Taking Actions on Messages

    One of the main things you'll want to do in Engage is take actions on your messages. This module describes what you can see and do with messages in Engage.

    Important Note: This documentation describes the Engage User Interface in its new form. For equivalent documentation describing the Engage User Interface in its classic form, refer to Taking Actions on Messages - Classic.

    In this article:

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    Using the Actions Menu

    Click on the message on which you want to take action. When the message opens, you will see several icons across the bottom of the message. The More Actions menu on the bottom right corner contains the majority of the actions you can perform. Click on the More Actions drop-down menu and a subset of the following actions will appear:

    Note: The actions you'll see in the drop-down list will change depending on the channel and channel type in which the message message appears.

    Add Attributes

    Select this action to to add attributes to a message that you are sending. The attributes can be sent to Siebel and Oracle Service Cloud. Attributes cannot be sent to CRM on Demand.


    Select this action to move a message to the archive folder.

    Note: This can be done only from the Actions Menu in the original message.

    The message is removed from the Inbox column. If a new message is found on an archived message, for example if a Facebook thread you've archived gets a new comment, the archived message will be moved back into the Inbox column.


    Select this action to assign a post to another member of the account or to a team. Available assignees are anyone with access to the selected bundle. You can include a message to specify why the message is assigned to that person or team. The assignee receives an email notification with the message and a link to the message.

    Optionally, the assignee can attach a note back to the assigner when marking the message as complete. Only the assignee or a member of the assigned team can mark the message as complete.

    Once completed, the assigner receives an email notification with the message and a link to the message. Anyone can reassign the message to another assignee.

    Block and Delete

    Select this action to delete a message, and block the user account that sent it. Blocking the user will also delete all other posts by this user, but will not delete private messages.

    Note: This action is available only for Facebook. Only administrators of the Facebook page can remove the block.

    Copy Message Link

    Select this action to copy the SRM message link to your clipboard.


    Select this action to delete a post or comment. This will delete the post or comment from both Engage and the social network, if it is one of your owned channels. If a post has comments on it and the original post is deleted, then comments are deleted automatically.

    Deleted comments are shown with trash can icon and Deleted next to the comment timestamp.


    • Because of API limitations, you cannot delete messages from LinkedIn. To remove LinkedIn messages, you'll need to do it on the LinkedIn website.
    • Messages that come in from Listen cannot be deleted. However, if no action is taken on the message, a Listen message will automatically be removed from the system after seven days.


    Select this action to export data from a specific channel. You will be required to select a valid date range, up to a maximum of 31 days. An email containing the exported data is sent to the requesting user.


    Select this action to follow or unfollow the Twitter user who posted the tweet.

    Note: This action is available only for Twitter.


    Select this action to hide comments from a post. Hidden messages are moved to the Hidden folder and are not shown on the Facebook page.

    Hidden comments are shown with ghost icon and Hidden next to the comment timestamp. You can unhide hidden messages and comments by clicking Unhide from the More Actions menu.

    Note: This action is available only for Facebook.

    Mark as Read

    Select this action to to change the entire thread to read. Also, you can select this action in an individual comment to change a specific comment to read. Note: You can mark all messages from a specific channel as read by filtering to one channel and selecting Mark as Read.

    Mark as Unread

    Select this action to to change the entire thread to unread. Also, you can select this action in an individual comment to change a specific comment to unread. Note: You can mark all messages from a specific channel as unread by filtering to one channel and selecting Mark as Unread.

    Quote Tweet

    Select this action to publish a tweet from your Twitter account that references an original published tweet. When you select this option, the original text of the tweet will be auto-populated in the Original Tweet field. In addition, you can enter more text, up to a maximum of 140 characters, in the Message field.

    The Quote Tweet button is disabled if you go above 140 characters, so you know immediately to edit your comments.

    Note: This action is available only for Twitter.


    Select this action to repost a message.

    Note: This action is available only for Sina Weibo.

    Repost with Comment

    Select this action to repost a message with a comment.

    Note: This action is available only for Sina Weibo.


    Select this action to retweet a message. When prompted, select the Twitter account from which you want to post.

    Note: This action is available only for Twitter.

    Send Direct Message

    Select this option to send a direct message to another Twitter user.

    NOTE: This option will only display if the message author is following your Twitter account.

    If the author of the tweet follows multiple accounts for your brand, you'll have the option to send the message from any of those accounts that are active in Engage.

    Send to CRM On Demand

    Select this action to send a message to your CRM On Demand account as a service request. This action item will appear only if you have entered your CRM On Demand account information.

    After the message has been sent, you'll see a new activity in the Internal Activity for this transaction. You can mark the message as solved in CRM On Demand by selecting the checkbox and optionally adding a comment (Internal Activity will also be added for this action). A notification email will be sent to the original submitter if the CRM On Demand incident is closed by another user.

    The message will also automatically be labeled as CRM on Demand.

    NOTE: This is not available for LinkedIn messages.

    Send to Oracle Service Cloud

    Select this action to send a message to your Oracle Service Cloud account as a service request. This action item will appear only if you have entered your Oracle Service Cloud account information. When prompted, confirm your request to send the message. After the message has been sent, you see a new activity in the Internal Activity for this transaction. After the message has been marked as solved in Oracle Service Cloud, you see another new activity listed. You also receive a notification email.

    The message will also automatically be labeled as Oracle Service Cloud.

    Note: This is not available for LinkedIn messages.

    For messages that you are sending to Oracle Service Cloud or Siebel, you have the option to add attributes to the message. You can add info to help give as much info on the customer as needed. You can enter info for: Product, Customer ID, Customer Email, Order ID, Region, Notes, and/or Upsell.

