Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02

Uses of Interface

Packages that use RuntimeMBean
com.bea.wls.redef.runtime Provides interfaces for com.bea.wls.redef.runtime
weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.runtime Provides interfaces for weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.runtime Provides for the configuration, control and monitoring of a WebLogic Domain. Provides interfaces for Provides interfaces for Contains classes and interfaces for monitoring a WebLogic Server domain. 

Uses of RuntimeMBean in com.bea.wls.redef.runtime

Subinterfaces of RuntimeMBean in com.bea.wls.redef.runtime
 interface ClassRedefinitionRuntimeMBean
           This interface provides functionality to monitor the class redefinition process.
 interface ClassRedefinitionTaskRuntimeMBean
           This interface provides functionality to monitor and control a class redefinition request.

Uses of RuntimeMBean in weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.runtime

Subinterfaces of RuntimeMBean in weblogic.diagnostics.accessor.runtime
 interface AccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the different types of diagnostic data generated by a server.
 interface ArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about the data archives maintained by WLDF.
 interface DataAccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the specific type of diagnostic data from an underlying log for which this instance is created.
 interface DataRetirementTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a potentially long-running request for the data retirement task.
 interface DbstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with the WLDF archives that use databases for storage.
 interface EditableArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about the editable archives maintained by WLDF, such as JDBC based and based WLDF archives
 interface FileArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about file-based WLDF archives.
 interface WlstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with WLDF archives that use WebLogic Store for data storage.

Uses of RuntimeMBean in

Methods in that return RuntimeMBean
 RuntimeMBean MBeanHome.getRuntimeMBean(String name, String type)
          Deprecated. Returns a type-safe stub for a Runtime MBean in the default JMX domain whose JMX object name matches the name and type values you specify.

Uses of RuntimeMBean in

Methods in that return RuntimeMBean
 RuntimeMBean DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.findRuntime(DescriptorBean configurationMBean, String serverName)
          Enables a JMX client to retrieve monitoring statistics for a specific resource on a specific server.
 RuntimeMBean[] DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.findRuntimes(DescriptorBean configurationMBean)
          Enables a JMX client to retrieve monitoring statistics for all instances of a specific resource on all servers in a domain.

Methods in with parameters of type RuntimeMBean
 DescriptorBean DomainRuntimeServiceMBean.findConfiguration(RuntimeMBean runtimeMBean)
          Enables a JMX client to retrieve configuration data for a specific instance of a resource.

Uses of RuntimeMBean in

Methods in that return RuntimeMBean
 RuntimeMBean RuntimeServiceMBean.findRuntime(DescriptorBean configurationMBean)
          Enables a JMX client to retrieve monitoring statistics for a specified resource on the current server.

Methods in with parameters of type RuntimeMBean
 DescriptorBean RuntimeServiceMBean.findConfiguration(RuntimeMBean runtimeMBean)
          Enables a JMX client to retrieve configuration data for a specific instance of a resource.

