Contact Database Health dashboard

The Contact Database Health dashboard provides a current state snapshot of the contacts in your database. It helps you determine who you can reach in your contact database and who is actively engaged with your emails.

Click a link below to find out more about this dashboard:

Good to know

  • To access a dashboard report in Insight, click . The dashboard reports are available in Insight in the following location: Shared Folders / Dashboard Reports / Contact Database Health.

Dashboard metrics

Metric Description
% of Total Unreachable Contacts The percentage of Total Contacts who are Unreachable Contacts. An Unreachable Contact is one without a valid email address and/or has a bounceback.
Total Contacts

The total number of contacts in the customer's contact database as of the last full calendar day.

Total Active Contacts

The total number of active contacts for the past number of months. You must use the Past Months filter with this metric to indicate the number of past months you want. An active contact has any of the following activities: email open, email clickthrough, form submission, or page view. This metric excludes unreachable contacts.

% of Total Active Contacts The percent of total contacts who are active. (Total Active Contacts / Total Contacts)
Total Reachable Contacts The total number of contacts who are reachable. Reachable contacts are contacts with email addresses that have not hard bounced or have not globally unsubscribed.
% of Total Reachable Contacts The percent of total contacts who are reachable. (Total Reachable Contacts / Total Contacts)
New Contacts The total new contacts based on the calendar range included.
Contacts with Valid Email The number of contacts who have a valid email address. Valid email addresses are email addresses that have not hard bounced or have not globally unsubscribed.
Total Subscribed Contacts The total number of subscribed contacts based on global subscription status.
Total Unsubscribed Contacts The total contacts that have globally unsubscribed.
Unsubscribe Rate The percent of total contacts that have unsubscribed. (Total Unsubscribed Contacts / Total Contacts)
Total Bounceback Contacts The total contacts with an email bounceback.
Bounceback Rate The percent of total contacts with an email bounceback. (Total Bounceback Contacts / Total Contacts)
Sent Email The unique emails sent. One send is counted for each contact sent an email.
Opened Email The unique email opens. One open is counted for each recipient that opened an email.
Clicked Email The unique emails clickthroughs. One clickthrough is counted for each recipient that clicked a link in an email.
Submitted Form The unique form submissions. One form submission is counted for contact that submitted a form.
Visited Tracked Page The unique contacts that visited a tracked page. One visit is counted when a contact visits a tracked page regardless of the browser or device.

Understanding the charts on the dashboard

Total New Contacts (rolling 90 days)

This chart shows over 90 days as of the last full day how many of your total contacts are new to your database.

An image of the Total New Contacts chart in the Contact Database Health dashboard

Contact Engagement (rolling 90 days)

This chart tracks how your contacts have engaged with your content based on Sent Email, Opened Email, Click Through, Web Visit, and Form Submission over 90 days as of the last full day. For definitions of these metrics, see the Dashboard metrics above.

An image of the Contact Engagement chart in the Contact Database Health dashboard

Reachability (rolling 90 days)

This chart shows over 90 days as of the last full day how many of your total contacts are reachable based on how many of them are subscribed and have valid email addresses.

An image of the Reachability chart in the Contact Database Health dashboard

Contact Reachability Detail

This chart compares the percentages and total amounts of reachable and unreachable contacts.

A gif of the Contact Reachability Detail chart in the Contact Database Health dashboard

Contact Unreachability Detail

This chart compares the percentages and total amounts of contacts who are unreachable because of bouncebacks or unsubscribes.

Learn more

Accessing dashboards

Email open by device metrics dashboard

Email Analysis dashboard

Individual Email Performance dashboard

Creating your first dashboard