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Setting Up Sales Competitors

This topic discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name


Role Type Page


Set up the role type Competitor, which you can apply to various sales competitors.

Configure Relationship Views Page


Configure the competitor relationship.

Company Page


Create companies as sales competitors.

Use the Role Type page (BO_ROLE_TYPE) to set up the role type Competitor, which you can apply to various sales competitors.

Set up the role type Competitor to identify the relationship of an external company or consultant with whom you compete for sales.

See Defining Role Types and Role Categories.

Use the Configure Relationship Views page (BO_REL_VWCFG) to configure the competitor relationship.

You must also configure the competitor relationship before you apply it to competing businesses.

See Configuring the Relationship Viewer.

Use the Company page (RD_COMPANY_MAIN_2) to create companies as sales competitors.

Enter information about the external companies or consultants that you set up as competitors.

See Company - Summary: Details Page.