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Setting Up the Event

Page Name

Definition Name


Marketing Programs Page


Add a new Marketing Program.

Event - Event Page: Detail Section


Define event details.

Event - Event Page: Financial Section


Define financial information about the event.

Event - Sessions Page


Define event sessions.

Event - Team Page


Define team members for the event.

Event - Resources Page


Define resources for the event.

Event - Task Page


Manage event tasks.

Event - Task Details Page


Define detailed task information for an event task.

Event - Costs Page


Define costs related to the event.

Event - Notes Page


Define notes related to the event.

Event - Participants Page


Define information about event participants.

An Event is a type of Marketing Program that provides functionality specific to Event Management business processes. It is created using the Program Type Event, which appears in the Marketing Programs list along with the Campaign, Roll Up, and Dialog program types. The Event program type allows the event to be associated with a roll up program for rolling up budgets and costs to a higher level, along with other program types such as mass mailing program or Dialog for an online marketing program.

When you define an event, you define various information about it, including:

  • Event details, such as start and end date, event capacity, venue, and other descriptive information about the event.

  • Event financial information, including details about the event sponsor and budget, and a breakdown of the costs associated with the event.

After you have defined the overall information about the event itself, you can define the details of the event's individual sessions, the team members and roles associated with it, the tasks that must be completed, the associated costs, and the event participants.

When an event is cloned (using the Clone link in the Toolbar), the dates associated with the event are not cloned. These include dates relating to:

  • Event.

  • Session.

  • Fees.

After the event has been cloned, you must enter dates for these items.

Use the Marketing Programs page (RA_PROGRAM_ADD) to add a new Marketing Program.

Image: Marketing Programs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Marketing Programs page.

Marketing Programs page

Field or Control


Business Unit

Select the business unit for which you want to create the event.

Program ID

By default, this value is NEXT for a new event. The event will be assigned the next available Program ID when you save.

Program Type

Select Event from the list of available choices.

Use the Event Detail page (RAE_EVENT_DETAIL) to define event details.

Image: Event - Event page: Detail section

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Event page: Detail section.

Event - Event page: Detail section

Field or Control



Enter a name for the event. Event names must be unique within a business unit.


Select a status from the list of choices. For a new event, the status is New by default. Other statuses include:

  • In Review: The event has been submitted for approval.

  • Declined: The event has not been approved.

  • Approved: The event has been approved and is ready for execution.

  • Executing: The event is currently being executed.

  • Completed: The event is complete. When the event is in this status, all of its main fields are read-only.

  • Stop: The event has been put on hold or canceled (you can use the Notes section to provide details).

Note: You can define your own Status values using the Status Rules page in PeopleSoft Marketing. Refer to the Marketing documentation for more information.


Click the icon to search and then select a venue from the available list.


Enter the maximum number of attendees who can attend the event. This value is used to determine whether a person registering for the event will be waitlisted if the number registered exceeds the Capacity.

If the event's Capacity increases and there are waitlisted participants, a message displays to inform you that you should review the waitlisted participants. If the Capacity decreases and the number of registrants exceeds the new capacity, a message displays to inform you to review the participant list.

Start Date, Start Time

The time and date when the event begins.

End Date, End Time

The time and date when the event ends. The End Date cannot be earlier than the Start Date.


The date by which prospective registrants must respond to the invitation. This date cannot be greater than the End Date value, but it can be later than the Start Date.

Private Event

Select this check box if the event is private. If the check box is not selected, then the event is public.

Event Type

Select an event type from the list of choices. The available choices are Auction,Break,Benefit,Breakfast,Conference,Conference Call,Demonstration,Dinner,Drinks,Entertainment,Fundraiser,Keynote,Lecture,Lunch,Meeting,Panel,Presentation,Recreation,Seminar,Tradeshow,Workshop, andVIP Event.

This value is for informational purposes only; the choice does not change what is displayed on the Event Definition pages.


