Filtering Messages - Classic

    Filtering lets you pinpoint specific messages and easily navigate through all of your messages that you are managing within your selected bundle. The Filters section on the left shows your options. You can select one or more filters to view precisely the messages you want. Let's go through all the filter options you have.

    Important Note: This documentation describes the Engage User Interface in its classic form. For equivalent documentation describing the Engage User Interface in its new form, refer to Filtering Messages.

    In this article:


    The first section of filters are folders. There are four folders in this section. They are, Inbox, Archived, Hidden, and Deleted.

    NOTE: You can only view messages from one folder at a time.


    Your Inbox contains all your messages, read and unread. This is the first place you'll land, before you select any filters on your messages.

    Your Inbox has a subfolder called Unread, which shows only new messages, so you can quickly find and deal with these messages.


    The Archived folder contains messages you have chosen to archive, so they no longer appear in your Inbox. If you need to unarchive a message, simply open it from the Archived folder and select Unarchive from the drop-down menu.

    Hidden (Facebook Only)

    When you hide a message or comment, it is hidden on Facebook and your Engage message inbox. You can find those messages in this folder.

    If you use Unpublished posts to create ads on Facebook, you know that these messages don’t normally appear in Engage, since they aren’t published to your regular Newsfeed and Timeline.

    However, if you want to be able to interact with these posts, since users can like and comment on your ads created from these posts, you can request to add Unpublished posts to Engage. They will appear in your Hidden folder.

    NOTE: Adding Unpublished Posts has to be enabled for your account, so have an admin check the appropriate box in the Account section of Workflow & Automation. For more information on enabling unpublished posts, click here.


    When you delete a message, it is deleted from Facebook and your message inbox. You can find those messages in this folder.

    You can reorder your filters by dragging and dropping them into a new position. Your reorder will be saved so the next time you log in to Engage, they will still be in the order you placed them.


    Channels are the social properties you have added through Workflow & Automation and Listen topics you added to Engage from Listen. You can filter to only see messages from a specific channel by clicking on that channel from the list - it will be highlighted to show that you have selected it. You can select multiple channels to display at once. To remove a channel, just click on it again and the highlight will be removed.

    Filtering by an authorized Facebook channel lets you view public (timeline) messages, private messages (the envelope button), or all messages for the channel.

    Filtering by an authorized Twitter channel lets you view public messages - tweets or @mentions (the @ symbol), private (direct) messages (the envelope button), or all messages for channel.

    Channel Type

    Channel Types are the social networks and other web sources your messages are coming in from. This includes your owned Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn accounts, as well as Listen sources, including Google+, YouTube, RSS feeds, News sites, consumer reviews, and message forums.

    NOTE: You can filter by multiple channel types at a time.


    Message labeling allows you to categorize your messages into groups and later filter your message list using the labels. This enables users to easily access the content that is most important to them. Labels can be added to messages both manually and automatically, depending on how your account is setup. For more information on labeling messages, see the Labels section in Message Actions.

    The list of labels available for your use includes all the labels that exist on a message to which you have access. To filter on a specific label, click on it in the filter list. The message list will update to include only messages that include that label. You can also filter on more than one label by clicking on additional labels in the filter list. This will update your message list to include only messages that have all of the selected labels.

    The number that you see next to the label represents the number of times that label appears on messages in the account. The count will not update dynamically as you change other filters, and is an account-wide count.


    Message labeling allows you to categorize your messages into groups and later filter your message list using the labels. This enables users to easily access the content that is most important to them. Labels can be added to messages both manually and automatically, depending on how your account is setup. For more information on labeling messages, see the Labels section in Message Actions.

    Date Range

    Select a start and end date to see only messages received during that time period.

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