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Finding and Attempting Solutions

This topic provides an overview of solutions and discusses how to:

Page Name

Definition Name



Case - Solution


  • select Support, then select Add Case, then select Solution

  • select Support, then select Search Cases, then select Solution

  • select HelpDesk, then select Add Case, then select Solution

  • select HelpDesk, then select Search Cases, then select Solution

Find and attempt solutions to resolve cases.

Service Order - Solutions


  • select FieldService, then select Add Service Order, then select Solutions

  • select FieldService, then select Search Service Orders, then select Solutions

Find and attempt solutions to resolve service orders.

Quality Management - Solutions


  • select Quality Management, then select Add Defect, then select Solutions

  • select Quality Management, then select Search Defects, then select Solutions

Link attempted solutions to defects.

Outbound Notification


Select a solution from the Attempted Solutions grid and then click the Email button.

Email solution information to customers or contacts.

Resolution Details


Click a solution summary link on the Case - Solution page.

Review details of attempted solutions.

Resolution Details


Click a solution summary link on the Service Order - Solutions page.

Review details of attempted solutions.

Resolution Details


Click a solution summary link on the Quality Management - Solutions page.

Review details of attempted solutions.

Case - Resolution Notes


Click the Add Resolution Note button on the Resolution Details page of a case.

Add notes and attachments that are associated with a resolution.

Service Order - Resolution Notes


Click the Add Resolution Note button on the Resolution Details page of a service order.

Add notes and attachments that are associated with a resolution.

This topic discusses:

  • Solution library security.

  • Solution advisor searches.

  • FAQs.

  • Frequently used solutions.

  • New solution creation.

  • Adhoc solutions.

  • Customer notification.

  • How external content works.

Solution Library Security

When selecting solutions for a transaction, only solutions from authorized solution libraries (or solutions that are not associated with any library) will be available. Solution library security is defined on the Solution Library Security page.

The solution library security requirements vary by transaction, as shown in the following table.


Solution Library Security Factors Considered

Support Case

User Role, Agent Location, and Customer Region

Self-Service Support Case

User Role and Customer Region.

HelpDesk and HR HelpDesk Case

User Role, Agent Location, and Employee Location

Self-Service HelpDesk and HR HelpDesk Case

User Role and Employee Location.

Service Order

User Role and Customer Region

Inbound Email

User Role, Agent Location, and Customer Region


User Role

Service Center for Higher Education Case

User Role, Employee Location, Agent Location, and Customer Region

Self-Service Case for Service Center for Higher Education

User Role, Employee Location, and Customer Region

Solution Searches

The Solution page has three search modes: basic, advanced, and more search options:

  • Basic Search

    This is a PeopleSoft search that looks at all objects in the search index. The system ranks the search results by percentage according to how close the match is. It contains these characteristics:

    • Basic search is the default when the user selects the tab, unless the user has changed his preferences.

    • The problem summary text is populated in the Search Text field by default and can be updated. Click the Search button to launch a search against all search domains selected for the corresponding search page definition. Domains can include solutions, cases, fixes, defects, troubleshooting guides, and web contents.

      Note: Click the Search button to launch a search against all the domains that are defined in the user's preferences. There is additional logic that the system uses to display the search text on the Case page. The system first tries to pull information from the quick code, then from the previous search (the saved search), and then the problem summary.

    • When the system performs a search, the text is stored as a keyword so that the next time the user opens the page, the previously used search text is automatically entered.

    • The system displays a message listing common or stop words that were not included in the search (examples are the, a, and, or and so on) above the search results, if they were set as a configuration option at the component level during implementation.

  • Advanced Search

    Includes a series of text boxes used to perform a natural language internet-type search as configured in the search page definition. Advance search gives you the ability to perform these types of searches:

    • With all the Words: Works like a logical AND. All of the words must be in the text for which you are searching. The system returns all the solutions where all the words are present irrespective of which fields they are in within the record. For example, if you entered Error 3029 Vantive, the system does not return solutions where the record only has either Error or 3029 or Vantive. The system returns solutions that have all three words in the record. Two words can be in the solution description, however, and one word can be in the product.

    • With any of the Words: Works like a logical OR. If any of the words in the search text appear, the system returns results.

