Maintaining External Contract Deliverables

Page Name

Definition Name


Search Deliverables Page


Search for contract deliverables.

Review Agreement Page


Review contract deliverables.

Update Verifications Page


Updating deliverable verification steps.

The system secures external contract deliverables based on the external user being setup within the Contract Entry component Workflow Notifications page for a particular verification setup. Without this setup, the contract agreement and verification steps that appears deliverables to the external user are not accessible.

Typically, as part of the contract agreement setup, you define the types of notifications and timing required for the deliverable. The system sends notifications to external users with URLs that will take them directly to view the deliverable in question. In addition, external users can access the supplier portal that you have enabled for them and navigate to review any deliverables for which they have access through menus.

Use the Search Deliverables page (CS_CNT_AG_SEARCH) to search for contract deliverables.


Manage Contracts > Update Contract Deliverables

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Contract Deliverables - Search Deliverables page.

Review Contract Deliverables - Search Deliverables page

Field or Control


Contract ID

Select a contract ID on which to base the agreements search.

Results to Include

Select the search value that you want to use to locate contract agreements. Values include:

  • Category Line Agreements Only: Select to retrieve agreements assigned at the category line.

  • Header Agreements Only: Select to retrieve agreements assigned at the header level.

  • Header, Item Line, Category Line: Select to retrieve all agreements. This includes agreements at the contract header, item line, and category line. This is the default value for the field.

  • Item Line Agreements Only: Select to retrieve agreements assigned at the contract line level.

Supplier Contract Ref (supplier contract reference)

Enter a supplier contract reference on which to base the search. This reference provides supplemental data for defining supplier contracts. The system retrieves those contracts that use this supplier contract reference and that have agreements associated with them. You define the reference on the contract header.

Activity Status

Select a status on which to base the search. This is the current status for the step. Values include:

  • Completed: Select to search for verification steps that have been completed. The search results include completed steps that meet other search criteria you enter.

  • Failed: Select to search for verification steps that were not completed to the satisfaction of the contract administrator or in accordance with the agreed upon terms.

  • In Process: Select search for verification steps that have been started but are not yet been completed.

  • Not Started: Select to search for verification steps for which action has not begun.

Exclude Completed Status

Select to retrieve a list of verification steps that still need to be updated and exclude the ones that are in a Completed status.

Agreements Retrieved

This grid box displays the agreements that were retrieved based on the search criteria that you enter. The agreement information includes the contract to which the agreement belongs, the agreement definition, verification steps, and the agreement activity status. Only those agreements for which you are authorized as a verification step owner appear in the list. To view other agreements associated with the contract, use the Review Contract Deliverables menu option.

Field or Control



Displays the contract and the contract part to which the agreement belongs, such as the header or contract line.

Contract Agreement

Click to access the Review Agreement Page.

Verification Steps

Click to access the Update Verifications Page. You use this page to update those verification steps for which you are the step owner.

Activity Status

Displays the agreement status, such as whether it is not started or is in process.

For additional information about managing contract agreements, see Understanding Contract Agreements.

Use the Review Agreement page ( CS_CNT_AG_RESULTS) to review contract deliverables.


Manage Contracts > Update Contract Deliverables. Click the Contract Agreement link on the Search Deliverables page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Contract Deliverables - Review Agreements page.

Review Contract Deliverables - Review Agreements page

This page displays the details about the specific agreement that you selected in the Agreements Selected grid on the Search Deliverables page. The header provides basic information about the contract and supplier while the Contract Agreements group box displays the current agreement status, result types, target dates and other agreement details. Depending on the type of agreement verification for the deliverable, fields on the page will vary.

You cannot update fields using this page. You use the Verification Steps link on the Search Deliverables page to make changes. After you update the fields on that page, your updates appear on this page.

To view a contract document associated to the contract, click the View Contract Document button.

Use the Update Verifications page (CS_SS_CNT_VFY) to updating deliverable verification steps.


Manage Contracts > Update Contract Deliverables. Click the Verifications Steps link on the Search Deliverables page.

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Review Contract Deliverables - Update Verifications page.