    Send to Siebel

    Select this action to send a message to your Siebel account as a service request. This action item will appear only if you have entered your Siebel account information. When prompted, confirm your request to send the message.

    After the message has been sent, you'll see a new activity in the Internal Activity for this transaction. You can mark the message as solved in Siebel by selecting the check box and optionally adding a comment (Internal Activity will also be added for this action). A notification email will be sent to the original submitter when the Siebel incident is closed by another user.

    The message will also automatically be labeled as Siebel.

    NOTE: This is not available for LinkedIn messages.

    Using Action Icons

    While the Actions Menu contains a contextual list of what you can do with a message, the Action Icons provide you with a one click action to the most common tasks. Once you have opened a message, the Action Icons appear in the center, directly below the message. The Action Icons you see, will depend on the message you are viewing. The following, is a list of the possible Action Iconsyou can see:

    • Assign. The graphic for this icon is either a lock or a person, depending on your account settings. For more information, see Assigning Messages.
    • Comment. This graphic for this icon is a leftward pointing arrow. For more information, see Commenting on Messages.
    • Like. The graphic for this icon is a thumbs up. For more information, see Liking Posts.
    • Label. The graphic for this icon is a label. For more information, see Labeling Messages

    Assigning Messages

    • If your account has message locking enabled, and you click the lock icon, then the message be assigned to you.

      Click the Assign action icon to assign a post to yourself.

      You can remove yourself as the assignee, by clicking the Assign action icon again.

      Note: Only administrators can unlock other users' messages.

    • If your account has message locking disabled, then you'll see the person icon.

      Click the Assign action icon to assign a post to another user.

    Commenting on Messages

    Click the Comment action icon to comment on a message. You can then enter your comment in the Message text box. Click the Comment button to post the comment.

    Note: You can comment only on channels that you own, with the exception of Twitter, because the comment is considered a new tweet.

    Liking Posts

    Click the Like action icon to like a message.


    • This action icon is available only for Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Weibo.
    • You can like messages only on channels that you own, with the exception of Twitter, because because any tweet that comes in from Listen can be liked.

    Labeling Messages

    You can add labels to messages or comments. Message labeling allows you to categorize your messages into groups and later filter your message list using the labels. This enables users to easily access the content that is most important to them. Labels can be added to messages both manually and automatically, depending on how your account is setup.

    To manually add labels to a specific message:

    1. Click Label action icon.
    2. Type the label(s) in the Labels text box.
    3. Click Confirm.

    To automatically add labels, you can setup an auto-label rule. This means that anytime specific words are used, a message is automatically assigned a specific label. For more information, see The Automation Tab.

    If Listen is included in the plan that you’ve purchased, you’ll also see messages auto-labeled with indicators (both standard and custom) and sentiment. For Listen topic channels that you have routed to Engage this happens automatically and, at this time, cannot be modified or turned off. You also have the option of having your owned messages (messages from channels that you have authorized in Workflow & Automation) auto-labeled with indicators and sentiment. This functionality is not on by default for owned messages. If you'd like this enabled on your account, please submit a service request.

    Note: Owned messages are always displayed in Engage as soon as possible. Consequently, there is a chance that you will temporarily see new messages without sentiment and indicator labels. As soon as the message has been processed, you’ll see indicator and sentiment (positive, neutral, negative, or no sentiment) labels added to the message.

    For information about bulk adding and removing labels, see Bulk Actions.

    Bulk Actions

    Engage allows you to take actions on multiple messages in a single column with a few clicks. For example, you might want to add labels to several messages at once. You can do this using the Bulk Actions feature.

    To perform bulk actions on messages:

    1. From the column in which you want to perform the updates, click the Options Menu, then select Bulk Actions.
    2. Select the check boxes next to each message you want to update.

      Note: To select all of the messages, click the Select All option.

    3. From the Bulk Actions drop-down list, select the action you want to apply to the select messages.
    4. Click the Apply button.

    Actions for Facebook Channels

    You will see different actions if you are or are not the admin of a Facebook Page you've added as a channel in Engage. Let's go over the difference of what you'll see.

    Facebook Page - Admin

    If you are the admin of the Facebook Page you have added as a channel, you will see the following actions available on the message:

    • Add Label
    • Assign
    • Archive
    • Block and Delete
    • View Post
    • Like
    • Mark as Unread
    • Reply
    • Hide
    • Delete
    • Send to Oracle Service Cloud
    • Send to Siebel
    • Send to CRM On Demand
    • Like

    Actions for Twitter Channels

    The actions you can take on Twitter messages are:

    • Assign
    • Archive
    • View Post
    • Like
    • Mark as Unread
    • Quote Tweet
    • Reply
    • Retweet
    • Send Direct Message
    • Send to Oracle Service Cloud
    • Send to Siebel
    • Send to CRM On Demand

    Actions for LinkedIn Channels

    The actions you can take on LinkedIn messages are:

    • Assign
    • Archive
    • Like
    • Mark as Unread
    • Reply

    Actions for Instagram Accounts

    The actions you can take on Instagram messages are:

    • Assign
    • Archive
    • View Post
    • Like
    • Reply
    • Send to Oracle Service Cloud
    • Send to Siebel
    • Send to CRM On Demand

    Actions for Weibo Pages

    The actions you can take on Weibo messages are:

    • Assign
    • Archive
    • View Post
    • Like
    • Mark as Unread
    • Reply
    • Repost
    • Repost with Comment
    • Delete
    • Send to Oracle Service Cloud
    • Send to Siebel
    • Send to CRM On Demand

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