Delivered Workflows for PeopleSoft Resource Management

This section discusses PeopleSoft Resource Management workflows. The workflows are listed alphabetically by workflow name.

This section discusses Appointment Schedule Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers Appointment Schedule Notification workflow:

Save a new or modified appointment task on the Appointment Details page in the Appointment Schedule component (RS_SCHED_APPT).

Action Description

If a resource adds or modifies an appointment task, the resource manager, as defined on the Job record (JOB), appears as the addressee on the Notification Message page. Enter comments about the appointment, and click OK to send the email to the resource manager.

If a manager, or anyone with access to the Monthly Schedule page, adds or modifies a resource's appointment task, the resource appears as the addressee on the Notification Message page. Enter comments about the appointment, and click OK to send the email to the resource.

Notification Method


Note: Appointment Schedule Notification workflow options are activated on the Installation Options - Resource Management page.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Resource Appointment Schedule (RS_SCHED_TASK)


Appointment Schedule Notification (RS_SCHED_NOTIFY)

This section discusses Assignment Approval workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following events trigger Assignment Approval workflow:

Save a new assignment with a status of Assigned.

Modify an assignment date for an assignment that is in an Assigned status.

Modify the assignment status of an existing assignment from any status to Assigned.

Reject an assignment.

Modify an assignment status to any status that is specified on the Assignments eMail Notification Options page for triggering email notifications to the resource, resource manager, and project manager.

Action Description

Saving a new assignment with a status of Assigned triggers a worklist item to the manager of the resource—either the resource's supervisor (as defined on the Job record) or the resource's pool manager, to approve the assignment.

Note: The pool manager is determined by first identifying to which pool a resource belongs (through the RS_POOL_MEMBER record), and then identifying the manager of the pool (through the RS_RES_POOL record).

You select either the supervisor or pool manager as the resource manager in the Resource Manager Options group box on the Resource Management Options page.

Saving a new assignment with a status of Assigned triggers workflow to the project manager for the project.

Modifying a date for an assignment in an Assigned status triggers a worklist item to the resource's manager and project manager to approve the assignment date change.

Modifying the status of an assignment from any status to Assigned triggers a worklist item to the resource's manager and project manager to approve the assignment status change.

Modifying an assignment date or status triggers an email notification to the resource's manager, the resource, and the project manager.

Rejecting an assignment triggers an email notification to the resource and the project manager.

Notification Method

New assignments, date changes, or status changes that require approval are sent to the worklist.

Notifications to the resource's manager, resource, and project manager of assignment date and status changes are sent through email.

Note: A worklist item or email notification is not sent to the user who changes the assignment. For example, a worklist item is not sent to the resource's manager to approve a new assignment if the resource's manager is the person who submitted the assignment.

Assignment Approval workflow options are activated on the Resource Management Options page.

Important! For all resources, you must enter a supervisor on the Update Employee Data - Employee Job page before you can use workflow to send assignments for approval or notification to the resource manager. This applies if select the supervisor as the resource manager.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Assignment Approval (RS_ASSGN_APPROVAL)


Assignment Approval (RS_ASSGN_APPROVAL)

This section discusses Competency Change Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers Competency Change Notification workflow:

Modify a competency on a resource profile.

Action Description

The system sends an email notification to the resource manager (as defined in the Job record) that competencies are updated on the resource profile.

Notification Method


Note: This workflow applies only if you use the PeopleSoft Financials database as the employee source database for the resource.

Competency Change Notification workflow is activated on the Resource Setup - Common Installation Options page.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Resource Competencies (UPDATE_COMP_EMAIL)


Competency Change Notification (EMAIL_SUPERVISOR)

This section discusses Contract Administrator Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers Contract Administrator Notification workflow:

Click the Notify Contracts Administrator link on the Notify Contract Administrator page to send an email to the contract administrator.

Action Description

Contract administrators that are defined as support team managers in PeopleSoft Contracts appear on the Notify Contract Administrator page for you to select a contract administrator and enter comments about an assignment. Save the assignment to send the email.

Notification Method


Note: This workflow is automatically activated.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Contract Administrator (RS_NOTIFY_CNTRCT_ADMIN)


Contract Administrator Notification (RS_NOTIFY_CNTRCT_ADMIN)

This section discusses workflow for generic resource requests.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers generic resource request workflow:

Select a resource status of Requested for a generic resource on the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management.

