List of Big Data Discovery logs

This topic provides a list of all the logs generated by a BDD deployment.

The list also includes a summary of where to find logs for each BDD component and tells you how to access logs.

List of BDD logs

Log Purpose Default Location
WebLogic Admin Server domain log Provides a status of the WebLogic domain for the Big Data Discovery deployment. See Dgraph Gateway logs. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/AdminServer/logs/bdd_domain.log
WebLogic Admin Server server log Contains messages from the WebLogic Admin Server subsystems. For both server logs, see Dgraph Gateway logs. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer.log
WebLogic Managed Server server log Contains messages from the WebLogic Managed Server subsystems and applications. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/<serverName>.log
Dgraph Gateway application log WebLogic log for the Dgraph Gateway application. See Dgraph Gateway log entry format $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/<serverNamem>-diagnostic.log
Dgraph stdout/stderr log Contains Dgraph operational messages, including startup messages. See Dgraph out log. $BDD_HOME/logs/dgraph.out
Dgraph request log Contains entries for Dgraph requests. See Dgraph request log. $BDD_HOME/dgraph/bin/dgraph.reqlog
Dgraph tracing ebb logs Dgraph Tracing Utility files, which are especially useful for Dgraph crashes. $BDD_HOME/dgraph/bin/dgraph-<serverName>-*.ebb
Dgraph HDFS Agent stdout/stderr log Contains startup messages, as well as messages from operations performed by the Dgraph HDFS Agent (such as ingest operations). See the Data Processing Guide. $BDD_HOME/logs/dgraphHDFSAgent.out
FUSE stdout/stderr log Contains FUSE operational messages. See FUSE out log. $BDD_HOME/logs/hdfs_fuse_client.out
Studio application log in Log4j format Studio application log (in Log4j format). For both Studio application logs, see About the main Studio log file. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio.log
Studio application log in ODL format Studio application log (in ODL format). $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio-odl.log
Studio metrics log in Log4j format Studio metrics log (in Log4j format). For both Studio metrics logs, see About the metrics log file. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio-metrics.log
Studio metrics log in ODL format Studio metrics log (in ODL format). $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio-metrics-odl.log
Studio client log in Log4j format Studio client log (in Log4j format). For both Studio client logs, see About the Studio client log file. $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio-client.log
Studio client log in ODL format Studio client log (in ODL format). $BDD_DOMAIN/servers/<serverName>/logs/bdd-studio-client-odl.log
Data Processing logs Contains messages resulting from Data Processing workflows. See the Data Processing Guide. $BDD_HOME/logs/edp/edp_*.log
Transform Service logs Contains messages from transformation operations. See the Data Processing Guide. $BDD_HOME/logs/transformservice/<data>.stderrout.log
CDH logs (YARN, Spark worker, and ZooKeeper logs) YARN logs from CDH processes that ran Data Processing workflows, as listed in the Data Processing Guide. See the Cloudera and Hortonworks documentation for information on the ZooKeeper logs. Available from the Cloudera Manager Web UI for the component.

Where to find logging information for each component

This table lists how to find detailed logging information for each Big Data Discovery component:
Big Data Discovery Component name Where to find logging information?
Studio See Studio Logging.
Data Processing Data Processing is a component of BDD that runs on CDH nodes in the BDD deployment. For Data Processing logs, see the Data Processing Guide.
Dgraph Gateway (and WebLogic Server logs) See Dgraph Gateway Logging.
Dgraph See Dgraph Logging.
Dgraph HDFS Agent The Dgraph HDFS Agent is responsible for importing and exporting Dgraph data to HDFS. For HDFS Agent logs, see the Data Processing Guide.