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Understanding PeopleSoft Search Framework Implementation for CRM

PeopleTool’s PeopleSoft Search Framework (PeopleSoft Search) provides a standard, declarative method for creating, deploying, and maintaining search indexes for all PeopleSoft applications. Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (Oracle SES) is the search engine that powers all searching capabilities provided through PeopleSoft Search.

In CRM, PeopleSoft Search is enabled in a number of components to perform keyword searches on CRM data as part of their business processes. Out of the box, the search capability is used in these areas:

The Understanding PeopleSoft Search Framework Definitions for CRM topic discusses the setup elements that are delivered for using PeopleSoft Search in CRM applications.

For information on each of the business processes mentioned in this bulleted list, refer to relevant CRM application topics.

For complete information about managing PeopleSoft searches in the PeopleSoft system in general, refer to the PeopleTools: PeopleSoft Search Technology documentation documentation.