PeopleSoft SCM Cost Management Implementation

PeopleSoft Setup Manager enables you to generate a list of setup tasks for the organization based on the features that you are implementing. The setup tasks include the components that you must set up, listed in the order in which you must enter data into the component tables, and links to the corresponding documentation.

PeopleSoft Cost Management also provides component interfaces to help load data from the existing system into PeopleSoft Cost Management tables. Use the Excel to Component Interface utility with the component interfaces to populate the tables.

This table lists all of the components that have component interfaces:


Component Interface


Distribution Type


See Distribution Type Page

Storage Area Accounting


See Using Storage Area Control

Production Conversion Codes


See Production Conversion Codes Page

Costing Conversion Overhead Rates


See Overhead Rates Page

Costing Conversion Rates


See Conversion Rates Page

Forecasted Purchase Rates


See Forecasted Purchase Costs Page

Additional Costs by Item


See Adding Additional Costs

Conversion Overhead Codes


See Production Overhead Codes Page

Transfer Pricing Definition


See Understanding Transfer Pricing Definitions

Floor and Ceiling Values


See Generating Reports of Financial Transactions

Assign Crew Actual Costs


See Crew Actual Cost Page

Establish Actual Costs for Crew


See Crew Actual Cost Page

InterUnit Transfer Accounting


See Interunit Ownership Page

PeopleSoft Events and Notifications Framework

As your organization processes the continuous stream of transactions within your PeopleSoft system, the events and notifications framework enables you to monitor the transaction flow and alert your organization to any errors, changes, and stalled transactions. The messages generated by the events and notifications framework can notify you of the problem, give you a detailed description of the issue, and provide a link to the PeopleSoft page where you can resolve it. One of the ways to use the events and notifications framework is to create PeopleSoft Queries on one or more PeopleSoft tables, add the alert using the Alert Setup component, and then complete the alert setup steps. This method enables you to monitor data within a PeopleSoft table; for example, searching for stalled transactions, instead of looking at the results of a PeopleSoft process. When the Alerts process (EOEN_ALERT) is run, the PeopleSoft table is queried and the alert messages can be generated. These messages can be routed to the appropriate person (PeopleSoft user or non-PeopleSoft user) using an email, a PeopleSoft worklist entry, an XML message, or the PeopleSoft Notification Dashboard.

For the PeopleSoft Cost Management application, sample data includes the following PeopleSoft queries that have been setup to work with the events and notifications framework. These queries may require minor modifications to work in your environment. You can also copy and alter these queries to create new alert messages.


Process Name

Process Category





Generates alert messages for costing transactions that are still pending. One alert message is created for each business unit and cost book combination. This PeopleSoft query uses the same logic as the Pending Transactions inquiry page in PeopleSoft Cost Management.




Generates alert messages for costing transactions which have an error that is preventing the creation of the accounting lines. One alert message is created per business unit.




Generates alert messages for costing transactions that have not been posted to the general ledger. One alert message is created for each business unit and cost book combination.

See PeopleSoft Events and Notifications Framework

Other Sources of Information

In the planning phase of the implementation, take advantage of all PeopleSoft sources of information, including the installation guides, table-loading sequences, data models, and business process maps. A complete list of these resources appears in the preface in the PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals with information about where to find the most current version of each.