Select the default currency for the event from the list of choices.


Select an objective for the event (such as Recruiting, Fundraising, and so on). Refer to the Marketing documentation for more detailed information about objectives.

Note: You can define your own objectives using the Marketing Objectives page in PeopleSoft Marketing. Refer to the Marketing documentation for more information.


Click the icon and select marketing collateral to associate with the event, if relevant.


Click the icon and select an owner for the event from the available list. The default is the person who created the event. The event owner is leveraged in the event approval workflow process.


Click the icon and select the person who must approve the event. The event approver is leveraged in the event approval workflow process.

Host Company

Click the icon and select the name of the company that is hosting the event.

Host Employee

Click the icon and select the name of the employee who is hosting the event. The Host Employee does not have to be a member of the Host Company.

Roll Up (Campaign)

Select the name of the roll up to which this event is to be associated.

Secure Event

Select this check box to restrict access and visibility to the event. When an event is secured, users will be unable to access it unless they are a team member or part of a team role that has been associated with the event. Secure Event uses the same security framework used to secure online dialogs and audiences.

Participant Counts

This section displays information about the participants for the event. It is read-only, and is updated when the main Event Detail page is updated. It includes:

  • Seats Remaining: The event's Capacity minus the number registered. The number registered is the sum of the number of registered participants and their guests.

  • Invited: The total number of people invited to the event.

  • Attended: The total number of people who actually attended the event (including those who were not invited but who showed up anyway).

  • Declined: The total number of invitees who have declined the event.

  • No-Shows: The number of people whose attendance is set to No on the participant list.

  • Registered: The total number of invitees who have accepted the event invitation (that is, registered for the event). This total also includes anyone who has registered but was not invited.

  • Guest Count: The number of guests registered for the event on behalf of the participant. Participants can register anonymous guest participants to attend the event on their behalf.

  • Waitlisted: The number of attendees who have agreed to be waitlisted for the event.

  • Future Events: The number of invitees who have requested to be notified about future events.

  • No Response: The number of invitees who did not respond to the invitation.

Related Events

This section contains references to events that are similar in nature to the current event. This enables the event marketer or support analyst to recommend future events to anyone who cannot attend the current event or who was placed on a waiting list. Related events can also be displayed on the online Event Registration page.

  • Event Name: Click the icon to display a list of related events.

  • Start Date: The start date of the selected event. This value is read-only.

  • End Date: The end date of the selected event. This value is read-only.

  • Status: The status of the selected event. This value is read-only.

  • Event Type: The event type of the selected event. This value is read-only.

  • Description: The description of the selected event. This value is read-only.

Target Academic Term

Specify the institution, career, and admit term for the marketing event.

This section appears only if the Higher Education field is selected on the General Options page. Specify the admit term if you run the Recruiting Performance Fusion Intelligence reports off of the CSW: Recruiting & Admissions Interactive Dashboard.

Event Workflow

The following table shows the workflow actions for events based on a change in the event status.

Event Status Change

Action Name

Role Name

Changed to In Review

Worklist to Approver



Email to Approver


Changed to Approved.

Worklist to Event Owner



Email to Event Owner


Changed to Declined

Worklist to Event Owner



Email to Event Owner


Changed to Stopped

Worklist to Event Owner



Email to Event Owner


Use the Event - Event page: Financial section (RAE_EVENT_DETAIL) to define financial information about the event.

Image: Event - Event page: Financial section (1 of 2)

This is the first of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Event - Event page: Financial section.

Event - Event page: Financial section (1 of 2)

Image: Event - Event page: Financial section (2 of 2)

This is the second of two examples illustrating the fields and controls on the Event - Event page: Financial section.

Event - Event page: Financial section (2 of 2)

Field or Control


Sponsors and Budgets

This section is a common sub page used by marketing campaigns, marketing roll ups, and the Dialog Designer if the dialog was created using the Marketing Programs page.