Uses of RuntimeMBean in

Subinterfaces of RuntimeMBean in
 interface AppClientComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the ComponentRuntimeMBean for Java EE Application Client Containers.
 interface AppDeploymentRuntimeMBean
          This MBean provides deployment operations for an application.
 interface ApplicationRuntimeMBean
          An application represents a Java EE Enterprise application packaged in an EAR file or EAR exploded directory.
 interface AppRuntimeStateRuntimeMBean
          Provides access to runtime state for deployed applications.
 interface AsyncReplicationRuntimeMBean
          This MBean provides runtime statistics for async replication in a WebLogic Cluster
 interface ChannelRuntimeMBean
 interface ClusterRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a server's view of the members of a WebLogic cluster within a WebLogic domain.
 interface CoherenceClusterMetricsRuntimeMBean
          A CoherenceClusterRuntimeMetricsMBean gathers metrics from nodes in the cluster according to the specified report group xml file, and then provides a way to query for subsets of the group file by nodes and by table name, which refers to individual file names within the report group file.
 interface CoherenceClusterRuntimeMBean
          Coherence cluster run-time information.
 interface CoherenceMetricsRuntimeMBean
          A CoherenceMetricsRuntimeMBean holds all CoherenceClusterRuntimeMetricsMBeans, which represent clusters that can be monitored.
 interface CoherenceServerLifeCycleRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods that transition servers from one state to another.
 interface CoherenceServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a server's life cycle.
 interface ComponentRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface ConnectorComponentRuntimeMBean
          Generates notifications about the deployment state of resource adapters.
 interface ConnectorConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Connector Connection Pool
 interface ConnectorConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Connector connections
 interface ConnectorInboundRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring inbound connections of resource adapters.
 interface ConnectorServiceRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the runtime information that can be accessed at a connector service level.
 interface ConnectorWorkManagerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring Connector Work Manager of resource adapters.
 interface ConsoleRuntimeMBean
          Runtime services for the console.
 interface CursorRuntimeMBean
          This interface is a base interface for paging cursor implementations.
 interface DeployerRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by WebLogicDeploymentManager
 interface DeploymentManagerMBean
          This MBean provides deployment operations.
 interface DeploymentProgressObjectMBean
          This MBean is the user API for monitoring deployment operations and exists only on an Administration Server.
 interface DeploymentTaskRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by WebLogicDeploymentManager
 interface DomainRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic domain.
 interface EJBCacheRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all cache runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an EJB module.
 interface EJBLockingRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all lock manager runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBPoolRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all free pool runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all common run-time information collected for all EJB types.
 interface EJBTimerRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB Timer runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EJBTransactionRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all transaction runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface EntityCacheCumulativeRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring an XML Cache.
 interface EntityCacheCurrentStateRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring the size and usage of an XML Cache.
 interface EntityCacheRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring an XML Cache.
 interface EntityEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for an Entity Bean.
 interface ExecuteQueueRuntimeMBean
          This bean is used to monitor an execute queue and its associated thread pool.
 interface InterceptionComponentRuntimeMBean
          Interception: This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an Interception module.
 interface JaxRsApplicationRuntimeMBean
          This the runtime server MBean for a JAX-RS application.
 interface JaxRsMonitoringInfoRuntimeMBean
          This interface is to be implemented by various JAX-RS objects that are going provide runtime metrics The list of JAX-RS objects include 1.
 interface JaxRsResourceConfigTypeRuntimeMBean
          The runtime MBean for the JAX-RS application resource config.
 interface JaxRsResourceMethodBaseRuntimeMBean
          The runtime MBean base class for both resource methods and sub-resource locators.
 interface JaxRsResourceMethodRuntimeMBean
          The runtime MBean of a resource method.
 interface JaxRsResourceRuntimeMBean
          The runtime MBean of a JAX-RS resource.
 interface JaxRsSubResourceLocatorRuntimeMBean
          The runtime MBean for a JAX-RS sub-resource locator.
 interface JDBCConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Replaced by JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean
 interface JDBCDataSourceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Data Source and its associated connection pool.
 interface JDBCDataSourceTaskRuntimeMBean
 interface JDBCDriverRuntimeMBean
          This class maps to a JDBCDriver JMO
 interface JDBCMultiDataSourceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC Multi Data Source and its associated data sources.
 interface JDBCOracleDataSourceInstanceRuntimeMBean
          Runtime MBean for monitoring a JDBC GridLink Data Source instance.
 interface JDBCOracleDataSourceRuntimeMBean
          Runtime MBean that represents a JDBC RAC JDBC data source.