Review Contract Deliverables - Update Verifications page

Use this page to make updates to the contract agreement. The verification steps that you can update are only those for which you are defined as the verification step owner. If you are the external step owner, you can use an e-mail link to access this page. The body of the e-mail message contains the link that you use to access the PeopleSoft system. You must have the authorization to access the system.

Use this page to view detailed metrics performance related to agreements as long as it pertains to your role. For example, you cannot navigate to receipt or purchase order lists using performance detail pages if you are not authorized. Certain setup requirements are needed and the Update Procurement process for the contract must be run before metric information is available for viewing.

Depending on the type of agreement that you are updating, the available fields on the page might be different. See also Reviewing and Updating Contract Agreement Statuses

Field or Control


View Contract Document

Click to access the Document Management page where you can view information about the contract document, including its history and collaboration details. See Document Management Page.


Displays the contract ID along with the contract agreement element, such as the header, line, or category.


Displays the supplier ID associated with the contract agreement.


Displays the item category to which the agreement was assigned. This field appears for category-level agreements.

Item ID

Displays the line item to which the agreement is assigned. This field appears for line-level agreements.

Verification Steps

Use this group box to update verification steps for which you are the step owner. Depending on the verification method, the system displays different fields.

Field or Control



Displays the step sequence along with the step description.

Send E-mail

Click to send an email to the verification step owner.

Due Date

Displays when the verification is required to be complete.

Step Owner

Displays the external step owner.

Last User to Update

Displays the step sequence along with the step description.

Last Update

Displays the step sequence along with the step description.

Activity Status

Select the status that you want to apply to this verification step. This status indicates the state at which you, as a verification step owner, want to define as the step's status to the contract administrator or manager. Status values include:

  • Completed: Select to indicate the task has been completed. Be sure to enter the verification results prior to setting the status to complete. If you do not enter attachments or comments, a date/time, or a yes/no indicator, the system displays a warning that the verification results have not yet been completed.

    Note: When you change the status to Complete and exit the page, you cannot make any further changes to the agreement. The page is display only when you access it again.

  • Failed: Select to indicate the task is not completed in accordance with the agreed upon terms.

  • In Process: Select to indicate that the task has started but has not yet been completed.

  • Not Started: Select to indicate that no action has begun for this task.


Displays the method by which a verification step owner indicates that a verification step has been completed. Verification methods include:

  • Attaching Supporting Documents: Indicates that the verification of this agreement step is accomplished by posting supporting documentation. When you are using this method, the Attachment grid box is available. You can click the Upload a File link to attach a supporting document. Click the Upload another File link to add additional attachments when an attachment exist for the verification step.

  • Comments: Indicates that you can verify the step by entering text or comments.

  • Date/Time Stamp: Indicates that you need to include a date and time stamp when the step is complete.

  • Notify: Indicates that action is not required to signify the step is completed. If you assign a workflow notification to the step, selected roles can be notified when the step's due date is approaching. You can use this method to send periodic informational notifications or reminders to various interested parties.

  • Yes/No: Indicates that you can update the verification step online using a yes or no response.

  • System: Indicates that the verification of this step should be provided by the system. This verification method is only valid for metric result types. When you have a metric result type, the system provides the results based on procurement history from PeopleSoft Purchasing to gather transactional agreement compliance information.

See Understanding Agreement Metrics.

Yes/No Verification

Select either Yes or No to indicate the verification status. This field is available when the Method field is a Yes/No verification.

Notification Comments

Enter any additional information that you want to provide to the contract administrator or manager about this verification step.

Verification Comment

Enter the justification comments for this verification step.

Upload a FileandUpload Another File

Click to upload an attachment that serves as a supporting document for verifying this step. You cannot upload attachments when the verification activity status is Completed or Failed.


This grid box appears when the verification method is Attachment. You can upload attachments that support the verification step. This might be, for example, a quality checklist, that describes checks made to ensure the agreement is compliant. You can upload multiple attachments, view existing attachments and provide a description for new attachments. Select the Description tab to view or add an extended description.