    • With the Exact Phrase: The exact phrase must appear in the text for which you are searching.

    • Restrict by Product: Enables you to restrict solutions by product. Although Restrict by Product appears in the list of solution fields in the advanced search, it is different from the other fields in the list because a solution can be related to many products, and therefore product is not a single searchable field in the Solution table.

    • Use Word Variations: Select one of the options to expand the search using different spellings of words or synonyms.

      See Configuring Options for Runtime Search Pages.

    • Rows to Display: Controls the number of rows in the search results grid.


The FAQ tab displays a predefined list of solutions that the agent can choose from to resolve the case. If the FAQ check box is selected during implementation on the solution setup page, then the solution qualifies as an FAQ.

The Library field contains a list of libraries with associated solutions that have been identified as FAQ.

The results grid displays a list of the solutions that have been set up for the library selected. FAQs are sorted by the date and time that they were last modified on the solution so that the user sees the most up-to-date solutions first.

Note: FAQs can be searched from the Case component (agent-facing) as well as from the Customer or Employee Self-Service application (Customer Service Center, HR Service Center, Campus Service Center, and IT Service Center).

See Also

Understanding PeopleSoft Search Framework Implementation for CRM

Understanding PeopleSoft Search Framework Definitions for CRM

Frequently Used Solutions

The Frequently Used Solution tab lists frequently used solutions by type: either All, Category/Type/Detail, Error, or Product.

Solutions are sorted based on their solved counts. For example, the solution that solved the most cases for the product on the current case would be first, and so on. This tab must be turned on when you are configuring the system during implementation.

Prior to using Frequently Used Solutions, you must first run the Update Solution Usage Counts process (RC_SOLN_USAG) and then update the Solution search index by running the incremental index for the CR_CO_SOLUTION search definition. The relationships between solutions and products are not included in the Solution search index until the index is updated or rebuilt.

The Frequently Used Solution tab lists the solved count for each solution. Note that if solution counts have been updated for multiple types (such as Category/Type/Detail and Product.), the solved count displayed on this tab when viewing Type = All will be a summation of the solved counts for each of the other individual types.

Note: This feature is only used in PeopleSoft call center applications (PeopleSoft HelpDesk, Support and HelpDesk for Human Resources, and verticals).

See Also

Understanding Solutions

New Solution Creation

If a user is unable to locate an existing solution, they can use the New Solution tab to enter a new solution (which will be created with a type of Adhoc). When the user enters a new solution and clicks the Attempt button, the system inserts the solution into the Attempted Solutions grid with the status of In Consideration. If they click the Solve button, the system inserts the solution in the grid with the status of Successful.

Note: The Attempt and Solve button are visible and applicable on all sections and tabs on the Solutions page, not just new solutions. This feature is not used in PeopleSoft Quality Management.

Adhoc Solutions

When a new Adhoc solution is first created, the solution status is set to Draft on the Solutions Details page.

Changing the solution status from Draft to Submitted for Review indicates that the Solution is ready for manager review. PeopleSoft, however, does not deliver an AAF policy to take action or send notification when the solution status changes. You must configure an AAF policy to send a notification or create a business project to start the solution approval process if this type of notification is desired.

See Understanding the Use of Active Analytics Framework in CRM.

Customer Notification

When a solution is in the status of Waiting on Customer you may want to send a notification to the customer. For example, an agent suggests two solutions on a an open case. One solution has the status of In Consideration and the other solution has the status of Waiting on Customer. When the agent saves the case, you could set up an AAF policy that sends a notification to the case contact with the solution details for the solution that is in the Waiting on Customer status.

To set up such a policy, use these parameters:



Term Name

Case Resolution Status

Trigger Point

After a Support Case is Saved


Case Solution Status is equal to Waiting on Customer


Notify case contact via email

Note: You can use AAF policies to send multiple notifications to the case contact when the case has more than one solution with the status of Waiting on Customer.

External Content Searching

PeopleSoft Search supports external content searching. You can build search definitions with the Web or File source type, and indicate the locations of the internet, intranet, or file system that you want to expose to the Search Framework crawling process to build the search index. At runtime, matching external links are displayed in the search results.

