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Data Integrations

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In PeopleSoft CRM, a customer can be either a company, a consumer, or a site that is associated with a company or consumer. A contact is any person who performs transactions on a customer's behalf.

Company, Consumer, Site, and Contact EIPs

Use the CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIPs to synchronize customer information with other systems. When you implement these EIPs, application messages are published whenever a company, consumer, or site record in the PeopleSoft CRM system is added or modified. PeopleSoft CRM can also subscribe to these EIP application messages that are published when these records are modified in another system.

Note: CRM cannot publish a company with grandparent companies to SCM, because SCM only supports a two-level customer hierarchy, whereas CRM can support multi-level customer hierarchies. If you have implemented the CUSTOMER_COMPANY EIP and a company with grandparent companies is added in the Company component, this online message is issued:

SCM doesn't allow multi-level customer hierarchy, No message will be published

The CUSTOMER_CONTACT EIP enables you to synchronize customer contact information with another system. When you implement the CUSTOMER_CONTACT EIP, application messages are published when a contact record in the PeopleSoft CRM system is added or modified. CRM can also subscribe to CUSTOMER_CONTACT EIP application messages that are published when these records are modified in another system.

Important! You must market-enable the Company, Consumer, Site, and Contact EIPs before PeopleSoft CRM can send customer (company, consumer, and site) and contact data to other databases. Market-enabling enables you to specify what data the PeopleSoft CRM system sends to other systems for a specific market. For example, you might opt not to publish certain customer and contact data to an external system for the FSI market. At the minimum, you must specify a global market to interface all non-market specific data.

See Market-Enabling Company, Consumer, Site, and Contact EIPs.

Site Considerations

Only CRM sites that are flagged with the bill-to or sold- to purchasing options are integrated as customers with PeopleSoft SCM. If a site is flagged as Ship To only then the site is integrated with PeopleSoft SCM as an address to the company with which the site is associated.

When you add the bill-to or sold-to flag to a ship-to site, the system publishes the site message to create a new customer in PeopleSoft SCM. However, if a customer already exists in PeopleSoft SCM, removing the bill-to and sold-to options from the site does not remove the customer information for that site in PeopleSoft SCM.

Specifying Customer ID and Contact ID Default Values

You must specify the system that owns the customer ID and contact ID and verify the automatic numbering for ID generation for each setID.

See Understanding Enterprise Integration Technology.

Customer and Contact Integration with Other PeopleSoft Applications

Unlike PeopleSoft CRM, PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM do not distinguish between company, consumer, and site records. CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIP application messages to which these systems subscribe are all mapped to customer records with unique customer IDs in the PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM systems.

When customer records are added or modified in PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM, the system publishes application messages using the Customer EIP. These messages are mapped to companies in the PeopleSoft CRM system.

When a record that is created in PeopleSoft CRM is modified in PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM, the system uses the record key information (customer ID and setID) that is included in the application message that's reporting the change to derive the record's original business object ID in PeopleSoft CRM. This enables CRM to apply the changes that are reported in the application message to the corresponding company, consumer, or site record.

To ensure uniqueness of customer ID and contact ID between multiple PeopleSoft CRM databases, you must specify the system that owns the customer ID and contact ID and verify the automatic numbering for ID generation for each setID.

See Establishing Master ID Databases.

Note: The CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, CUSTOMER_CONTACT, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIPs enable you to maintain customer information in multiple databases. However, to simplify integration of customer information, choose one database as the system of record for customer maintenance, and use PeopleTools Applications Portal technology to support customer information inquiries from the other systems. If you maintain customer and contact information in multiple databases, you must consider additional design, planning, and integration steps.

Customer and Contact EIP Application Messages Processing Order

In PeopleSoft CRM, because contacts can be associated with a company, consumer, or site, the company, consumer, or site record should be created before the contact record. When you implement the CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, CUSTOMER_CONTACT, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIPs, make sure that the application messages from the CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIPs are processed before application messages from the CUSTOMER_CONTACT EIP when performing a FULLSYNC process.

Maintaining Customer and Contact Information in Different Databases

In PeopleSoft, customers exist in PeopleSoft CRM, PeopleSoft SCM, and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions. There are a number of ways to design the system to integrate between PeopleSoft CRM, PeopleSoft SCM, and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions. The simplest way to integrate customer master information is to manage all customer maintenance out of one database and support inquiry only on the other databases. Then you can use PeopleTools Applications Portal technology to access either system.