  • Sponsor Name: Click the icon and select a sponsor from the list of available choices. Note that the sponsor name is required for all but one record in the list. In other words, you can include one budget record that does not include a sponsor name, but all others must include one.

  • External: Select this check box to allow external viewing, or leave it cleared to specify internal viewing only.

  • Budget Source: Click the icon and select a budget source from the available list.

  • Budget Amount: Enter a budget amount. Note that the amount entered is included with and edited against any budgeted amount specified for an associated roll up.

Record Program Costs

This section is a common sub page used by marketing campaigns, marketing roll ups, and the Dialog Designer if the dialog was created using the Marketing Programs page.

  • Cost Type: Select a cost type from the list of choices.

  • Component: This value is based on the Cost Type, and is read-only.

  • Variable: This value is based on the Cost Type, and is read-only.

  • Currency: The currency code that was specified in theCurrency field in the Detail section.

  • Unit Cost: Enter a unit cost for the budget item.

  • Planned Cost: Enter the anticipated cost of the budget item. This amount cannot be a negative value.

  • Actual Cost: Enter the actual cost of the budget item. This amount cannot be a negative value.

  • Totals: The totals of all the Actual Cost values and the Planned Cost values.

  • Calculate: Click this button to calculate the Totals fields.

  • Add a New Cost: Click this button to add a new cost to the list.

Field or Control


Registration Fees

This section contains an amount and a respond-by date. Typically, an event includes a promotional or Early Bird fee in order to encourage invitees to sign up early for an event. If payment is received on or before the respond-by date, then the special fee takes effect. If the event start is after the last respond-by date, the system uses the most recent fee as the walk in fee.

  • Amount: Enter the amount of the fee. The currency is determined by what was specified in the Currency Code field on the Event Detail page.

  • Currency: This value is read-only and is taken from the Currency Code field on the Event Detail page.

  • Respond By: The final date to which the fee in the Amount field applies.

  • Description: (Optional) Enter any explanation you want to include pertaining to the fee.

Use the Event - Sessions page (RAE_EVENT_SESSIONS) to define event sessions.

Image: Event - Sessions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Sessions page.

Event - Sessions page

Click the Sessions tab to show all sessions for this event. Sessions are a series of smaller events within the main event. For example, for an Open House event, sessions could define the agenda for the day (9-10 a.m., Overview of Institution; 10-11 a.m., Overview of Arts program, and so on). You can define multiple sessions for any event and each session can have its own resources (external speaker, projector, and so forth) associated with it. When you first display the Sessions page, several of its sections are collapsed.

Note: Every event must have a minimum of one session. If you create an event without defining a session for it, a default session with the same start and end date values as the event itself is created with it.

Session Summary

The Session Summary section provides an overview of the event's sessions, including name, start date and time, end date and time, and location. All of these items are described in more detail in the Session Detail section.

Field or Control


Selection Check Box

Select one or more check boxes to include a selected session for cloning.

Clone Selected Session

Click this button to clone the selected sessions. Session information as well as Costs, Metrics, and Team Members will be cloned.

Add a New Session

Click this button to add a new empty session.

Session Detail

This section provides a more detailed view of the event's sessions. To display information about a particular session, click its name in the Session Summary section.

Field or Control



Enter the name of the session. This value is required.


Enter the location of the session.


Enter the capacity of the session's location.


Enter the number of people who attended the session.

Start Date, Start Time

Enter the starting date and time of the session. The Start Date value is required.

End Date, End Time

Enter the ending date and time of the session. The End Date value is required.


Enter any defining information or particulars that need to be included for further clarification about the session.

Other Sections

The remaining sections on the page allow you to associate resources with the selected session (as opposed to the entire event).

Field or Control



Use this section to associate costs with a specific session of the event.


Use this section to associate metrics (such as session attendance rate or cost per attendee) with a specific session of the event.

Team Members

Use this section to associate team members with a specific session of the event.


Use this section to attach a note to a specific session of the event.


