Working with Documents

This section describes how to work with documents from your desktop:

How do I view a document?

From wherever you see the document (for example, in the Overview panel, in a list of messages, on the Documents tab for an item), you can open the document in one of the following ways:

  • Click the document image to open the document in the web version of Oracle Social Network.

  • Under the document, click Open; or right-click the document, then select Open Document to open the document in it's native application.

    Note: If Oracle Social Network can't find an application associated with the file type, you are prompted to select an application (for Windows) or you are taken to the file in Finder (for Mac).

How do I create or delete a folder?

To create a folder:

  1. Open the item that you want to add the folder to or remove the folder from. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Click Create Folder button.
  4. Enter a name and click Create.

Note: When you open a folder, a breadcrumb appears at the top of the Documents tab to show you where you are in the folder structure. To return to a parent folder, click the folder name in the breadcrumb.

Example 15-1 To delete a folder:

You can delete folders you created (so long as it doesn't include anyone else's documents or folders) or folders on your profile wall.

Note: If you are a service administrator, you can delete any folder.

To delete a folder, right-click the folder, then click Delete.

Example 15-2 To restore a deleted folder:

To restore a deleted folder and its contents, on the Messages tab, locate the deleted message icon (Deleted Message icon) where the folder message used to be, click Deleted Message icon, then confirm that you want to restore the folder.

Note: Only a service administrator, the person who created the folder, or the person who deleted the folder can restore the deleted folder.

How do I add documents?

You can upload files from your local file systems.

Note: If you add a document with the same name as one that was previously added, a new version is created.

  1. Open the item that you want to add the document to. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. On the Messages tab, click Upload Document button under the text box.

    Alternatively, on the Documents tab, navigate to the folder where you want to add documents, then click Upload Document button at the top of the tab.

  3. Select one or more documents, then click OK.
  4. To prevent people from downloading or copying the file select Disable download and copy.
  5. Optionally, enter a message to accompany the file.


    • If you selected multiple files, click Expand icon to the left of a file to open a message entry area.

    • When you type a hashtag (#) and at least one letter, you see suggestions of hashtags that other people have used. For more information on hashtags, see What are hashtags (#) and how do I use them?

When you click Post, you see the progress of the upload.

How do I delete a document?

You can delete documents you posted or documents on your profile wall.


  • If you are a service administrator, you can delete any document.

  • Deleting a document or document version deletes it for all members of the Conversation or wall. There's no undelete, so be sure about deleting the file before you act.

To delete a document and all its versions:

  1. Open the item that includes the document you want to delete. For more information see How do I open an item?

  2. Click the Documents tab.

  3. Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then click Delete.

To delete a specific version of a document:

  1. Navigate to the message associated with the document version you want to delete.

    You can browse for the message or you can get to the document version message from the Documents tab. To get to the document version message from the Documents tab:

    1. Click the version number link next to the document name, or right-click the document, then select Show All Versions.

    2. Right-click the version you want to delete, then click Go to Comment.

  2. Right-click the document version message, then click Delete.

To restore a document:

To restore a deleted document, on the Messages tab, locate the deleted message icon (Deleted Message icon) where the document message used to be, click Deleted Message icon, then confirm that you want to restore the document.

Note: Only a service administrator, the person who posted the document, or the person who deleted the document can restore the deleted document.

How do I copy documents or folders to another item?

  1. Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to copy. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Select one or more documents and folders.
  4. Right-click your selection, select Copy, then select whether to copy the selected documents and folders to a new Conversation or an existing Conversation.
  5. If you selected Copy to New Conversation, enter the information for the new Conversation. If you selected Copy to Existing Conversation, select the Conversation you want to copy the documents and folders to.

How do I move documents or folders to another folder?

  1. Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to move. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Select one or more documents and folders.
  4. Right-click your selection, then select Move. In the dialog, select the folder you want to move the documents and folders to, or click New Folder to create a new folder.

    Alternatively, to move documents and folders to a subfolder, drag them to the new folder.

How do I download documents or folders?

  1. Open the item that includes the documents or folders you want to download. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Select one or more documents and folders, right-click your selection, then select Download.

    Note: If you select a folder or more than one document, the selected items are downloaded as a .zip file.

    Alternatively, to download a single file, click Download under the file.

A progress window opens showing the download progress. After the download is done, you can double-click the document to open it, or right-click it and select to open the containing folder or remove it from the progress window list.

Alternatively, while viewing messages, right-click a document, then select Download Document, or click More icon More and select Download Document.

Note: You can get back to the progress window after you've closed it by clicking Oracle Social Network icon in the system tray for Microsoft Windows, or by clicking the Action Menu for Mac, then clicking File Transfer Progress.

How do I view other versions of a document?

When a document has more than one version, it displays a link in brackets ([x versions]) that indicates the number of versions.

  1. Open the item that includes the document you want to view. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Click the version number link, or right-click the document, then select Show All Versions.
  4. Click the version to open it, or right-click it for additional options.

To hide the versions, click the version number link again; or right-click the document, then select Show Latest Version.

How do I see who has accessed a document?

You can look at a document's access history to see who has viewed or performed other actions on the document.

  1. Open the item that includes the document for which you want to see the access history. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then select Access History.

    The Access History dialog you see who viewed, copied, or added new versions of the document along with the date and time they did so.

  4. To filter the list by a type of activity, click All Activity and select an activity type.

How do I navigate from a document to its location in the Conversation or wall?

You can get from a document in the Documents tab to the place in the Conversation or wall where the document was posted.

  1. Open the Conversation or wall. For more information see How do I open an item?
  2. Click the Documents tab.
  3. Click More under the document, or right-click the document, then select Go to Comment.

How do I view an annotation on a document?

When you see a message stating that someone has added an annotation to a document, click the name of the document to navigate to the annotation. The document opens in the web version of Oracle Social Network and displays the annotation.

Alternatively, right-click the document, then select View Annotation, or click More icon More and select View Annotation.