 interface JDBCServiceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JDBC service.
 interface JMSComponentRuntimeMBean
          This is the top level interface for all runtime information collected for an JMS module.
 interface JMSConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS connection.
 interface JMSConsumerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS consumer.
 interface JMSDestinationRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS destination (topic or queue).
 interface JMSDurableSubscriberRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS durable subscriber.
 interface JMSMessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean represents a handle to a server-side JMS message result set.
 interface JMSMessageManagementRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the common management functionality for both Queues and Topics
 interface JMSPooledConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring pooled JMS connections.
 interface JMSProducerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS producer.
 interface JMSRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint for a JMS imported destination.
 interface JMSRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS service.
 interface JMSServerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS server.
 interface JMSSessionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session pool.
 interface JMSSessionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic JMS session.
 interface JobRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean that provides information about a particular job.
 interface JobSchedulerRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean that provides information about jobs scheduled with the Job Scheduler.
 interface JoltConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt Connection Pool
 interface JoltConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic Jolt connections
 interface JoltConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic Jolt component
 interface JRockitRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. since 12.1.3
 interface JTARecoveryRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics for recovered transactions that are associated with a particular Transaction Recovery Service.
 interface JTARuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing transaction runtime characteristics within a WebLogic server.
 interface JTAStatisticsRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains general JTA runtime statistics.
 interface JTATransactionStatisticsRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains general JTA transaction runtime statistics.
 interface JVMRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods for retrieving information about the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) within with the current server instance is running.
 interface KodoDataCacheRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface KodoPersistenceUnitRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface KodoQueryCacheRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface KodoQueryCompilationCacheRuntimeMBean
          Base class for all runtime mbeans that provide status of running modules.
 interface LibDeploymentRuntimeMBean
          This MBean provides deployment operations for a library..
 interface LibraryRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for Library deployments
 interface LogBroadcasterRuntimeMBean
          This MBean broadcasts JMX notifications for each log message generated in the local WLS server.
 interface LogRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.
 interface MailSessionRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for JavaMail Sessions
 interface MANAsyncReplicationRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for MAN Asynchronous Replication
 interface MANReplicationRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for MAN Replication
 interface MaxThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information for MaxThreadsConstraint
 interface MessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This interface specifies methods for cursor result sets comprised of messages.
 interface MessageDrivenControlEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains controls to suspend & resume the MDBs.
 interface MessageDrivenEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Message Driven Bean.
 interface MessagingBridgeRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic messaging bridge.
 interface MigratableServiceCoordinatorRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring the Migratable Service Coordinator.
 interface MigrationDataRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information about one past or ongoing migration.
 interface MinThreadsConstraintRuntimeMBean
          Monitoring information for MinThreadsConstraint
 interface NonXAResourceRuntimeMBean
          This represents runtime statistical information about a NonXAResource
 interface ONSClientRuntimeMBean
          Runtime MBean that represents an ONS client configuration that is associated with a RAC JDBC data source.
 interface ONSDaemonRuntimeMBean
          Runtime MBean that represents an ONS client configuration that is associated with a RAC JDBC data source.
 interface OwsmSecurityPolicyRuntimeMBean
          Specifies runtime information about the WS-Policy files that are available for the Web Service.
 interface PageFlowActionRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents the statistics for a single action of a PageFlow
 interface PageFlowRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents a PageFlow type.
 interface PageFlowsRuntimeMBean
          This MBean just hides the lazy construction of PageFlowRuntimeMBeans and provides a top-level reset() operation for all PageFlows in the webapp.
 interface PathServiceRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity
 interface PersistenceUnitRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring JPA specific runtime stats.
 interface PersistentStoreConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a Persistent Store Connection.
 interface PersistentStoreRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a Persistent Store.