Use this section to associate other resources (such as collateral, external participants, or internal participants) with the session.

Use the Event - Team page (RAE_EVT_TEAM) to define team members for the event.

Image: Event - Team page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Team page.

Event - Team page

Field or Control


Team Members section

This section shows the team members associated with the event. The Owner check box is selected for the event owner. You can add more team members by clicking the Add Team Member button.

If you add a team member on this page, that person will be immediately available for selection on the Sessions page. Likewise, if you delete a team member who was already associated with a session, that team member is automatically deleted from any sessions with which he or she was associated.

You can secure an event so that only team members and team roles that you have specified on this page can view or access the event.

Team Roles section

This section shows the roles associated with the event. You can select a role from the available list, and add another role by clicking the Add Team Role button.

Team Marketing Center section

The Team Marketing Center grid allows you to specify which events team members can access. Users can only select authorized Marketing Centers from the Marketing Center prompt.

The Marketing Program component search excludes any secured events that the user is not authorized to access. If the user has at least one of the allowed roles, or is a team member or is authorized to at least one of the Marketing Centers, then that user can access the secured event.

The Event Transfer icon on the Related Events section of the Event Detail page is secured. If user is not authorized to view the event, an error message is displayed.

Use the Event - Resources page (RAE_EVENT_RESOURC) to define resources for the event.

Image: Event - Resources page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Resources page.

Event - Resources page

This section displays any resources currently attached to the event. You can use the page to associate resources to a particular session.

Field or Control


Resource Summary

The Resource Summary section displays an overview of all the event's resources. Click a resource name to display more detail about the resource. The summary includes the following:

  • Type: The type of resource. The available values areCollateral,External Participant,Internal Participant, andOther.

  • Name: The name of the resource. Click the name to display more detail about it.

  • Session: If the resource is related to a session, then the session name appears here; otherwise, the field is empty.

  • Description: A description of the resource.

Add a Resource

Click this button to insert another resource item in the list and display its Resource Detail information.

Field or Control


Resource Detail

The Resource Detail section displays more information about a new or selected resource. Click the Apply Resource button to update the grid with any changes and hide the Resource Detail section.

  • Type: The type of resource:Collateral,External Participant,Internal Participant, orOther.

  • Name: The name of the resource. If the Type isCollateral, a lookup for Marketing Collateral appears. If Type isInternal Participant, a lookup for Workers appears. If the Type isExternal Participant orOther, then no lookup appears.

  • Session: You can select a session to which to relate this resource. A resource can only be related to one session.

  • Description: A description of the resource.

  • Apply Resource: Click this button to close the Resource Detail section and apply the changes to the Resource Summary grid. If you arrived at this page from the Session page, then you will be returned there after the changes are applied.

Use the Event - Task Details page (RB_TSK) to define tasks for the event.

Image: Event - Task Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Task Details page.

Event - Task Details page

You can use Task Groups to set up common recurring tasks for events, then reuse the tasks for a different event. Examples of common recurring tasks could include reserving the venue, reserving speakers, printing name cards, and so forth.

Refer to the Tasks section in the Marketing documentation for more information about using tasks.

See Defining Task Tools, Marketing Programs - Tasks Page.

Use the Event - Costs page (RAE_EVENT_COSTS) to define costs related to the event.

Image: Event - Costs page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Costs page.

Event - Costs page

The Cost tab displays costs associated to the specified event and its sessions.

Field or Control


Event View tab

This tab displays information about the event costs:

  • Name: The event or session name. Event names are not linked; session names are linked to their associated event and clicking them will display that event's information.

  • Budget Amount: The budget amount from the event. This value is not used in calculations.

  • Planned: The planned amount (totals) as entered as event or session costs, totaled by event or session.

  • Actual: The actual amount (totals) as entered as event or session costs, totaled by event or session.

  • Difference: The Planned value minus the Actual value.