You might have a compelling business reason to maintain customer and contact information in different databases. For example, you may elect to have your front office users create customers in the PeopleSoft CRM database but want to use the Receivables payment processing options that are available only in Financial Management Solutions.

If you choose to maintain customer (company, consumer, and site) and contact information in different databases, you must:

  • Define which database owns the customer and contact ID number assignment on the Master ID DB Setup page.

    By specifying an owner, the system will be consistent in assigning a unique customer or contact ID for a particular customer or contact across different databases.

  • Set up defaulting for the CRM Name Type field on the Name Type Defaults page.

    You cannot add new contacts or customers to the PeopleSoft CRM database through the CUSTOMER_COMPANY, CUSTOMER_CONSUMER, CUSTOMER_CONTACT, and CUSTOMER_SITE EIPs unless you complete this step.

  • Set up at least one PeopleSoft CRM market control code for interfacing CRM customer and contact data to other databases.

  • Evaluate whether you plan to define customers as bill-to customers in PeopleSoft CRM.

    In PeopleSoft SCM and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions, customers that you define as bill-to customers must also have a defined collector and credit analyst. To ensure that PeopleSoft CRM passes these required fields to PeopleSoft SCM and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions, select the Collector/Credit Analyst Req (collector/credit analyst required) check box on the Installation Setup table. This ensures that PeopleSoft CRM satisfies the required field edit that is needed to populate PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM. Set up defaulting of these values on the Interface Defaults page under Define Integration Rules.

  • Manually keep the Collector and Credit Analyst table in PeopleSoft CRM in sync with the PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions and PeopleSoft SCM Collector and Credit Analyst table.

  • Establish a default support team code in PeopleSoft CRM for each setID to be used in when creating a customer.

    In PeopleSoft SCM and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions, a default support team code is required for each customer. To satisfy the required field edit, PeopleSoft CRM enables you to set up a default value on the Interface Defaults page under Define Integration Rules. In addition, ensure that the value set up on the Default page also exists on the PeopleSoft SCM and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions system.

PeopleSoft FSCM Customer-Related Pages That Are Unavailable in PeopleSoft CRM

These pages in the PeopleSoft SCM or PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions Customer component are not available in CRM:

  • Vendor Info.

  • Credit Profile - General.

  • Credit Profile - Credit Check.

  • Region Code Info.

  • Subcustomer Info.

  • Customer Group Info.

  • Customer VAT Info (customer value-added tax information).

  • Customer Notes Info.

  • Attachments.

  • Messages.

  • User-Defined 1.

  • User-Defined 2.

  • Payment Options.

  • Write-Off Info.

  • Hierarchy.

  • Product Catalog.

  • Product Aliases.

  • Additional Ship To Options.

  • Ship Exception Dates.

  • Carrier Acct Number (carrier account number).

Note: If the PeopleSoft CRM installation is integrated with either PeopleSoft SCM or PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions, you can access these pages through those applications.

The Products component in PeopleSoft SCM and PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions uses these customer components, which are not available in CRM:

  • Dun & Bradstreet.

  • MICR Information.

  • Corporate Customer Tree.

  • Vendor Information.

  • Corporate Tree Messages.

  • Customer EFT Name (customer electronic funds transfer name).

  • Quick Customer Create.

Note: You can access these pages through PeopleSoft SCM or PeopleSoft Financial Management Solutions if the PeopleSoft CRM installation is integrated with those systems.

See the documentation for PeopleSoft: Enterprise Components.

Use the Worker EIP to synchronize worker information with another system. In PeopleSoft CRM, workers are people who work for you. When you implement the Worker EIP, application messages are published when a worker record in the PeopleSoft CRM system is added or modified. PeopleSoft CRM can also subscribe to Worker EIP application messages that are published when these records are modified in another system. The Worker EIP enables PeopleSoft CRM to accept and create future dated workers that were created in another system and to which CRM subscribed.

Integrate product data using the PeopleTools Integration Broker. This technology enables both synchronous and asynchronous messages to be transmitted using one technology. The PRODUCT_SYNC and PRODUCT_FULLSYNC messages are used to both publish and subscribe to data between PeopleSoft CRM and PeopleSoft SCM or a third-party system.

Integrating from PeopleSoft SCM to PeopleSoft CRM

PeopleSoft CRM subscribes asynchronously to the PRODUCT_SYNC message that is coming from PeopleSoft SCM. This data is processed directly into the PeopleSoft CRM product tables using Component Interfaces (CIs).