 interface PSAssemblyRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used for accessing a WebLogic path service entity
 interface PSEntryCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean extends the cursor mbean with write methods, such as delete, update, etc.
 interface QueryCacheRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all query cache runtime information collected for an EJB.
 interface RealmRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm runtime information.
 interface ReplicationRuntimeMBean
          Common interface for different replication runtime mbeans within WebLogic Server
 interface RequestClassRuntimeMBean
          RequestClassRuntimeMBean presents runtime information about RequestClasses.
 interface SAFAgentRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF agent.
 interface SAFConversationRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF conversation.
 interface SAFMessageCursorRuntimeMBean
          This runtime MBean represents a handle to a SAF message result set.
 interface SAFRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint
 interface SAFRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF service.
 interface SAFStatisticsCommonMBean
          This class is has all the common statistics stuff for a SAFAgentRuntimeMBean or a SAFRemoteEndpoitsRuntimeMBean.
 interface ServerChannelRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information for NetworkAccessPoints or "Channels".
 interface ServerLifeCycleRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods that transition servers from one state to another.
 interface ServerLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a server's lifecycle.
 interface ServerLogRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines the control operations for a log in the WebLogic Server.
 interface ServerMigrationRuntimeMBean
          ServerMigrationRuntimeMBean provides runtime monitoring information about the past migrations performed by this server as the cluster master.
 interface ServerRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods for retrieving runtime information about a server instance and for transitioning a server from one state to another.
 interface ServerSecurityRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring WebLogic Security Info.
 interface ServiceMigrationDataRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information about one past or ongoing migration.
 interface ServiceMigrationRuntimeMBean
          ServiceMigrationRuntimeMBean provides runtime monitoring information about the past migrations performed by this server as the cluster master.
 interface ServletRuntimeMBean
          Describes a servlet.
 interface ServletSessionRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. As of WebLogic 9.0, use WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean instead.
 interface SingleSignOnServicesRuntimeMBean
          This interface is used to publish SAML 2.0 local site meta-data for single sign-on services.
 interface SingletonEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB run-time information collected for a Singleton session bean.
 interface SNMPAgentRuntimeMBean
          Runtime information for an SNMP agent that is running in the current WebLogic Server domain.
 interface SpringApplicationContextRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents instances of class and There is a SpringApplicationContextRuntimeMBean for each application context in a deployment.
 interface SpringBeanDefinitionRuntimeMBean
 interface SpringRuntimeMBean
 interface SpringTransactionManagerRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents statistics gathered for
 interface SpringTransactionTemplateRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents statistics gathered for
 interface SpringViewResolverRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents statistics for org.springframework.web.servlet.ViewResolver
 interface SpringViewRuntimeMBean
          This MBean represents statistics for org.springframework.web.servlet.view.AbstractView
 interface StatefulEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Stateful Session Bean.
 interface StatelessEJBRuntimeMBean
          This interface contains accessor methods for all EJB runtime information collected for a Stateless Session Bean.
 interface SystemComponentLifeCycleRuntimeMBean
          Provides methods that transition system component from one state to another.
 interface SystemComponentLifeCycleTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a system component's life cycle.
 interface TaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about an ongoing and potentially long-running administrative process.
 interface ThreadPoolRuntimeMBean
          This bean is used to monitor the self-tuning queue
 interface TimerRuntimeMBean
          This RuntimeMBean exposes information about all active timers present in the WebLogic timer implementation.
 interface TransactionNameRuntimeMBean
          This interface represents runtime statistics for a transaction name category.
 interface TransactionResourceRuntimeMBean
          This interface represents runtime statistics for a transactional resource.
 interface UnicastMessagingRuntimeMBean
          Monitoring information when unicast messaging is turned on
 interface UserLockoutManagerRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to monitor and manage per security realm user lockout information.
 interface WANReplicationRuntimeMBean
          RuntimeMBean for WAN Replication
 interface WebAppComponentRuntimeMBean
          Describes a servlet component (servlet context).
 interface WebPubSubRuntimeMBean
 interface WebServerRuntimeMBean
          Describes a Web Server (HTTP Server)
 interface WLDFAccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the different types of diagnostic data generated by a server.
 interface WLDFArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about the data archives maintained by WLDF.
 interface WLDFControlRuntimeMBean
          This MBean acts as a factory for WLDFSystemResourceControlRuntimeMBeans
 interface WLDFDataAccessRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to access the specific type of diagnostic data from an underlying log for which this instance is created.