Cost by Cost Types tab

This tab displays information about event cost types:

  • Description: A description of the cost, entered during Cost Setup.

  • Cost Type: The type of cost, entered during Cost Setup.

  • Planned: The planned amount (totals) as entered as event or session costs, summarized by cost type.

  • Actual: The actual amount (totals) as entered as event or session costs, summarized by cost type.

  • Difference: The Planned value minus the Actual value.

For more information about costs, refer to the Costs section in the Marketing documentation.

See Defining Cost Elements.

Use the Event - Notes page (RAE_EVENT_NOTES) to define notes related to the event.

Image: Event - Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Notes page.

Event - Notes page

Clicking the Notes tab will display notes associated to this event or to an event session.

Field or Control


Selection Check Box

Select the check box to select a note for emailing.

See Sending Manual Notifications From CRM Transactions.

Subject and Details

Click the Subject link to view the note detail.

Session Name

The event session to which the note is related. If the note is for an event, this field is empty.


If there are any attachments associated with the note, a paperclip icon appears in this field.

Row Added By, Row Added Date

The name of the person who added the note and the date on which it was added.

Note Type

Select Event orSession from the list of choices.


If you selected Session in theNote Type field, you can select an available session from the list of choices.


The subject of the note.

Use the Event - Participants page (RAE_EVENT_REGISTR) to define information about event participants.

Image: Event - Participants page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Event - Participants page.

Event - Participants page

Note: This section describes only the Participants page fields relevant to defining participants for the event. For information about inviting participants, refer to the Sending Invitations section.

You can select audiences to load in order to populate the participant list for your event. You can also add participants manually. There are no restrictions to the number of participants that can be loaded.

Field or Control



Select the name of the audience you want to load.

Load Audience

Click this button to load one or more seed audiences to create the initial participant list. You can add participants manually or by loading additional audiences, which are added cumulatively to the list. If the audience is dynamic, clicking this button will generate it.

Note: If you load multiple audiences, the Audience field will display the name of the last audience loaded. Members of all the loaded audiences are displayed in the participant list, but after they have been loaded the list does not display the name of the audience from which they were loaded. In the case of multiple audiences containing the same person, deduplication is performed so that the person's name appears only once in the participant list.

Participants Tab

The Participants tab shows detailed information about the invitees.

Field or Control


360 icon

Click this icon to access the 360-degree view for the invitee. The type of 360-degree view displayed depends on which application is installed and enabled.

Last Name, First Name

The name of the invitee.

Guest Count

The number of guests to attend the event on behalf of the participant.

Add Participant

Click this button to add additional individuals to the participant list.

If the person already exists in the participant list with a different role, an error message displays informing you that you cannot add the same person with a different role. If you want to change the participant's role, you can delete the existing participant and add a new one.

If the search returns no results, you can quick create the person with the role of Consumer, or Contact for a Company. If the prospective participant has requested not to be contacted, an error message displays and that person is not added to the participant list.

Address Tab

This tab contains invitees' email and physical addresses.

More Info Tab

Field or Control



The invitee's role (for example, Consumer, Contact, or Worker). If the same person appears in the attendee list under multiple roles (for example, if the person belongs to more than one audience), then priority is given to the Consumer role followed by Contact for Company, and finally Worker.

Do Not Contact requests are not considered when loading audiences, since it is expected that any applications using the lists will be applying Do Not Contact rules.


The company with which the invitee is associated. This field is optional.

Guest Of

The name of the event participant who registered for this guest attendee, if the guest is registered through an Online Marketing Dialog using the Register Event for Guest function.

Note: A guest attendee can be the guest of only one participant and not multiple participants.


Enter any relevant comments from or about the attendee (for example, meal preference or any special accommodations that must be made).

360 icon

Click this icon to access the 360-degree view for the invitee. The type of 360-degree view displayed depends on which application is installed and enabled.

Note: On deleting an invitee from this page, the system displays a warning if there are guests associated with the invitee.

See Sending Invitations.