Working with People and Groups in the Add-In for Outlook

This section describes how to work with people and grounds in the add-in for Outlook:

What is the People and Groups panel?

The People and Groups panel gives you quick access to your entire social network. Your network includes your contacts, the people you follow, the people who follow you, and the groups you are a member of.

To open the People and Groups panel, click People and Groups icon in the navigation bar.

The People and Groups panel has five tabs:

  • Contacts (Contacts tab)—People you selected as contacts

  • Groups (Groups tab)—The groups you belong to

  • People You Follow (People You Follow tab)—People you have selected to follow

  • Your Followers (Your Followers tab)—People who have selected to follow you

What are "outside users"?

Outside users are people who don't work for your company, but who collaborate with you and your co-workers in Oracle Social Network. They are members of Oracle Social Network with limited privileges. For example, outside users can be contacts but they can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network. They can participate in Conversations only when they are added by you or some other member of the Conversation.

Note: One outside user can't add another to a Conversation.

Wherever an outside user is a member of a Conversation, a banner appears at the top of the page to alert you. All outside users have the same avatar (Outside user avatar) and their names are in purple text so you can easily tell who they are.

When you open an outside user's wall, you'll notice that you can't post to it. However, you can still view profile information (if the user has added any).

Since outside users do not have walls they can post to, you won't see Follow or Following buttons on their profile page. Instead, you'll see Add as Contact or Remove from Contacts options.

What are "unregistered users"?

Unregistered users are people who are in your company's directory but are not yet members of Oracle Social Network. When you add people to a Conversation or wall, the word unregistered appears next the names of the unregistered in the Manage Members dialog. When you try to add an unregistered user, a warning alerts you to their unregistered status.

When you add an unregistered person to a Conversation, they receive an email with a link to set up their account.

How do I navigate to a person's profile?

Wherever you see a person's picture or name, you can click it to go to the person's profile.

Alternatively, you can right-click a person and select Go To <name>'s Wall. You can also open a contact in Outlook, and click Go to Wall in the ribbon.

How can I view my list of contacts?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Click the Contacts tab (Contacts tab).
  3. Optionally, arrange your list of contacts. Click Options menu icon, then select your options:
    • Select or clear Show Offline Contacts to either show (select) or hide (clear) your contacts who are currently offline.

    • Select Arrange By then either Name, to arrange your list of contacts by a contact's first name, or Presence Status, to arrange the list by the person's online status: active, away, and offline.

    • Select Sort and choose from either Ascending (from 0 to 9 and A to Z or active to offline) or Descending (from Z to A and 9 to 0 or offline to active).

How do I add new contacts?

You can add a new contact on the Contacts tab of the People and Groups panel or by following them (see How do I follow people and add them as contacts?).

Note: You can add an outside user as a contact, but outside users can't add you. Outside users can't have contacts in Oracle Social Network.

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Click the Contacts tab (Contacts tab).
  3. On the Contacts banner, click Add Members icon to open the Select Members dialog.
  4. Add users in any of the following ways:
    • To search for a particular person, enter a name in the Search field, then select from the results.

    • If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you can invite people from your Outlook address book.

      To add a contact from your Outlook address book, click Outlook Contacts, then double-click the person you want to add.

      Note: Only contacts that include email addresses appear on the Outlook Contacts tab.

      Confirm that you want to invite the person. When you click OK, an email is sent to the contact inviting them to join Oracle Social Network.

      Note: You can also invite someone from the Outlook ribbon while viewing the contact's card. See How do I invite my contacts from my Outlook address book to join Oracle Social Network?

  5. Click OK to add the people you selected as your contacts.

How do I invite my contacts from my Outlook address book to join Oracle Social Network?

If your administrator has configured the system to allow you to invite users, you can invite people from your Outlook address book. Inviting users to join Oracle Social Network makes it easier to collaborate with them.

  1. From your Outlook address book, open the contact you want to add to Oracle Social Network.

    Note: The contact must include an email address.

  2. In the Outlook ribbon, click Invite from the Oracle Social Network actions.

    An email is sent to the contact inviting them to join Oracle Social Network.

Note: If the contact is already an Oracle Social Network user, you see Go to Wall in the Outlook ribbon.

Alternatively, you can invite multiple Outlook contacts from the Contacts tab of the People and Groups panel. See How do I add new contacts?

How do I remove a contact?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Click the Contacts tab (Contacts tab).
  3. Right-click the person, and select Remove from Contacts.
  4. If you're also following the person, specify whether to also stop following them.
    • Click Yes to also stop following the person.

