Translation Rules, Translation Steps, Translation Within Ledgers, Define Process Group, and Request Process options on the Define and Process page.


Access the Revaluation Step, Revaluation Calculation Log, Translation Step, Translation Calculation Log, Translation in Ledger, Translation in Ledger Calculation Log, Translation Ledger In-Sync, and Translation Ledger Reconcile options on the Reports page.

Regulatory Ledger Reports

Access the Definition, Mapping Structure, Mapping Rules, Submission Information, Build Regulatory Ledger, Ledger File Extract, Review Ledger Errors, Review Ledgers, Ledger Errors, and ChartField Value Mapping options on the Regulatory Ledger Reports page.


Access the General Reports, Federal Reports, Cash Flow Statement, and XBRL folder options on the Reporting page.

General Reports

Access the GL Subsystem Reconciliation folder option and the Ledger Activity, Ledger Activity with Attribute, Journal Entry Detail, Ledger vs Journal Integrity, Standard Journals, InterUnit Activity, Trial Balance, Ledger Summary, nVision Scope, nVision Request Summary, Journal Entry with Attributes, and Journal Line/Accounting Reconciliation options on the Reporting page.

GL Subsystem Reconciliation

Access the Load Reconciliation Data, Reconciliation by System Source, Reconciliation by ChartFields, GL Reconciliation Inquiry, and Subsystem Document Definition options on the GL Subsystem Reconciliation page.

Federal Reports

Access the FACTS I, FACTS II Definition, FACTS II Creation, FACTS II Review, FACTS II Reports, SF224/1219/1220, Fund Balance Reconciliation, and TAS/BETC folder options and the Define Reimbursable Account, Federal Transaction Register, Define FACTS Tree Group, and Federal Trial Balance options on the Federal Reports page.


Access the Define FACTS Tree Group, Load FACTS I Data, Review FACTS I MAF, and Generate FACTS I options on the FACTS I page.

FACTS II Creation

Access the Create Preparer File, Load MAF Data, Accumulate FACTS II Data, and Create FACTS II File on the FACTS II Creation page.

FACTS II Definition

Access the FACTS II Contact Information, Attribute Cross Reference, Treasury Symbol Cross Reference, and Miscellaneous ChartFields options on the FACTS II Definition page.

FACTS II Reports

Access the Ledger with Attributes Report and the FACTS II Trial Balance options on the FACTS II Reports page.


Access the Review MAF Data, Validate FACTS II Data, and Review FACTS II Data options on the FACTS II Review page.

Fund Balance Reconciliation

Access the Define Report Definition, Import Treasury Files, and Generate Reconciliation Report options on the Fund Balance Reconciliation page.


Access the SF224/1220 Report Definition, SF1219 Report Definition, Generate SF224/1220 Data, Run SF224 Report/Create File, SF224 Transaction Report, Run SF1219 Report, Run SF1220 Report, and Create SF1219/1220 File options on the SF224/1219/1220 page.


See Defining Component TAS and BETC Elements in Compliance with Federal Reporting Requirements.

GTAS Definition

See Understanding the GTAS Adjusted Trial Balance System.

GTAS Processes

See Processing and Generating a GTAS Bulk File.

GTAS Review

See Reviewing the GTAS Workbench

Cash Flow Statement

Access the Data Source, Elements, Ledger Set, Worksheet, and Transition Grid on the Cash Flow Statement Page.


Access the Context, NameSpace, Element, Instance Template, and Create Instance options on the XBRL page.

Standard Budgets

Access the Budget Journals, Budget Import, Edit Journals, Post Journals, Copy Budgets, and Maintain Budgets folder options on the Standard Budgets page.

Budget Import

Access the Flat File Journal Import, Spreadsheet Journal Import, and Budget Journal Import options on the Budget Import page.

Budget Journals

Access the Create Journal Entry and Copy Journal options on the Budget Journals page.

Copy Budgets

Access the Budget Copy Definition, Budget Copy Group, Request Budget Copy, and Budget Copy Calculation Log options on the Copy Budgets page.

Edit Journals

Access the Edit Journals and Journal Edit Errors Report options on the Edit Journals page.

Maintain Budgets

Access the Detail Budget Maintenance and Detail Project Maintenance options on the Maintain Budgets page.

Post Journals

Access the Mark Journals for Posting, Mark Journals for Unposting, Post Journals, and Posted Journals Summary Report options on the Post Journals page.