Modify the schedule dates for a generic resource that is in Allocated status on the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management.

Modify a generic resource request status to any status that is specified on the Generic Resource eMail Notification Options page for triggering email notifications to the pool manager and project manager.

Action Description

Requesting a generic resource on the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management triggers a generic resource request to the Pool Manager Workbench for the pool manager to approve and fulfill the request.

Modifying the schedule dates for a generic resource that is in an Allocated status on the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management triggers a worklist item to the pool manager.

Modifying the schedule dates or status for a generic resource that is in an Allocated status on the Resources page in PeopleSoft Program Management triggers an email notification to the pool manager and project manager.

Notification Method

New generic resource requests, date changes, or status changes that require approval are sent to the worklist.

Notifications to the pool manager and project manager of generic resource request date and status changes are sent through email.

Note: Generic Resource Request workflow is activated on the Resource Management Options page.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Generic Resource Request Approval (RS_GRR_APPROVAL)


Generic Resource Approval (RS_GRR_APPROVAL)

This section discusses Recommendation Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers Recommendation Notification workflow:

Recommend a resource for a resource request on the Service Order - Recommend Resources page and save the service order.

Select an action of Recommend for a resource-and-resource request combination on the Staffing Workbench - Manage Utilization page and save the workbench.

Action Description

The system sends a worklist item to the resource as a notification that the resource is recommended for a resource request.

Notification Method


Note: This workflow is automatically activated.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process



Recommendation Notification (RS_MYRECS_CHANGE)

This section discusses Resource Assignment Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following events trigger Resource Assignment Notification workflow:

Create a new assignment with a status of Assigned.

Modify a date for an assignment in an Assigned status.

Modify the status of an existing assignment from any status to Assigned.

Action Description

Creating a new assignment, modifying an assignment status, or modifying an assignment date triggers a worklist item to the resource.

Notification Method


Note: This workflow is automatically activated.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process



Resource Assignment Notification (RS_MYASSGN_CHANGE)

This section discusses Service Order Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following events trigger Service Order Notification workflow:

Submit a new service order.

Modify the person responsible for staffing a service order.

Modify the status of a service order.

Modify the status of a resource request.

Click the E-Mail Partner link on the Order Summary page to send an email to a partner or any email addressee.

Action Description

Submitting a new service order triggers a worklist item to the person responsible for staffing the service order.

Changing the responsible for staffing person on a service order triggers a worklist item to the new user who is responsible for staffing the order.

Modifying the status of a service order triggers an email notification to the user who is responsible for staffing the service order, and to each of the users who are listed as interested parties on the service order.

Modifying the status of a resource request triggers an email notification to resources who were recommended for the resource request, or who submitted a bid for the resource request.

Clicking the E-Mail Partner link on the Order Summary page accesses the E-Mail Partner page for you to enter an email address. Click OK to send the email message containing information about the service order and all of the resource requests included in the order.

Notification Method

New service orders ready for staffing, or existing service orders with a change in the person responsible for staffing the order, are sent to the worklist.

Notifications of a service order status change to the user who is responsible for staffing the service order, and to each of the users who are listed as interested parties on the service order, are sent through email.

Notifications of a resource request status change to resources who received a recommendation, or bid on the request, are sent through email.

Messages to a partner or other email addressee are sent through email.

Note: Service Order Notification workflow options are activated on the Resource Management Options page. Workflow to send an email message to a partner or other email addressee is automatically activated.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process

Service Order (RS_SERVICE_ORDER)


Service Order Notification (RS_SO_ENTER)

This section discusses Supervisor Notification workflow.


Information Type


Event Description

The following event triggers Supervisor Notification workflow:

Click the E-Mail Supervisor icon button in the My Assignments component (RS_MYASSIGNMENTS) to send an email to your supervisor.

Action Description

The user's manager, as defined on the Job record, appears as the addressee on the Send E-Mail to <Supervisor> page. Enter comments about an assignment or resource request, and click OK to send the email.

Notification Method


Note: This workflow is automatically activated.

Workflow Objects

Information Type


Business Process



Supervisor Notification (RS_MYASSGN_EMAIL)