What keyboard shortcuts are available to the social network?

Your social network offers keyboard shortcuts and support for keyboard navigation. To see a list of keyboard shortcuts, make sure focus is in the social network area of your application, and press the question mark key (?).

Note: If you're using a screen reader, the social network keyboard shortcuts work only if your focus is in application mode (for example, in a list of messages in a Conversation), so they won't otherwise interfere with your screen reader's keyboard shortcuts. However, you can use your screen reader's pass-through or bypass functionality if you want to use the social network keyboard shortcuts outside of application mode.

Keyboard shortcuts are available for the following types of actions:

  • Application—Use these shortcuts anywhere they are relevant in the application. For example, pressing ESC works when you're in a menu or dialog, and doesn't work when you're not; pressing "j" or "k" works in a list, but doesn't work outside a list.

  • Jumping—Use these shortcuts anywhere in the application. They jump you to a different view or to the current view's navigation actions.

    Note: Jumping shortcuts are available only when the navigation menu is in view. When the navigation menu is not in view, the social network does not respond when you use jumping shortcuts.

  • List Actions—Use these shortcuts with the list item that currently has focus.

  • Conversation Actions—Use these shortcuts within Conversations.

    Note: Some of these shortcuts work regardless of the current focus, for example, "t," "b," "o," "u." Some of them operate differently depending on the current focus, for example, in a Conversation "m" and "v" mark all messages as read and mark/unmark the Conversation as a favorite; on a message, "m" and "v" mark the message as read and mark/unmark it as a favorite.

  • Message Actions—Use these shortcuts with the message that currently has focus.

  • Post and Reply Entry Actions—Use these shortcuts within the post and reply entry areas.

    You can add one or more hashtags to any message (comments, replies, and document messages) simply by typing "#" before a term. When you start typing a hashtag by typing "#" plus at least one letter, existing hashtags (ones that have been used before) appear for you to select from. Use the up and down arrows to select an existing hashtag, then press Enter or Tab to use the selected hashtag. For more information, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?