A product package header record is added for any kit components that are received from PeopleSoft SCM.

Integrating from PeopleSoft CRM to PeopleSoft SCM

PeopleSoft CRM publishes the PRODUCT_SYNC message whenever product data is added, changed, or deleted through the Product Definition (PROD_DEFN), Product Package (PRODKIT_SUMMARY), Pricing (PROD_PRICE), Package Pricing (PRODKIT_COMPS_PRICE), Notes (PROD_NOTE), Relationships (PROD_RELATIONS_CMP), and Product Attributes by UOM (product attributes by unit of measure; PROD_UOM) pages.

The Integration Broker processes the message and applies a transformation to remove the PRODKIT_HEADER.

Any package components that are themselves packages are also stripped from the message.

Because PeopleSoft SCM does not allow packages within packages, package components that are themselves packages are also stripped from the message.

This table shows how an order represents packages to PeopleSoft SCM:


Line Display

Line Data Model/EIP

0-Static Package (1-level static quantity)



Display all components of the package as multiple lines.

Store and publish parent line.

1-Package (Kit) (multilevel dynamic quantity)



Display all components of the package as multiple lines.

Store all components as multiple lines, and publish as multiple lines.

2-Configured Package(Kit)



Display all components of the package as multiple lines.

Store all components as multiple lines, and publish as multiple lines.

3-Configured Product


Display high level parent line.

Store and publish parent line plus configuration.

Integrating from PeopleSoft CRM to a third-party SCM database

PeopleSoft CRM publishes the PRODUCT_SYNC message whenever product data is added, changed, or deleted through the Product Definition, Product Package, Pricing, Package Pricing, Notes, Relationships, and Product Attributes by UOM components. Integration Broker passes the message to the subscribing system.

PeopleSoft CRM integrates with Billing and Receivables to obtain billing information—invoices—and payments that are associated with a company, consumer, or contact. If a person is a contact of a company and that role is selected in the Role field in 360-Degree View, then the 360-Degree View EIPs retrieve invoices and payments for the company and not for the contact.

The PeopleSoft CRM 360-Degree View can display invoices and payments under those nodes in the 360-Degree View tree. When you define these types of nodes on the Define Node page in PeopleSoft CRM, you specify all of the necessary EIP details that are associated with that node.

To request invoices from PeopleSoft Billing, and for Billing to respond to the request, use the GET BILLS FOR 360 DEGREE VIEW EIP. This EIP consists of two application messages:

  • BI_EIP360_REQ (request message)

  • BI_EIP360_RSP (response message)

To request payments from PeopleSoft Receivables and for Receivables to respond to the request, use the GET ACCOUNT RECEIVABLES FOR 360 DEGREE VIEW EIP. This EIP consists of two application messages:

  • AR_CRM_REQUEST (request message)

  • AR_CRM_RESPONSE (response message)

All of the application messages that are used for integrating with 360-Degree View are synchronous.

PeopleSoft CRM passes the request parameters for the request application message using an application class method. This table lists the application classes that PeopleSoft CRM uses to pass the request parameters to Billing and Receivables:

PeopleSoft Application

Class ID

Class Path

Method Name

PeopleSoft Billing




PeopleSoft Receivables




When you integrate large amounts of data with other systems, system performance is slowed. The following tips might help.

Data Maintenance in Multiple Systems

If you have both PeopleSoft CRM and PeopleSoft SCM databases, PeopleSoft recommends that you:

  • Synchronize tables (such as Customer and Contacts) by running the FULLSYNC EIPs to perform a full batch publish to the subscribing system.

    Note: In general, FULLSYNC messages first delete all existing data in the target record and then load a copy of the source record. For Company, Consumer, Contact, and Site FULLSYNC messages that come into PeopleSoft CRM, no delete occurs; the data is merged into the existing data instead. This ensures data integrity within the PeopleSoft CRM system.

  • Update databases in the subscribing system by running SYNC EIPs to perform incremental updates.

    SYNC messages modify, delete, or add only the data that a user affected while performing an individual transaction.

Cascading Addresses

You can set a system option that automatically updates addresses on related business objects whenever you update an address on a parent business object. When you enable this option, each update that occurs also triggers an EIP to publish the address change to PeopleSoft SCM.

See Maintaining Contact Information for Business Objects.