Dispatching Supplier Contracts

This section provides an overview of dispatching supplier order contracts and discusses how to run the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process.

Page Name

Definition Name


Dispatch Supplier Contracts Page


Run the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process and dispatch contracts, run the Email process, or run the Contract Dispatch & Email job, which runs both processes for order contracts. These processes do not apply to voucher contracts.

The Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process dispatches order contracts to the supplier based on the selection criteria that you enter on the Dispatch Supplier Contract page and using the dispatch method that you set on the Dispatch Options page.

The Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process is optional and is available only for order contracts. This process also dispatches blanket contracts.

When you run this process from the Dispatch Supplier Contracts page, you have three choices on the Process Scheduler Request page:



Contract Dispatch & Email multiprocess job (CONDISP)

Select to run the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print SQR Report process and then the Email Application Engine process.

Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process SQR Report (POCNT100)

Select to run only the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process.

Email Application Engine process (PO_CON_EMAIL)

Select to run only the Email process.

When you use the email dispatch method, the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process creates an output file in the location that you specify on the File Locations page. The Email process picks up the output file from the specified location and sends an email message with the contract as an attachment. When the dispatch method is fax, the dispatch process creates a contract file and a fax control file in the locations that you specify on the File Locations page.

Dispatching contracts by email requires that you run two processes: the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process and the Email process.

To dispatch by email, you first need to run the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process to update the Contract Email queue table (CNTRCT_EMAIL_QU). You then run the Email process.

The Email process is an Application Engine process that picks up the email output file that is created by the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process in the location that is specified on the File Locations page. It then generates an email message through the SMTP gateway. If you specify a supplier contact on the Contract page, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Supplier Information - Contacts page. If you do not specify a supplier contact on the contract, the Email process sends the email to the address that you specify in the Email ID field on the Supplier Information - Address page.

To simplify dispatching by email, you can use the Contract Dispatch & Email multiprocess job on the Process Scheduler Request page that you access from the Dispatch Supplier Contract page. The Contract Dispatch & Email multiprocess job automatically runs the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process and then the Email process.

Use the Dispatch Supplier Contracts page (RUN_DISP_POCNT100) to run the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process and dispatch contracts, run the Email process, or run the Contract Dispatch & Email job, which runs both processes for order contracts.

These processes do not apply to voucher contracts.


Procurement Contracts > Dispatch Contracts > Dispatch Supplier Contracts

Process Request Parameters

Field or Control



Select the SetID for the contract to dispatch. This field is required for dispatching specific contracts.

Business Unit

Select the business unit that you want to appear as a reference on the dispatch report. If selected, the business unit and address appear in the report header. The business unit is not used as part of the selection criteria.

Contract ID

Select a contract ID to dispatch a specific contract. All approved order contracts are eligible.

Supplier ID

Select a supplier to dispatch contracts for a specific supplier.

Fax Cover Page

If applicable, select a fax cover page. Identify the fax cover letters on the Fax Cover Letters page.

Dispatch Methods to Include

Select the dispatch methods that you want to include in the run of the process. Options are Print, FAX, Email, and Phone.

If a specific contract is not selected on the page, the Supplier Contract Dispatch/Print process dispatches all contracts that have the specified dispatch methods set on the Contract page.

If you specify a contract on this page, then only that contract is dispatched and the selections in the contract Dispatch Methods To Include group box are ignored.

Miscellaneous Options

Field or Control


Test Dispatch

Select to run the process without setting the status of the processed contracts to Dispatched. The printed contracts have the word Unauthorized printed at the bottom. This enables you to test the fax server setup without actually updating the system.

Print Duplicate

Select to print the word Duplicate on each copy of the contract.

Print Copy

Select to produce a printed copy of each contract that is processed. If any of the contracts processed are by phone, email, or fax, a hard copy is printed for review.