When external content solutions appear in the search results grid, the description includes a link that opens the external content in a new window. If the external content is a file, it opens in the appropriate application. The user can turn external search on or off by selecting or clearing the external content domain on the Advanced Search - More Search Options page.

When a user selects multiple items from the search grid, it transfers the user to the Solution Detail page. If external content is selected, it displays as a link with a description. Users can navigate into the solution to see the details or click Attempt or Solve to solve the case, service order, or defect.

Field or Control



Select the check box next to the solution that you want to either attempt, use as a solution, or view and then click the appropriate button that corresponds to the action that you want to take.


Click this button to attempt the solution that you selected. The system adds the solution to the Attempted Solutions grid for the service order, case, or defect with the status of In Consideration.


Click this button to use the solution that you selected to resolve the issue. The system adds the solution to the Attempted Solutions grid for the service order, case or defect with the status of Successful Resolution.


Click this button to view the solution that you selected. The system displays the Resolution Details page.


Click to search for solutions that match the search criteria or text that you entered.

Use the Case - Solution page (RC_CASE_SOLN), Service Order - Solutions page (RF_SO_SOLN), or Quality Management - Solutions page (RQ_DEFECT_SOL_LNK2) to find and attempt solutions to resolve cases and service orders, or link attempted solutions to defects.

The example in this topic shows the Case - Solution page in Advanced Search mode with More Search Options enabled. Click the Advanced Search link on the Search tab, and then click the More Search Options link.

Note: The Service Order - Solutions page (RF_SO_SOLN) and Quality Management - Solutions page (RQ_DEFECT_SOL_LNK2) look and functional the same as the page described in this topic.

Image: Case - Solution page (1 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solution page (1 of 3).

Case - Solution page (1 of 3)

Image: Case - Solution page (2 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solution page (2 of 3).

Case - Solution page (2 of 3)

Image: Case - Solution page (3 of 3)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solution page (3 of 3).

Case - Solution page (3 of 3)

Attempted Solutions

This section displays the number of solutions that have been attempted.

Select the solution that you want to either attempt or that you have used to resolve the problem. To move the solution to the Attempted Solutions grid, either click the Attempt or Solve button. The system assigns it an appropriate status.

To email the solution to a customer, employee or agent, select the solution in the Attempted Solutions grid and click the Email button. The system displays the Outbound Notification page and the selected solution is prepopulated in the message area. Any attachments belonging to the solution's notes will be made available on the Outbound Notification page, where you may choose to add the attachment to the email by selecting the associated Include check box.

To view a solution, select it and then click the View button. The system displays the Resolution Details page. You can also click the solution description link to open the solution detail. From there you can attempt, solve, and add notes to the solution.

Field or Control


Add Note Button

Click the Add a New Note button to access the Resolution Notes page. The button changes slightly based on whether a note exists for the resolution or not.

If there are no notes attached to the resolution, the system displays the Add a New Note button. If there are already notes attached to the resolution, the system displays the View Notes button. The Add a New Note button only shows up in the Attempted Solutions grid, not in the search results grid.

Search Criteria

The Search Criteria section is shown in the advanced search mode with the More Search Options link selected. In addition to the Advanced Search mode, you can access the Basic Search by clicking the Basic Search link. Information on using these search options is detailed in the Understanding Solutions topic.

To narrow a search and improve performance, you can choose which of the available solution libraries to include in the search. Select the corresponding check box for each desired library to include it in the search. Conversely, deselect a library check box to exclude that library from the search. You can click the Preferences link to define and store which of your available libraries should be selected by default each time a case is opened.

Solution: FAQ Tab

Use the FAQs tab on the Solution page to view questions that are frequently asked about the issue.

Image: Case - Solution: FAQ page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solution: FAQ page.

Case - Solution: FAQ page

Field or Control



Select the library that you want to use to search for solutions. Once you find a solution, select it and use the Attempt, Solve, or View buttons to indicate the action that you want to take. To open the Resolution Details page, click the Summary link

Solution: Frequently Used Solutions Tab

Use the Frequently Used Solutions tab on the Solutions page to see solutions that have frequently resolved the issue.

Image: Case - Solution: Frequently Used Solutions page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solution: Frequently Used Solutions page.