 interface WLDFDataRetirementTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a potentially long-running request for the data retirement task.
 interface WLDFDbstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with the WLDF archives that use databases for storage.
 interface WLDFEditableArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about the editable archives maintained by WLDF, such as JDBC based and based WLDF archives
 interface WLDFFileArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to collect statistical information about file-based WLDF archives.
 interface WLDFHarvesterManagerRuntimeMBean
          Provides statistical information relative to a particular configured Harvester instance, and a means to retreive an on-demand snapshot of configured attribute values.
 interface WLDFHarvesterRuntimeMBean
          Provides aggregated information about all active Harvester configurations, as well as metadata about harvestable and harvested attributes, types, and instances.
 interface WLDFImageCreationTaskRuntimeMBean
          Exposes monitoring information about a potentially long-running request for the generation of a diagnostic image.
 interface WLDFImageRuntimeMBean
          This interface controls diagnostic image creation, and provides access to run-time information about past and current diagnostic image capture requests.
 interface WLDFInstrumentationRuntimeMBean
          This interface defines various methods for accessing runtime information about the diagnostic instrumentation system.
 interface WLDFRuntimeMBean
          This interface provides access to all the runtime MBeans for the WebLogic Diagnostic Framework (WLDF).
 interface WLDFSystemResourceControlRuntimeMBean
           This MBean acts as a Runtime Control for a WLDF profile.
 interface WLDFWatchJMXNotificationRuntimeMBean
 interface WLDFWatchManagerRuntimeMBean
          Provides access to Watch and Notification statistical data for the current instance of this server.
 interface WLDFWatchNotificationRuntimeMBean
          Provides access to Watch and Notification statistical data for the current instance of this server.
 interface WLDFWatchNotificationSourceRuntimeMBean
          Attaches a notification listener in order to receive watch notification events when a watch evaluates to true.
 interface WLDFWlstoreArchiveRuntimeMBean
          Use this interface to retrieve statistical information associated with WLDF archives that use WebLogic Store for data storage.
 interface WLECConnectionPoolRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC Connection Pool
 interface WLECConnectionRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring individual WebLogic WLEC connections
 interface WLECConnectionServiceRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic WLEC component
 interface WorkManagerRuntimeMBean
          WorkManager Runtime information.
 interface WseeAggregatableBaseOperationRuntimeMBean
          Describes Web Service operation state, such as deployment state and runtime statistics.
 interface WseeBaseOperationRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.
 interface WseeBasePortRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web service port.
 interface WseeBaseRuntimeMBean
           Base interface for WseeRuntimeMBean and WseeV2RuntimeMBean
 interface WseeClientConfigurationRuntimeMBean
           Encapsulates runtime policy subject information about a particular Web Service reference.
 interface WseeClientOperationRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.
 interface WseeClientPortRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service port.
 interface WseeClientRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service client (Port/Dispatch instance that includes a ClientIdentityFeature).
 interface WseeClusterFrontEndRuntimeMBean
          Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service cluster front-end instance.
 interface WseeClusterRoutingRuntimeMBean
          Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service cluster routing instance (whether it be a front-end router or an in-place router).
 interface WseeHandlerRuntimeMBean
          Provides runtime information about a SOAP message handler that has been associated with a Web service.
 interface WseeMcRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of MakeConnection pending message lists
 interface WseeOperationConfigurationRuntimeMBean
           Encapsulates runtime information about a particular operation.
 interface WseeOperationRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service operation, such as deployment state and runtime statistics about the execution of the operation.
 interface WseePolicyRuntimeMBean
          Specifies runtime information about the WS-Policy files that are available for the Web Service.
 interface WseePolicySubjectManagerRuntimeMBean
 interface WseePortConfigurationRuntimeMBean
           Encapsulates runtime policy subject information about a particular Port.
 interface WseePortPolicyRuntimeMBean
          Describes the Web service security policy state of a particular Web service port.
 interface WseePortRuntimeMBean
          Describes the state of a particular Web Service port.
 interface WseeRuntimeMBean
          Deprecated. Use WseeV2RuntimeMBean from the web app or EJB component runtime MBeans instead.
 interface WseeV2RuntimeMBean
          Encapsulates runtime information about a particular Web Service.
 interface WseeWsrmRuntimeMBean
          Encapsulates runtime information about WS-RM functionality.
 interface WSRMRemoteEndpointRuntimeMBean
          This class is used for monitoring a WebLogic SAF remote endpoint for WebServices Reliable Messaging.
 interface WTCRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to 1.
 interface WTCStatisticsRuntimeMBean
          This class is used to 1.

Methods in that return RuntimeMBean
 RuntimeMBean[] LibraryRuntimeMBean.getReferencingRuntimes()
          Returns the RuntimeMBeans of current referencers of this Library.
 RuntimeMBean[] EJBRuntimeMBean.getResources()
          Provides a list of the RuntimeMBeans for the resources used by this EJB.

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Oracle Fusion Middleware
Java API Reference for Oracle WebLogic Server
12c (12.1.3)

Part Number E41849-02