    • Click No to remove the person as a contact but continue to follow them.

How do I follow people and add them as contacts?

Following someone:

  • Adds them to your list of contacts

  • Lets you post messages to their wall

  • Includes information about their wall activity on the Overview panel.

  • Includes information about the activity on their walls in your daily email digest.

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Select the Your Followers tab (Your Followers tab) to view a list of people you are not already following.
  3. Then either:
    • Click Follow icon next to the person; or

    • Right-click the person, and select Follow <name>.

How can I view a list of the people I follow?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Click the People You Follow tab (People You Follow tab).

How can I view a list of the people who follow me?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon.
  2. Click the Your Followers tab (Your Followers tab).

What are groups?

Groups provide a way to organize a set of people into one entity: the group. All members of a group can be added to a Conversation, collection, or Social Object in one operation.

Every group has its own wall where group members can post content of interest to the group (for more information, see How do I create a group? and How do I navigate to a group's wall?).

Just as each person has a profile in Oracle Social Network, a group has a profile with its own unique set of details: its name and description and a group image or avatar. Any member of the group can revise a group's profile details and image.

How do I view a group's details?

On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.

Double-click a group to see its details, like its wall, its members, the Conversations and walls it belongs to, and so on. The area at the top of a group has tabs you can use to navigate to these views:

  • Posts—View everything posted to the group's wall.

    Posts tab
  • Documents—View the documents posted to the group's wall.

    Documents tab
  • Members—View all members of the group.

    Members tab
  • Member Of—View a list of the Conversations and walls this group is a member of.

    Member Of tab
  • Belongs To—View a list of the other groups that this group is a member of.

    Related Items tab
  • Referring Items—View a list of the items that link to this group.

    Referring Items tab

How do I navigate to a group's wall?

Whenever a group is created, it is automatically given its own wall. Here group members can post information of particular interest to the group.

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.
  3. Post content to the group's wall as you would to any Conversation or wall.

How can I view a group's membership?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group to open its wall.
  3. In the tab bar above the wall, click the Members tab to see who's in the group.
    Members tab

How do I create a group?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. On the Groups banner, click Create New Group icon.
  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the group, and click OK.

How do I add people to a group?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group to open its wall.
  3. Click the Members tab.
    Members tab
  4. On the Members banner, click Add Member icon.
  5. Select a source of potential members.
    • Click Groups & Contacts to select from your contacts and other groups.

      In this dialog, you can expand a group and pick individual members.

    • Click Search to enter search terms; click the Search icon to show all results.

  6. Double-click a person or a group to add them to the Select list.
  7. Click OK to add your selections to the group membership.

How do I revise a group's membership?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group to open its wall.
  3. Click the Members tab.
    Members tab
  4. Revise the group:
    • To add members, start with step 5 in How do I add people to a group?

    • To remove members, right-click a person or group, and select Remove from Membership.

How do I hide membership messages on a group wall?

When a user is added to or removed from an item a membership message is posted to the item (for example, This wall is now accessible to: Jane Doe). If you'd prefer not to show those messages, you can hide them. See How do I hide membership messages?

How do I rename a group or revise its description?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.
  3. Click Options menu icon, and select Edit Profile.
  4. In the Group Profile dialog, revise the group's name and description.

How do I add or change a group's profile picture?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group, or right-click a group and select Go To <name>'s Wall.
  3. Click Options menu icon, and select Edit Profile.
  4. In the Group Profile dialog, click Change.
  5. Navigate to and select a group profile picture.

How do I deactivate a group?

When you deactivate a group, the group keeps its memberships in Conversations and walls, but it can't be added to additional Conversations and walls. Deactivating a group also prevents further additions to the group's wall. When deactivated, a group's icon and name are grayed out (the group name is grayed out on membership lists and on the Groups tab).

Note: You can reactivate a deactivated group at any time. For more information, see Is there a way to reactivate a deactivated group?

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. Double-click a group to open its wall.
  3. In the groups banner, click Options menu icon, then select Deactivate.
  4. In the confirmation dialog, click Yes.

Is there a way to reactivate a deactivated group?

Enabling a deactivated group makes the group available for adding to Conversation and other types of membership lists.

  1. On the navigation bar, click People and Groups icon, then click Groups tab icon.
  2. In the groups banner, click Options menu icon, then select Deactivated to show all deactivated groups.
  3. Double-click the deactivated group to open its wall.
  4. Click Options menu icon, then select Activate.