Case - Solution: Frequently Used Solutions page

Field or Control



Select the type of solution that you want the system to use for the search. Once you find a solution, select it and then click the Attempt, Solve, or View button to indicate the action that you want to take. To open the Resolution Details page, click the Summary link.

Solution: New Solution Tab

Use the New Solution tab on the Solution page to add a solution for the issue.

Image: Case - Solutions: New Solution page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Case - Solutions: New Solution page.

Solutions - New Solution page

Note: Users can only search on active solutions. Solutions that are categorized as either canned or adhoc do not appear in searches on the Frequently Used Solutions page for both agents and self-service users.

Enter text describing the solution that you are either attempting or have used to resolve the problem. Click either the Attempt or the Solve button to send the solution to the Attempted Solutions grid, where it is assigned a status of either In Consideration or Successful Resolution.

Use the Outbound Notification page (RB_EM_OB_NOTIFY) to email solution information to customers or contacts.

Image: Outbound Notification page (1 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Outbound Notification page (1 of 2).

Outbound Notification page (1 of 2)

Image: Outbound Notification page (2 of 2)

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Outbound Notification page (2 of 2).

Outbound Notification page (2 of 2)

Any attachments from the solution's notes will be automatically added to the Solution Attachments grid on the Outbound Notification page. Select the Include check box for any such attachments that you want to be sent with the email.

See Sending Manual Notifications From CRM Transactions.

Use the Resolution Details page (RC_CASE_SOL_SUM) to review details of attempted solutions.

Image: Resolutions Details page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Resolutions Details page.

Resolutions Details page

Use the Resolutions Details page to view the details of a solution, add solution notes and attachments, add resolution notes, and submit adhoc solutions for management approval.

Toolbar Area

Field or Control


Add Resolution Note

Click to add a resolution note that is specific to this solution attempt.

Attempt and Solve buttons

If the solution has not been attempted, an Attempt button and a Solve button (Solve for Case only) appear. Choose the desired action to attempt or solve the transaction using this solution. (Once the solution has been attempted or solved, these buttons no longer appear.)

Solve button

If the solution is an Adhoc solution in Draft status, the Submit button appears. Once the Adhoc solution has been submitted, this button no longer displays on the toolbar.

Usage Count

Indicates the number of times the solution was used to help resolve cases.

Solved Count

Indicates the number of times the solution was used to successfully solve cases.


Field or Control



The Solution summary is a link to the full solution definition.


Displays the symptoms as listed on the solution definition.


Displays the details as listed on the solution definition.

Solution Notes

To add a new solution note, click the Summary link in the Solution region of the page. The Solution page opens in a new window. Click the Notes tab to add a note to the solution.

Solution Attachments

To add a new solution note, click the Summarylink in the Solution region of the page. The Solution page opens in a new window. Click the Notes tab to add a note to the solution. Click the Add Note button. When you are finished adding your note, click the Add an Attachment link at the bottom of the Add a Note section.

Related Solutions

To add a new related solution , click the Summary link in the Solution region of the page. The Solution page opens in a new window. Click the Related Actions tab. Then click the Relate an Existing Solution button to relate a similar solution.

Note: You cannot relate an existing solution to an independent text or adhoc solution.

Resolution Notes

This group box appears with data only if the solution is associated with resolution notes.

Field or Control



Click the note's summary link to display note details on the Resolution Notes page.

To add a new resolution note, click the Add Resolution Note button in the toolbar. The system displays the Resolution Notes page.

Use the Case - Resolution Notes page (RC_CASE_RSLN_NOTE) or Service Order - Resolution Notes page (RF_SO_RSLN_NOTE) to add notes and attachments that are associated with a resolution.

Image: Service Order - Resolution Notes page

This example illustrates the fields and controls on the Service Order - Resolution Notes page.

Resolution Notes page

Resolution notes created on this page are intermingled with notes on the Notes pages in PeopleSoft Integrated FieldService, PeopleSoft Support, PeopleSoft HelpDesk, and PeopleSoft HelpDesk for Human Resources.

PeopleSoft CRM provides a similar interface for working with notes and attachments across all the components that use this functionality. You can access resolution notes from the Attempted Solutions grid and the Notes page.