Definition and Administration

Access the Installation/User Preference, Security, Business Unit Related, Calendars/Schedules, Currency, Design ChartFields, Document Sequencing, Entry Event, Journal Options, Subsystem Journals, Value Added Tax, and Miscellaneous folder options on the System Configurations page.

Business Unit Related

Access the BU/Open Periods/SetID, Ledger, and Inter/IntraUnit folder options on the Business Unit Related page.

BU/Open Periods/SetID

Access the General Ledger Definition, Ledgers For A Unit, Maintain Process Date, Open Period Display, Open Period Update, Open Periods Mass Update, Adjustment Periods Mass Update, TableSet IDs, Record Group, TableSet Control, General Ledger Unit Report, and Ledgers For A Unit Report options on the BU/Open Periods/SetID pages.

Inter/Intra Unit

Access the System Transaction Definition, Transaction Code, System Transaction Map, InterUnit Pair, InterUnit Pair Mass Maintenance, InterUnit Template, IntraUnit Template, and Setup Validation options.


Access the Templates, Detail Ledgers, Ledger Groups, Ledger Codes, Template Report, Detail Ledger Report, and Ledger Codes Report options on the Ledgers page.


Access the Budget Period Calendar, Budget Period Calendar Builder, Business Calendar, Calendar Builder, Closure Calendar, Detail Calendar, Detail Calendar Report, Schedules, Schedules Report, Summary BP Calendar, Summary Calendar, Summary Calendar Report, TimeSpans, and TimeSpans Report options on the Calendars/Schedules page.


Access the Currency Code, Currency Quotation Method, Market Rate Type, and Market Rates options on the Currency page.

Design ChartFields

Access the ChartField Definition, ChartField Reports, and Combination Editing folder options on the Design ChartFields page.

ChartField Definition

Access the Account Balancing Group, Account Types, Attributes, ChartField Values, Setup ChartField Value Sets, Review Alternate Account Mapping, and SpeedTypes options on the ChartField Definition page.

ChartField Reports

Access the Account Balancing Group, Account Types, Alternate Account Cross Reference, ChartField Attributes, ChartField Reports, and SpeedTypes options on the ChartField Reports page.

Combination Editing

Access the ChartField Editing Template, Combination Definition, Combination Rule, Combination Group, Combination Rule Report, Combination Group Report, Build Combination Data, Combo/Copy/Rename/Delete, Review Budgets Combo Data, Review Combination Data, Review Combination Build, and Review Combination Selector Table Data options on the Combination Editing page.

Document Sequencing

Access the Document Type, Document Type Report, Journal Code, Journal Code Report, Journal Type, Journal Type Report, Sequence Range, and Sequence Range Report options on the Document Sequencing page.

Entry Event

Access the Code Definition, Process, Source, and Step Detail Report options on the Entry Event page.

Installation/User Preference

Access the Installation Options, Installation Options Report, Define User Preferences, and User Preferences Report options on the Installation/User Preference page.

Journal Options

Access the Class, Class Report, Entry Template, Entry Template Report, Source, and Source Report options on the Journal Options page.


Access the Units of Measure, Units of Measure Report, and Position Accounting options on the Miscellaneous page.


Access the ChartField Security Folder and the Security Options, User by User ID, Unit by Permission List, TableSet by User ID, TableSet by Permission List, Ledger by User ID, Ledger by Permission List, Book by User ID, Book by Permission List, Pay Cycle by User ID, Pay Cycle by Permission List, Projects, Security View Name, Apply Security Setup, ChartField Pagelet Security, nVision Ledger Security, Grants Security, Proposal Management Security, Problem Instance by User ID, and Problem Instance by Permission List options on the Security page.

ChartField Security

Access the Maintain Security and the Security Edit Tables Folders and the Secure ChartField Options and Register Components options on the ChartField Security page.

Subsystem Journals

Access the Accounting Entry Definition and Journal Generator Template options on the Subsystem Journals page.

Value Added Tax

Access the VAT Transaction Type, Express VAT Code, VAT Authority, VAT Code, VAT Accounts by Business Unit, VAT Country Options, VAT Entity, VAT Use Type, VAT Apportionment, VAT Defaults, Service VAT Treatment Defaults, Business Unit Interunit Option, Business Unit Interunit Pairs, VAT Report Definition, VAT Transaction Report Setup, VAT Return XML Tags, and VAT Setup Validation Report options on the Value Added Tax page.